It only takes a cursory glance to see that Iron Fist is getting more than a little undue stick for not recasting the lead as Asian though. It's not the only criticism it's receiving, but it's certainly the most unfair. It started off as a fairly reasonable "It would have been nice to see them cast an Asian lead" and has snowballed from there. Now, not changing Danny Rand's ethnicity is cultural appropriation, a demonstration of the 'white saviour' or 'mighty whighty' trope. It, apparently, is less offensive to retcon the story to keep matters of culture and race in neat little boxes, where everyone respects (and abides by) normal stereotypes. Transcending cultures is racist, but only if you're a white male.
It's quite tragic really. I agree that it might have been a nice opportunity to cast an East-Asian actor in to a lead role in a Marvel project. But the opportunity wasn't taken up. There's was no need for the debate over that decision to descend into a farce.
What? Is Danny Rand ever Asian in the comics? Or is this just another Black lives matter thing?