"I'm not white and therefore my intentions are obviously good and I have no agenda of my own...." seems to be the default narrative in the media these days!
I think we should arrange a "Men's March", "Pro-British" or a "Straight Pride Parade"! It's weird how these terms would likely be considered negative, offensive and discriminatory whereas the opposite is somehow considered 'progressive'and actively encouraged?
It's not weird, sadly. All ideologies of irrational prejudice work the same way, treating the same things as opposites depending on which group identity they assign to the people doing them. To a pro-white racist, white pride is positive and black pride is negative. To a pro-black racist, black pride is positive and white pride is negative. To a pro-male sexist, male pride is postive and female pride is negative. To a pro-female sexist, female pride is positive and male pride is negative. Etc, etc, ad nauseam.
The only significant difference with modern fashionable irrational prejudice is that it's more politically skilled and so it seeks to destroy the concepts it opposes by corrupting them rather than by opposing them honestly. As a result of the tactic, it's had a lot more success than honest irrational prejudice. Concepts such as equality, tolerance, diversity and liberalism have been almost completely corrupted and destroyed by feminism and the "progressive" left and now mean pretty much the opposite of their true meaning. It's downright Orwellian - Minitru would be proud of that doubleplusgood blackwhite Newspeak. It greatly helps those bigots promote the irrational prejudice and discrimination they love so much. It gives them a false impression of wider support. It gives them a pretence of a moral high ground from which they can attack people in favour of actual equality, etc, and lie about them. It robs people in favour of actual equality, etc, of the words to express their views or even to think about them since we think in words. It's a politically brilliant move. Ethically disgusting and vile, but politically brilliant. They've even succeeding in having irrational prejudice and discrimination labelled as "progressive" when in fact it's obviously extremely regressive. They're like a virus, infecting a cell and corrupting it into a factory to manufacture more of the virus while using it to hide from the host's immune system. They are the Ebola of equality, tolerance, diversity, liberalism, progress and pretty much everything good.