
29 Oct 2005
well i managed to win the division 2 title in the skippy series this season so pleased with that :)

video link to last weeks 2K skippy world cup at monza covered by racespot tv,if you have never seen racespot before they do some great coverage of all the big races on iracing.
im the white green and red car,david grunill

looking forward to the new build today.
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2 Nov 2012
Yeah...if the member site wasn't down as seems to have become the norm! Had actually got on track to test out the new surface model, went back to increase the rubbered in preset and dead...
18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
Not really noticed a massive difference in car feel with the NTM6 update, nor the NSM. It seems like it's more of a change for the left-turners. Although they seem to have it backwards with regard to a green track having more grip than a fully rubbered in one. I would assume this is more pandering to the oval racers.

I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how the Road side of iRacing seems like a tacked-on after thought most of the time.
18 Oct 2002
South Manchester
It's noticeable on the Kia. After doing three races last night, the tyre wear has noticeably increased in the region of 50%. Add in dynamic track and it's likely to throw up some surprises in the league I'm competing in.
15 Dec 2013
Norton Canes
So, now the update is out, everyone liking dynamic tracks?

What are people racing this season?

The guy who I was ordering the OSW kit from has run into more problems and more delays, which wouldn't be so bad but he no longer posts on the forums or replies to PM's unfortunately, it's hard to consider giving someone £100's with no communication to speak of, even though I'm sure he's a decent bloke so I'm just about decided to go it alone and do a complete build myself. I've worked the cost out and it's not much different (he couldn't have been making a lot of profit on each kit) I've ordered the Servo & Martin Ascher mount today, I'll order a couple of the other more expensive parts this week then around the end of the month I'll let my current kit go and but the other bits I need etc.

Then it's time to crack out the solder iron... :eek:
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
I've done three to four hours in practice sessions and I can't really tell any difference. Certainly not in the Skippy apart from a little drop off in my lap times after about 12 laps.

If my internet keeps dropping like last night then I don't think I'll risk racing anything, but probably the Skippy if my connection is ok.

I think I'd go down the SimXperience route if I was buying a DD wheel, probably worth the extra money for peace of mind of dealing with a company, rather than an individual.

I reckon I'm about a third of the way to saving for a Fanatec CSW V2 base and a wheel rim. If I go back to the CS V2 pedals I could probably add another £100 to the pot selling my T500 pedals. I'd loose PS3 compatibility until I had a complete Fantec set up, but I think I can live with that. Don't have enough time as it is without worrying about the odd hour on GT6 once in a blue moon.
18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
That sucks about the OSW kit Muska. Keep us updated on how your build progresses.

I think the only thing I've noticed from the NSM is a reduction in overall grip in most situations, and also that tyres drop off a lot quicker. In a 30 minute GT1 race there was about a 1.5s delta from start to end, and in a 45 minute Prototype race in the HPD it was over 2 seconds. Something's just not right, but I guess we just have to make the best of it.
29 Oct 2005
well the quali is all messed up due to weather skybox bug,people in the same q sessions are seeing different weather situations,just like last time.

they blamed a rogue server getting bad data,wonder who they going to blame this doors cat maybe?

i dont think they have a clue sometimes.
18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
I would say there's also evidence of it occurring in race sessions too. Cleary is quick, but he's not 1.5 seconds per lap quicker than anyone else. Certainly not people like Michael Rasmussen.

Also, if you also check his quali time against his race times, his race laps were over 1 second faster. Either he's found a way to exploit the game without the new EAC kicking in, or he had his own weather system following him around.
29 Oct 2005
yea im getting pretty fed up of it all tbh,we said a few months ago there was something wrong with the weather but iracing didnt listen,it was only when a lot of people started to notice they took action(blaming a bad server).

now its affecting the same again,we have people getting faster conditions in quali and the race,we have been saying for over a week and no communication from iracing saying theres anything wrong until yesterday and even then they didnt admit it was wrong just said they were going to change something,talk about papering over the cracks.

now im pretty fast in the skippy and held a couple of world records before at some tracks,but when you join a practice server and your struggling to keep intouch with some people who you soundly beat week in week out(im not bragging btw just being honest) then somethings up,i quit the server and rejoined the same server to test something..guess what..totally different skybox and set pole in 2 laps by over half a second.

i hope they get this sorted but ive kinda lost faith now because it will always be in the back of your everyone getting the same weather as me?

i think its time to look elsewhere for my online racing fix.
15 Aug 2011
Got a win yesterday at motegi in the Skippy. Temp in quali was 77, forget the track temp. For quali I set my psi to 17.4 and was 1.5 off pace. For race I set them to 20 and went faster than quail pace for the pole. I did notice the tyres going after 10 laps or so, but they came back and I sethe fastest lap on #13. So yeah something a but trangebis going on.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Something is definitely not right.

I'm, on average, about two seconds a lap slower than the fastest drivers. In the race I've just done I got clipped from behind, got a x0 but still got the forced repairs flag. :confused:

After my stop I'm last but one chasing down the cars in front.

About six laps from the end the number 2 car literally comes from nowhere and overtakes me. He then gets past another two cars in front and within two laps he's 8 seconds up the road.

At the end of the race he's finished 20 seconds in front of me and according to the lap graph he went from 17th to 7th in the last 6 laps of the race.

The guy that won had an IR of 4863 and a fastest lap of 1:34.935

The number two car, that flew past me, had an IR of 4168 and a fastest lap of 1:32.866

So I had look through load of race results with a similar SOF and the same weather. I found one that was very close and the fastest lap in that race was 3 seconds slower than the number 2 driver in my race and he had an IR of over 5000.
15 Aug 2011
I had that as well barmy, going into the right hander under the bridge, think it is corner 5. The previous lap I had looked at the time delta and I was 9 secs or so ahead of the guy behind me.

Suddenly he was trying to undertake me going into that corner. I was amazed i didn't actually hit him, it was only after I had quit that it dawned on me how far back he was the previous lap, he also managed to create a 20 second gap in about 6 or 7 laps.

Im thinking the weather bug is still there, or even people are somehow getting 100% rubbered in tracks.
29 Oct 2005
thats exactly what they are,they think if they ignore the forums it will all go away,like i said on iracing,they can visit germany for the ring but cant visit the forums.

at the moment the racing isnt fair at all im afraid.
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