This threads taken an interesting turn from when I last posted.
There's a lot of blending of race defines culture and government talk.
I think its easy to say European governments are superior to African ones as most Europeans have abandoned tribalism in favour of nationhood and are not as fragmented.
That's 100% not a racial white, supremacist statement. However if you are inclined, both sides would use it for or against.
Also it's so weird how Japs is considered racist but Brits isnt.
Good old ww2. Still giving us nonsense to get wound up about years later.
I do like that Japanese example. They did stand Upto round 1 of western cultural imperialism, although they finally succumbed post ww2 and occupation.
Does anyone get anxty if I say 300 years of European culture is superior in every single aspect to that of an Amazonian rainforest tribe?
I've changed my opinion slightly I am "happy"to be white living in a region of the world were white people are naturally dominant.
I'd also be happy to be "yellow" or "brown" if I lived in China or Africa. Chances are I'd know no better, live my life in complete happiness and not have to deal with the constant BS of white guilt and the sin's of my father's from 300 years ago where everyone was still dominated by the fear of religion and using it to either line their pockets or control minds.
The rise of supremacist views is directly correlated to the rise over the past 20 years of opposite factions of near Marxist ideology.
Social media takes the nonsense of both sides, magnifies and fabricates it by 100000x to make it look like either extreme opinion is actually important, rams it down your throat until you are sick of all it and would quite happily buy an "assault rifle" and go shoot a bunch of Nazis or Marxists or both of you got lucky.
I do blame social media.
It is the both the biggest curse and liberational blessing on humanity since monotheistic beliefs.
You can feed BS directly into someone's pocket 24/7 and warp and control them through censorship and manipulation of info. People lap this up, with cat photos, brainwashed into believing whatever is the cultural narrative of that month.
Oh lordy in losing it
Off to buy 10000 rounds of 5.56 for my ww3 supply bunker.