There is definitely an overt double-standard when it comes to race. Protected minorities can pretty much say what they want about white people and it’ll be ignored, excused, or even rewarded. The polar opposite is true of a white person saying anything that can even tangentially be linked to race or identity. Not only could the white person be socially punished, but also criminalised with the incredibly vague, one size fits all, Hate laws. It’s obvious that a lot of the people/organisations claiming to be lobbying for equality, or the rights of X group, aren’t seeking equality at all, they’re seeking revenge against whitey. Meanwhile whitey has his hands tied with Hate laws preventing him from defence.
From a psychological point of view, prioritising an imported out-group at the expense of the majority natives, and punishing any natives that dare to voice the fact that they’ve noticed this trend, is unbelievably provocative. It goes against our innate sense of fairness.
For me, being white has always been a non-issue, but now others are making it an issue for me.