Iphone OS 3.0...

1st: Amazing.

2nd: Where the hell have all these people come from? To post in these here forums you HAVE to have an iPhone AND a Mac Computer or you fail badly, go away.

3rd: Tethering? He only mentioned linking Phones yes for games and such? No Phone-Computer right?

4th: Good Night.
1st: Amazing.

2nd: Where the hell have all these people come from? To post in these here forums you HAVE to have an iPhone AND a Mac Computer or you fail badly, go away.

3rd: Tethering? He only mentioned linking Phones yes for games and such? No Phone-Computer right?

4th: Good Night.
1st - Hells yea!

2nd - Douchebag. :p

3rd -
Gizmodo.com said:
3G Tethering. - This feature will allow you to connect your iPhone 3G to a laptop, to use it as a modem to access the internet. Carriers still have to sign-off on it, and probably charge more for it. None have announced it yet.
Gizmodo.com - iPhone 3.0 OS Guide

4th - Night...
Sounds like a great update which finaly brings the iphone on par with most other smart phones.

The only thing I still wish they had was forwarding of sms messages because my dad always sends me jokes and I like to forward them to freinds but at the moment It means that I have to write it from scratch. Oh well copy and paste is a start.

Oh and about this charging for the update for the ipod touch how is this diffrent from when you buy a blu-ray player or such and then they bring out a firmwhere where it adds dts Hd and live functions ect???
Sounds like a great update which finaly brings the iphone on par with most other smart phones.

The only thing I still wish they had was forwarding of sms messages because my dad always sends me jokes and I like to forward them to freinds but at the moment It means that I have to write it from scratch. Oh well copy and paste is a start.

Oh and about this charging for the update for the ipod touch how is this diffrent from when you buy a blu-ray player or such and then they bring out a firmwhere where it adds dts Hd and live functions ect???

They have added SMS forwarding
Those interested in turn by turn GPS now might want to check out xgps at http://xgpsdev.xwaves.net

They've been working on it for months with no chance of getting it on the App store. Hopefully todays announement will change the situation now.
What are trolls going to complain about now that the iPhone has MMS? :p

Read, digest.

Bottom line is that legally they have to charge as it introduces new features. It's all down to US accounting laws. That link was from a previous update but this new one is handled exactly the same.

It's completely retarded though. The Apple TV got a free update because it had the potential for future income (music + movie downloads). And yet, the iPod touch has more future income potential (music + movie + app downloads). Even if there was some obscure reason, why price it at $9.95? Why not $0.99?

Apple have messed up.

Is it gonna annoy you more that you cant run a background app or get stranded out in the middle of nowhere needing to call for help but you cant because a background app drained it.

This is nonsense. *nix operating systems contain plenty of measures to stop background processes eating up CPU cycles. I have about 5 background apps running on my E71 at any one time and it doesn't significantly affect battery life.

At the very least, the iPhone could close background process at 20% remaining battery.
Pretty underwhelming update really - features the phone really should've come with to begin with. As it's free though it's not the end of the World, but it is kinda funny to see people talking about SMS forwarding, copy-and-paste functionality, etc like they've just invented the wheel.

"Stereo bluetooth" omgz! I assume it still won't do file transfer over Bluetooth then. :(

The "no MMS on v1" thing is a total cop-out too, as is anyone who states the reason for it not being on it is because "maybe Apple thought people needed 3G for MMS". Hello? Every phone pre-iPhone I've ever had has had MMS and only one of them had 3G - which, incidentally, I didn't use. Very disappointing.

Still, roll out v3 iPhone in the summer.
"Stereo bluetooth" omgz! I assume it still won't do file transfer over Bluetooth then. :(

From reading through macrumours Apple have now opened up bluetooth and the dock connector for hardware and/or a developers own protocols for them. So assuming Apple don't block the app there is nothing to stop an app that will allow you to transfer files over bluetooth no doubt if allowed it will only be into its own memory space and Apples files will be locked down.

Also means someone can offer a hi-res camera with flash for the dock connector.

