Is it ok to be proud to be white?

how does it stoke hatred? my last line effectively said be proud of what you achieve not what you are

All I said is that is how we are made to feel these days

Made to feel? Who makes you feel like this? Do you perhaps need to broaden your sources of information?

If you can't see how resentment leads to hatred then I suggest you read the balanced views offered in this thread (which should help you to understand) rather than what's on the news or other social media...
Yes it's fine to be proud of whatever you want

The question is why would you want to be proud of being white ?

It's not something you've worked hard at to achieve, it's not a skill you've learned, it's not something negative you'd had to overcome against the odds, it's just the colour of skin that was encoded into your DNA at conception

It's a skin colour that you share with billions of other people on this planet, I don't get why anyone would want to be proud of something so commonly found among other humans that is in no way special or rare, it's like being proud you have 2 legs, or having a full head of hair or 10 finger nails, I mean if it means that much and makes you happy then ok fair play to you, I just don't understand why
You can be proud of whatever you want, just don't look down to others who are not the same as you.

But proud to be a skin colour is a bit weird, proud to be of a culture, a country, a region, sure but proud to be a particular skin colour is like proud to have 10 fingers.
As I don't beleive in collective and/ or intergenerational guilt for things like gender or racial background then it follows that it doesn't make much sense to beleive in collective and/or intergenerational pride in something like ones racial background or gender.

'White pride' is just the flip side to 'white guilt' (feel free to substitute any other racial origin or similar group identifier).

This is not to say that I beleive all cultures (that correlate to a degree to racial group identities) are equally as likely to result in similar outcomes for their members, on average...

I do think you can say that certain aspects of a culture are more or less admirable then others.

For example I might say that one aspect of western (and by extension largely 'white' culture) that is admirable is its enlightenment legacy and the general promotion of individual liberties and rights.
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You can be proud of whatever you want, just don't look down to others who are not the same as you.

But proud to be a skin colour is a bit weird, proud to be of a culture, a country, a region, sure but proud to be a particular skin colour is like proud to have 10 fingers.
well having 10 fingers would be unusual, id be proud too!
There is definitely an overt double-standard when it comes to race. Protected minorities can pretty much say what they want about white people and it’ll be ignored, excused, or even rewarded. The polar opposite is true of a white person saying anything that can even tangentially be linked to race or identity. Not only could the white person be socially punished, but also criminalised with the incredibly vague, one size fits all, Hate laws. It’s obvious that a lot of the people/organisations claiming to be lobbying for equality, or the rights of X group, aren’t seeking equality at all, they’re seeking revenge against whitey. Meanwhile whitey has his hands tied with Hate laws preventing him from defence.

From a psychological point of view, prioritising an imported out-group at the expense of the majority natives, and punishing any natives that dare to voice the fact that they’ve noticed this trend, is unbelievably provocative. It goes against our innate sense of fairness.

For me, being white has always been a non-issue, but now others are making it an issue for me.
There is definitely an overt double-standard when it comes to race. Protected minorities can pretty much say what they want about white people and it’ll be ignored, excused, or even rewarded. The polar opposite is true of a white person saying anything that can even tangentially be linked to race or identity. Not only could the white person be socially punished, but also criminalised with the incredibly vague, one size fits all, Hate laws. It’s obvious that a lot of the people/organisations claiming to be lobbying for equality, or the rights of X group, aren’t seeking equality at all, they’re seeking revenge against whitey. Meanwhile whitey has his hands tied with Hate laws preventing him from defence.

From a psychological point of view, prioritising an imported out-group at the expense of the majority natives, and punishing any natives that dare to voice the fact that they’ve noticed this trend, is unbelievably provocative. It goes against our innate sense of fairness.

For me, being white has always been a non-issue, but now others are making it an issue for me.

Minorities are subject to the same laws as everyone else, they cannot say what they like, just like white people cant. Nobody is punishing any natives. Who is making being white an issue, other than you?
I think the issue with being "proud of being white" is that those of other ethnicities that are "proud of their *their ethnicity*" are commenting on the perception of the adversity they have had to overcome due to the colour of their skin.

White skin does not and has not had that same adversarial issue, so it doesn't really make the same sense.

If we lived in a parallel universe where Martin Luther King was white, fighting for equality in a black dominated world then yes, it would make sense.

That's not to say it's inherently racist, but on the other hand, much like other symbols like the confederate flag, there is a certain amount of co-option of the phrase by people that are racist, leaving it with negative connotations.
I think the issue with being "proud of being white" is that those of other ethnicities that are "proud of their *their ethnicity*" are commenting on the perception of the adversity they have had to overcome due to the colour of their skin.

White skin does not and has not had that same adversarial issue, so it doesn't really make the same sense.

If we lived in a parallel universe where Martin Luther King was white, fighting for equality in a black dominated world then yes, it would make sense.

That's not to say it's inherently racist, but on the other hand, much like other symbols like the confederate flag, there is a certain amount of co-option of the phrase by people that are racist, leaving it with negative connotations.

Well at least you acknowledged that it may only be a perception of adversity.......

Because in modern western society that's mostly/all it is in a lot of cases.

Am I saying that there are no adversities non 'white' people face in western countries on account of racism? Nope...

But there area myriad of adversities out there affecting different people in extremely different ways.........

A 'black' child bought up in London may well have less adversities to face if they are to attain a certain level of success then say a white child born into a de industrialised area of the north in a sink estate. A 'black' American child born in California, USA may be in a similar position to a 'white' American child born into a rust belt town.....

Unfortunately a whole industry has been established around the (false) premise that being 'white' or a 'visible ethnic minority' confers some sort of universal and all overriding systemic privilege or oppression (respectively speaking).

Of course the very use of 'visible ethnic minority' in the UK is the use of a rather disingenuous term as, in its typical usage, its really just a synonym for 'black' but with the attempt to rope in all people into the 'oppressed ' class who are not 'white' so that the 'white' people can be cast as the oppressor class whilst we ignore that some of those people in the 'visible ethic minority' camp often outperform 'white' people in a range of metrics which undermines the whole 'white privilege' claim!

Unfortunately this race baiting industry perpetuates racism as people who are unable to see past it attribute most /all differentials in outcomes as being the result of systemic oppression rather then looking for the potentially more complex, potentially true explanations.

The same goes for the vast majority of what constitutes modern 'feminism'.........

Its just a sex/gender baiting operation in this case substituting 'white' for male and 'visible ethnic minority' for female........

For this reason I would say that 'black pride' (or insert other non 'white' ethnicity pride) is at least as stupid as 'white pride' and probably a good deal more insidious in its nature to boot........
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