Iron Fist on Netflix

I watched Luke Cage and it was good until diamondback came on the scene and then it just absolutely tanked. Iron Fist was reasonably uniform in its badness but Luke Cage showed a lot of promise and then just became utterly utterly ridiculous.
Yeah I agree, Cottonmouth was a good villain on LC, and his sister was a decent character too. I just wish they hadn't gone on to Diamondback as the main villain, he was terrible and the end fight was incredibly disappointing. I finished watching Iron Fist last night and there are some incredibly dumb or poor moments as the series progresses

Character choices are a real problem for this show. At least in most of the other Marvel Netflix shows you could understand why a character did a certain thing, and they were generally consistent with their choices and emotional responses to things, in Iron Fist that's not the case. Joy finds out that her father has been alive and well the whole time she thought he was dead, yet seems surprisingly okay with the whole thing, then having said that Ward is the one person she'd always be there for she turns on him and basically disowns him, then despite clear proof that Harold is evil and manipulative she still winds up believing that Danny is at fault for everything and now seemingly wants him dead. Claire is also a problem in this show. She has no real martial arts training, yet by the last couple of episodes she's able to take on members of the Hand, people who have been training to fight for years. She personally takes out one of Bakuto's bodyguards, which really is laughable. I hope that they kill off her character as a reason why the Defenders join together because she's really starting to get on my nerves.

The other major problem is the fight choreography. Daredevil had some really cool fight scenes, with real weight behind the strikes. All of Iron Fist's fight scenes are poor in comparison, with probably the best fight coming between Danny and Tan in China. The problem is that none of the actors are that convincing at fighting. That drunk guy, Tan, that Danny fights in China is clearly a well trained martial artist and it seems like the scene is having to be slowed down for Finn Jones to catch up. They really ought to have cast people who had some background or previous experience in martial arts, seeing as it's one of the central themes of the show. Oh and what really made me laugh is the end fight between Danny and Harold. I hate in films and shows when the protagonist is clearly much stronger or more skilled than the antagonist and yet they forget all about this when it comes to the final confrontation. Harold's only fight training is on a punch bag in his apartment, yet he's able to best Danny for large parts of their fight.
I finished watching Iron Fist last night and there are some incredibly dumb or poor moments as the series progresses

The big issue is that you could have put Danny up against a 5 year old girl and he would struggle and then you put him up against bruce lee and suddenly bruce lee would turn into a sluggish pansy. There was never any style to the fights, the only time the made any reference to a fighting style he might have or use is when he does the standard "poses" at the start of a fight or mid way through when he re-groups.

Only fight in it that I liked was the one against the "drunken boxer" because he was clearly a decent martial artist and made the fight interesting. I fear their casting process was completely backwards and it went something along the lines of:

"Lets get a handsome actor to play danny rand"

"Found one"

"Lets film"

"He isn't an amazing actor but thats ok"

"He is really bad at martial arts"

"Balls, we can't redo it all, lets just go with it and hope we can sort it out in post production"
There was an interview with Finn Jones I saw yesterday about the fights, allegedly he was cast 3 weeks before filming began and on shooting days was given minimal time to practice the fights and this is why the fights sucked (though keep in mind this is the same guy who 9 days ago was telling people the show would be taken badly because Donald Trump). Now maybe that's true, maybe it isn't. Frankly I don't really care about the why, it just emphasises to me that they needed to include the mask to make it easier to cut the stunt guy in so we don't end up with fight sequences that have more cuts than an old man jumping a fence in Taken (seriously, rewatch the hospital fight. 56 ****ing cuts in a 30 second scene).

Daredevil had great fight scenes, and not to belittle Charlie Cox's contribution but I'm sure having the hero be masked played no small part in how well those came out, between powers and personalities of the characters involved Jessica Jones and Luke Cage get something of a pass for fight scenes consisting of Punch - Cut to guy flying across the room, but this was the one that needed the fights to be top notch and it failed miserably, I can only hope come Defenders time they can really tailor the fight scenes to the characters and do it right.
I finished watching the series this afternoon and honestly I found myself not caring who lived or died, or what the end result was. I'm interested to see how he links in to the Defenders, but not so interested in a second series
I have not yet started watching this, but by the sounds of it, it does not bode well for The Defenders series does it?

The shows have all been made by different teams with only a few people crossing over between shows. The Defenders, by and large, is being made by a mixture of DD S1 & S2 teams, with only a few people from the other shows. Hopefully it's as good as DD.

The Punisher is the one that I'm more concerned about.
They definitely needed a strong experienced fighting choreographer, it is an absolute must for a Kung Fu tv show. As many have noticed, the fancy flip kicks and the slow ass sequences really lets its down. It would have helped if the lead had some martials arts training, it was more ballet then Kung Fu.

They did try and incorporate the different traditional animal fighting styles but didnt come close to capturing the different stances and moves. The last ingredient is a good boss battle.
Something like this comes to mind.

Just finished it.

Certainly the worst of the 4 Defenders shows, but not "BAD" by a long shot. Just kinda average with wasted potential.
I quite liked Finn as Iron Fist, but really having a show about the ultimate kung fu master have such lackluster fights when we saw what was possible in Daredevil... that was hard to swallow.

Also the intro sequence was extremely crap. :P
It's an ok show, the lead actor can't fight for **** mind.

It doesn't help that he doesn't in any way look like a person who has spent 15 years training to be the ultimate Kung fu death machine.

Even if he just moved across the floor like a fighter it would be more convincing.
I liked the show a lot more than JJ or Luke Cage. Both JJ and LC lost all momentum half way through their seasons and never really recovered. I think Iron Fist benefited (if you could call it that) from having its poor episodes early on and them in episode 3 gaining some momentum and kept going until it was finished.

I would definitely watch another season of the Iron Fist, while it’s no Daredevil I would still rate it above a lot of Marvels other stuff.
Well this explains it, Finn the lead had this to say about his training regime

i was learning the fight scenese 15 mins before we actually shot them because the schedule was so tight. So 15 minutes before, the stunt director would talk me through the choreography and i'd jump right straight into it.

So basically you put in what you get out.
Yep, i did notice the differences in fights that should have been easy for him vs getting attacked by many tough opponents. I did enjoy the fight with the drunken monk mind :D

Overall I really enjoyed it, the fights were done for Hollywood mind, which I guess is their target audience.
I got to episode 7 or 8 and realised the only character of any note in the whole series was Madame Gao, now I'm struggling to work up any enthusiasm to finish it. I really liked the first half of Luke Cage, but then it just went off the rails and the second half was just bad. I can't even say I have enjoyed the first half of this so I think I am calling it quits now. I'm not holding out much hope for defenders at this rate.
any recommendations for my next series on netflix? (baring in mind I enjoyed this) I've seen all the DD/JJ/LK on Netflix now. Grimm is looking pretty tempting at the moment.
I enjoyed it!

Not as much as Daredevil but considerably more than Luke Cage, maybe on par with Jessica Jones.
Just finished it earlier today, I liked it when I first started watching it but a few more episodes and it was boring the life out of me. But thought I'd keep with it but sadly didn't get any better.

Fight scenes were absolutely crap, I mean dear god they were bad.

For me it's just all over the place, just so much wrong with it.

Hopefully if they do a second series they will do a better job but if they don't, then I won't be watching it again.

Daredevil is so so much better.
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