
22 Apr 2009
I know how you feel, I had an entirely clean race running in 4th with two laps to go when I got Shunted into the wall.

In my oval race last night, was running in 6th for ages, quicker than the person in 5th but didn't want to risk an overtake as I had seen the 5th place car cause a few accidents already, just stayed behind and waited for the inevitable accident he caused when the leaders were coming around to lap us, then managed to take 5th and hold onto to the end.

Having a clean race in Oval is seriously difficult so i was over the moon.
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22 Apr 2009
Ahhh why not. I'm going to go for it. Kind of an awkward deal given it's pay monthly but I won't be taking my rig to university so I'll be away for half the year but I really feel like trying this out already (still on race07 as my main sim).

Is there anyone I should add in the game who can talk me through getting started etc.?

Add me if you want, new myself but know my way around the sytem now. I racing name is Paul Sheard.
31 Jan 2009
Did a quick 2 races last night in the mx-5. The second race I was in for a 3rd and my first podium, but I started to make some silly mistakes (braking later than I should off) and the guys behind me started to catch up. When he did catch up, coming out of the second from last corner he was on me, and decided to go up the inside... he then decided to run me off the track which resulted in me getting an off track and contact as well! We both ended up spinning and he finished 4th and me 5th. I lost my rag big style... so much so that I ended up punting him braking in to the corner after the long straight back which resulted in me taking another car contact. I guess he would have been done for that as well.

Grrr.... I was so angry. It resulted in me neither scoring or loosing SR in that race thankfully.

Wait til something like that happens at the end of a 45/75min race in higher classes - then you have to wait 2hours for the next race :p I'm usually a very calm and collected person but yeah I've had some massive rage quits in iracing! I was doing really well at the start of the season (was up to 4.25sr at one point with decent results) but I always seem to be in the wrong place and the wrong time at the moment. Maybe I need to take a little break from it.
10 Feb 2010
Had my first 3 races today... Not bad, still getting used to it all but I'm starting to get to grips with the physics model. Trail braking seems a massive no no which was tricky to get used to with my driving style but I'm getting quicker and quicker and more consistent, had some pretty intense racing for the podium spots in my last race (up until 4th place decided to t-bone me from 40ft back). Wound up just driving it home for 3rd so it wasn't too bad.
22 Apr 2009
Another frustrating oval race tonight, running in sixth when someone nudged me, apologised then rammed me into the wall. Big multi pile up and massive dent in the safety rating, had already completed 35 clean laps up until this point.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Any iRacer who's made it out if rookie will tell you the same thing.

Don't race in rookie. Treat it as a driving test to get your D licence.

Start from the pitlane, keep away from other drivers where you can and keep it as clean as you can. If another driver is behind you, give them all the room you can, even if it means moving offline and braking earlier than you normally would.
10 Feb 2010
Thanks for the advice, Barmyllama, I'll bear it in mind. My SR is tracking upwards though and there's two weeks before the next promotion event so I'm not too fussed about it right now. Starts have been surprisingly clean so far it's just the occasional lack of control/spacial awareness given how much braking mid corner upsets the balance of the car. The majority of my laps have been me running with a 10 second cushion either side of me so it's not been too bad, but if things get hectic I'll give people their room.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
The one thing you have to bear in mind is that most of the players aren't professional racing drivers. So to expect anywhere near that level of skill in the bottom end of an online race sim is asking a lot.

Even in the higher licence races you race against drivers with three screens who think that you can see as much as they can. This can lead to accidental contact because they think you can see more of their position than you really can.

It's easy to rant and rave at some of race wrecking things that some drivers do, but more often than not it's still accidental and down to a lack of skill. Not deliberate like you get in other online race sims.
22 Apr 2009
Just finished 5th in an oval race at charlotte, managed to avoid the early tangles cleanly but this left me two far from the leading pack to try to win.

