Character choices are a real problem for this show. At least in most of the other Marvel Netflix shows you could understand why a character did a certain thing, and they were generally consistent with their choices and emotional responses to things, in Iron Fist that's not the case. Joy finds out that her father has been alive and well the whole time she thought he was dead, yet seems surprisingly okay with the whole thing, then having said that Ward is the one person she'd always be there for she turns on him and basically disowns him, then despite clear proof that Harold is evil and manipulative she still winds up believing that Danny is at fault for everything and now seemingly wants him dead. Claire is also a problem in this show. She has no real martial arts training, yet by the last couple of episodes she's able to take on members of the Hand, people who have been training to fight for years. She personally takes out one of Bakuto's bodyguards, which really is laughable. I hope that they kill off her character as a reason why the Defenders join together because she's really starting to get on my nerves.
The other major problem is the fight choreography. Daredevil had some really cool fight scenes, with real weight behind the strikes. All of Iron Fist's fight scenes are poor in comparison, with probably the best fight coming between Danny and Tan in China. The problem is that none of the actors are that convincing at fighting. That drunk guy, Tan, that Danny fights in China is clearly a well trained martial artist and it seems like the scene is having to be slowed down for Finn Jones to catch up. They really ought to have cast people who had some background or previous experience in martial arts, seeing as it's one of the central themes of the show. Oh and what really made me laugh is the end fight between Danny and Harold. I hate in films and shows when the protagonist is clearly much stronger or more skilled than the antagonist and yet they forget all about this when it comes to the final confrontation. Harold's only fight training is on a punch bag in his apartment, yet he's able to best Danny for large parts of their fight.