Really all these new features should have been on the V1 iphone from the start and most have been available via jailbraking however it is good that they are finally sorting out all the little shortcomings.
The "no MMS on v1" thing is a total cop-out too, as is anyone who states the reason for it not being on it is because "maybe Apple thought people needed 3G for MMS". Hello? Every phone pre-iPhone I've ever had has had MMS and only one of them had 3G - which, incidentally, I didn't use. Very disappointing.

It is a cop out, since you can get MMS on V1 iPhone via jailbreak, hell, you can get it via an App in the App store !
Let's not forget Apple only entered the phone market in June 2007.

Sure, there are features that should have been in 1.0 but that's life.

It's also typical Apple.. release now, hold back feature A then release update to product spouting feature A as the muts nuts.

They've done a lot to help developers really create some good apps, so I applaud them for that. I'll have to play around with the SDK some more, but new APIs is always a good thing..

However, I knew that there would be whining as soon as 3.0 was demo'd. Last week it was "No MMS, my Nokia from 1997 had that!", this week it's all about the jailbreak crowd getting in a huff because Apple have finally offered something that they had months ago.
As a non-Apple/iPhone owner this update has pretty much made me decide to get an iPhone, so Apple have got it right and I foresee a lot more people picking it not only for how it does things but now it does things theyve assumed a mobile can do for a very long time.

Im afraid not having certain basic functions can be a make-or-break decision for many phone users even if its debatable its useful to the user in the first place...

Now I need to find out when the next iPhone is out and if its going to be superior to the current model or not. I dont see Apple being forthcoming if they know it might prevent people buying the existing model. How long ago was the 3G offically confirmed before it launched in July?

ps3ud0 :cool:
As a non-Apple/iPhone owner this update has pretty much made me decide to get an iPhone, so Apple have got it right and I foresee a lot more people picking it not only for how it does things but now it does things theyve assumed a mobile can do for a very long time.

Im afraid not having certain basic functions can be a make-or-break decision for many phone users even if its debatable its useful to the user in the first place...

Now I need to find out when the next iPhone is out and if its going to be superior to the current model or not. I dont see Apple being forthcoming if they know it might prevent people buying the existing model. How long ago was the 3G offically confirmed before it launched in July?

ps3ud0 :cool:

It will never be officially confirmed until it's out. Apple doesn't believe in product roadmaps ;)

They may hold an event and say "Shipping end of June" in which case, you'll hear about the event up to 2 or 3 weeks before (as with this 3.0 OS event)
Let's not forget Apple only entered the phone market in June 2007.
All the more reason to take note of what features people actually need & use (no copy & paste on release day? I mean c'mon). If they were pioneers of a completely new technology then I could forgive them for not realising how important certain things were, but to know about the market and choose not to implement things purely for commercial or "we know what you want better than you do" reasons is pure arrogance, and very grating.

However, I knew that there would be whining as soon as 3.0 was demo'd. Last week it was "No MMS, my Nokia from 1997 had that!", this week it's all about the jailbreak crowd getting in a huff because Apple have finally offered something that they had months ago.
I've not seen that personally, I can't really see how people can earnestly moan about an update that both adds new functionality and is free. Frankly any update that makes jailbreaking less relevant is "a good thing" in my book.

As someone who has had experience of Nokias & other more fully-featured phones in the past, and someone who hasn't got rose-tinted specs on when it comes to critically & objectively evaluating Apple and its products (not suggesting you are EVH, talking Apple fanboys & apologists in general) - my feeling is pretty much everything that is being touted in 3.0 should've been in the phone to begin with.

I don't really see how people can criticise those that are "whining" about features that have no obvious reason for being absent other than for purely commercial reasons. I don't buy that it's taken Apple this long to provide the list of features in 3.0 because "that's how long it took" - I believe it was a strategic decision to withhold it til this date. Again as a consumer who isn't prepared to give Apple infinite latitude just because "they're cool" - that grates.

Good that Bluetooth will have send/receive - that's a very positive step.
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