Randomly i was driving by myself down the straight, no one in front or behind and it gave me a 4x contact penalty, without that it would have been a clean race.
22 Apr 2009
Getting Closer to a podium now, finished 4th at Lime Rock yesterday just 2 secs behind 3rd place. I think I may need to start qualifying soon so to start closer to the front and hope I avoid the first corner carnage.

Season nearly over (only been playing two weeks) so wont get out of rookie this time so just using this as practise.
22 Apr 2009
Finished 2nd at lime Rock last night, just a few seconds from first but well ahead of third so the illusive first victory is coming, only my second race at lime Rock too as not had too much time this week.

SR upto 3.62 now so should make it to 4.0 before the season window closes on the 23rd.
22 Jul 2007
Got another GTX 780 today for some SLI goodness.

Tested last night single card skippy at Mosport sat in the pits 450 fps maxed gfx with 2pass now with SLI was 570 fps lol.

Drove round just to check the fps and was getting 520 lowest but mostly 570 to 600 with a solid 600 through moss lol.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Slight overkill for this game, but I'm sure there's enough badly coded games out there to make the most of your two cards.:D

Haven't driven much in the last month, been away and not really in the mood for some of the tracks.

I think Laguna Seca, Lime Rock and Mid Ohio seem to be used more than other tracks in the game for most of the classes.

And I hate all three of them.
18 Feb 2013
I've been thinking of giving this another go after a long absence...Anyone tried the Oculus Rift with IR?
I have a devkit. It's a very good implementation already, but the widely-discussed problems are very real. The resolution is simply too low right now. It's playable, but you have to recalibrate your brain to gauge braking points in a very different way. Impossible to rely on the distance marker boards at this resolution. And due to the way it renders quite a 'square' image for both eyes, a lot of the screen is 'wasted' showing the cockpit. It's all correct in terms of FOV, but the actual 'useful' section of the screen showing the road ahead at any given time is always made up of a very small number of pixels.

The devkit's screen is 1280x800, which is low enough already for a single monitor, but consider that it's halved for each eye, and is squared off and distorted for the lenses, with a much higher FOV than you would normal use on a single monitor, and then plastered an inch from your eyeballs so you can see individual pixels very clearly. It's closer to playing the game at PlayStation 1 resolution or lower. If you played the game on a normal display at this kind of resolution it would be a horrible experience - it's only the incredible head tracking, 3D separation and realistic FOV that makes it even remotely playable.

On top of this, there is some drifting in the calibration, meaning that it can end up off-centre in the middle of a race, which can be very disorientating. A re-centre button is essential, much like TrackIR I guess. Then there is the motion sickness... not so bad in iRacing compared to an FPS - I've found that basically any game with a cockpit reduces motion sickness considerably, as you're able to look down and feel fairly grounded - but it's still very much there. You get used to it after a while but it's something they need to improve through responsiveness, positional tracking, etc.

Despite the flaws, what I've seen so far has convinced me that VR headsets are the future of sim racing. Triple screens simply can't compete with this. For now, they have a massive resolution advantage. But eventually this will be overcome, and VR will become a totally superior experience to triple screen. The sensation of being 'in' the virtual environment can't be replicated in any other way. Until we all have bionic eyes that is. Or The Matrix happens.

Surely you'd get more benefit from going triple screens than having redonkulous FPS?
I'm not sure I agree - to be competitive in iRacing you need to combat input lag. Lower FPS means greater lag, and greater lag is the equivalent to giving your car more inertia. With such an unforgiving tyre model (particularly in the cars that have yet to receive the v5 update), inertia is the killer, and slides become impossible to save very quickly. If there is lag between your inputs and what you see on screen, you're just making slides harder to save.
22 Jul 2007
I tested driving with different frame rates and theres a big jump in feel between 80 fps and 60 the car feels more alive and responsive to drive its not a visual thing but car feel thing.

To me going to 100 fps feels a little better than 80 fps but its small difference and to me the sweet spot was 120 fps but im not sure that was any better than 100 or much at all over 80 tbh but I felt happier at 120 fps.

I run mine uncapped so fps go between 500 and 600 at Mosport in the skippy but for sure nothing to be gained going over 120.
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