If this phone does have NFC as has been rumoured, could the black non-metal parts of the rear panel be to allow it better reception?
If this phone does have NFC as has been rumoured, could the black non-metal parts of the rear panel be to allow it better reception?
Connector change (although in all honesty - long overdue, it was giant thing) is the biggest problem of this release. After so many of us accumulated car cradles, hifi systems, car docks, desktop chargers, alarm clock docks for all our Apple devices over the years, this simple change can actually break the order of things and fate of the iphone.
Recently it has taken 11-14 days to just get a new update approved. With a new aspect ratio this time will increase as most developers will update their apps for the new device.
Which could mean that the only apps that are designed for this new form factor when it's released will be the Apple apps.
Edit: unless its the same resolution, but that might compromise on the look of the 'retina' display
it would be nice to think that the so called iphone 5 I so dearly love..........All the usual sources say that it will come with an adapter.
Guess they will either just be stretched or pillar boxed, or an option to toggle between.
now is my dilema.... wait for iphone 5 or get s3 now
now is my dilema.... wait for iphone 5 or get s3 now
explain? no mock ups released show a radical redesign?
From the mockups I've seen on iFixIt the only difference is a bigger screen.
However based on Apple's previous updates, I predict:
a better megapixel camera
a larger screen
that is all.
and yes, it will sell in the millions because its an Apple product with 1 or 2 minor changes
See iPad 2 and 3 for more information
New one looks worse than the outgoing model imo: