
24 Jul 2009
Lost in Alps
The 8020 is pretty easy to put together, it comes pre cut so it's just a case of putting the fixings on to build it up, you only need a spanner or allen key.
You could seek out 4PLAY Racing on eBay, they're not from the UK but I'm sure they would be up to spec you the rig you want. I'm not sure of any iRacing forum members who would offer that service.

Priced up a rig from the plans you posted (Kens Corner 8020 rig). Worked out at approx £700. Add a good bucket seat (£300), seat fixings (£50) to that plus 8020 for a triple monitor stand (£200?). Add a few extras for pedal and wheel fixings, say £100. I reckon £1350.

Got a quote from JCL for a Just Be Faster 8020 rig in lovely anodized black. £2000 :eek: Does however come with freestanding triple monitor setup, fixings for OSW and Heisenkfeld pedals, and a nice Sparco Rev seat.

Tough swallow for a desk/rig at 2K! Worth £650 over sourcing my own? Probably. Needs some further procrastination.
5 Oct 2004
Spa is a nightmare for SR, off tracks everywhere and seems to cause a lot of crashes

I think I might avoid anymore races at Spa to keep my SR in tact
15 Dec 2013
Norton Canes
The plans I posted had a monitor stand integrated, so you wouldn't need to buy that separately, just construct is as a separate item. I'm pretty sure the guy who gave me those plans said it cost him £500 without a seat. I'll price it up on motedis tonight, perhaps it will work out a bit less. Still, £800 is a pretty penny for a rig but once you have it any future ask stments or additions will be very easy to do.

I love Spa (& Mosport, don't think I would attempt GT3 there though!) The offtracks are harsh but once you get a feel for where they are its a great flowing track with some great overtaking opportunities (not Eau Rouge like HPD drivers seem to think!). I might give the Skippy a bash there this week, I've never given the car much time in the past.

Edit* looks like motedis have a couple of option for pre built rigs that are a pretty reasonable price if you don't want anything too fancy.
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5 Oct 2004
I do love the track just not the carnage

Two major pile ups before completing half a lap and sadly the second of those I couldn't avoid

There were cars pinging off all over the place through Eau Rouge
15 Aug 2011
I do love the track just not the carnage

Two major pile ups before completing half a lap and sadly the second of those I couldn't avoid

There were cars pinging off all over the place through Eau Rouge

Just had two races there, both in the skippy.

The utter stupidity of some drivers is just unreal. Trying to hold an outside line going up eau rouge, wait 2 seconds and get the draft along the straight. Or trying to take you on the inside at the chicane and then flying off the track in front of you.

Cant believe I only got a 3x and I was ragin at the 7x for another driving hitting me twice, the second time I told him to pass me and as doing so he hits my front wheel.

I'll be glad to get ot Oran, which I need to test there big style.
15 Aug 2011
I guess I must have reversed jinxed it, because the 2.15 race was absolutely epic.
4 of us within a second of each other the full race nearly, clean overtaking, no blocking etc etc and I only got a 2x for going off track a couple of times at eau rouge..
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
I guess I must have reversed jinxed it, because the 2.15 race was absolutely epic.
4 of us within a second of each other the full race nearly, clean overtaking, no blocking etc etc and I only got a 2x for going off track a couple of times at eau rouge..

Always the way. That's what keeps you coming back to iRacing, despite the idiots.
7 Aug 2013
Spa is a nightmare for SR, off tracks everywhere and seems to cause a lot of crashes

I think I might avoid anymore races at Spa to keep my SR in tact
This is the kind of thing that keeps putting me off iRacing. Every time I resubscribe, I'll do ok for a while, but then I encounter a few races where I get screwed by other's idiocy and my own rating suffers for it. Plus I often do badly in the race as a result, having spent a minute in the pits or something because of damage.

Wouldn't be so bad if every race wasn't something I sit around and wait for. It's nice that they have regular races, but spending an hour or more waiting for the next one only to have that one ruined, my rating hurt, and then having to wait another hour or two for the next one is just impossible for me to deal with. I cant spend all day sitting around waiting for races.

