While I see your point.
That development team could spend more time improving the actual game experience, rather than constantly turning out new content at the end of every season.
But the issue with that is so many of their player base playing on old hardware they can't upgrade to super DX12 with ultra amazing graphics... Not that I think iracing is actually that bad! I actually prefer the graphics compared to project cars!
Another game I used to play has just had a upgrade and some of the old old players would be happy if it was still running on like dx6 ffs, some of them are playing on core duo laptops with Intel graphics etc and expect the whole community to be held back because of them.
Personally I'm happy with the game. It's at max settings on a mid range card, at a solid 144fps 1440p. It doesn't need shiny effects like project cars or the other titles to be successful. Anyway if they upgrade it it's only going to run worse and your already saying it runs bad now?!
It's just had the DX11 upgrade, and I'm sure there's plenty more to come. I kinda wish they wasn't wasting their time on dirt though... Rain would be more welcome to me.