Granted, when things go smoothly, it's the best racing out there, but when I run into streaks of bad luck, it's just infuriating beyond belief.
5 Oct 2004
To be fair this is the first really bad race I have had since coming out of rookies

The others have had their crashes etc but it hasn't be too bad, this one was just stupid

I imagine I can go and do another one and have a great race
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Still a better experience than other sims with public severs. League racing is the only way to weed out the idiots. But there's nowhere near the flexibility that iRacing offers.

At least in the Skippy series races are every hour. So even if you have a bad race but stick it out until the end you can jump straight into the next one.
15 Aug 2011
After 14 days of waiting for the brake srping from mixim, I have now told him to shove it.

Took me 11 days to get a response from the initial email.

Wouldn't recommend anyone ordering from nixim at the moment, pretty poor show to be honest!
27 Dec 2002
Finger hovering over getting the 3 month $9 membership this morning, so just a few questions before i give it that final click.

What are the prices for new tracks/cars as you progress? Do they come individually or in a *pack*? Also, how pick up and play is it, seeing as i don't have a fixed time when i get in from work of a evening, would i have to wait around for a event to race in or are they happening often of a evening?

Currently racing Pcars on the PS4 and aside from the inevitable reck-fest lobbies, finding that getting a challenging race where your pushed to the end is a rare (tho enjoyable occurrence), which leads me toward iracing. :)
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Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Cars cost $11.95 and tracks $14.95, some ovals and previous versions of cars are cheaper.

No track or car packs you buy individually, though you get discounts of 10% for 3-5 pieces of content purchased at once or 20% for 6 or more. You then get loyalty discounts of a permanent 25% on everything once you've bought 40 pieces of content and then a 30% when you've bought everything.

You can sometimes buy iRacing dollars at a discount, so you can get $100 of credit for $75

You can also earn participation credit up to $40 a year.

Cheap 12 or 24 month subscription come a long 2 or 3 times a year.

Be warned that iRacing can be very expensive, especially when you can't test cars before purchase. This means you can end up with a load of cars you never drive.

Since May 2011, when I joined on a one month sub, I've spent $613 on content and subscription. The tracks get used but a most of the cars don't

I suggest you get the 3 month sub and stick exclusively racing in series that are exclusive to the included content, before you buy anything else. Once you've done that you'll know for sure that you are prepared to commit to paid for content. Also be aware that once your subscription runs out, any content you do buy can't be used and you won't even have access to the forum.

You'll start in rookie class and that's basically the MX5 and a weekly four track rotation. Races are run every hour and take around 30 minutes to complete.

Oval rookies is a street stock car and a two track weekly rotation of a short and long oval. Again on an hourly basis and around 20 minutes long.

After that most series races are hourly up to B licence and they are usually every two hours. Some series have separate qualifying and others have it in session before the race you register for.

Rookies are fixed setups and some of the series above are also fixed. The forum has a section for each car and there's a setup thread in each one where other driver share their setups. You can download them and add them to your iRacing folder in My Documents.

When you start in rookies, don't try and race, start from the pit lane and just try to keep it clean and on the track. Rookie class isn't for racing it's for getting the D licence.
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15 Aug 2011
Finger hovering over getting the 3 month $9 membership this morning, so just a few questions before i give it that final click.

What are the prices for new tracks/cars as you progress? Do they come individually or in a *pack*? Also, how pick up and play is it, seeing as i don't have a fixed time when i get in from work of a evening, would i have to wait around for a event to race in or are they happening often of a evening?

Currently racing Pcars on the PS4 and aside from the inevitable reck-fest lobbies, finding that getting a challenging race where your pushed to the end is a rare (tho enjoyable occurrence), which leads me toward iracing. :)


Will give you three months free.

Also, I'll trust you my iracing name so you can use it as a referral..
27 Dec 2002

Will give you three months free.

Also, I'll trust you my iracing name so you can use it as a referral..

Well,you can't say fairer than that! VERY much appreciated!

*scuttles off to sign up*

....On the referal part it has "Referred by: (email)"....would just your iracing name in there be enough for you to get the $?
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15 Aug 2011
Try it mate, if it doesnt work, no problem as I signed up via steam. My steam id is tkm52 incase that works..

Trusted you my email addy
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