I completely agree with this viewpoint.
In respect of being 'proud'? to be white? I don't perceive my skin colour to be relevant to any discussion on whether I do or should feel proud etc. I don't feel any form of attachment to it, because its not unique, its not a deciding factor on who I am.
Pride isnt always about personal achievement. When my son performs well at school, or my daughter wins an award at her ballet class I feel a sense of pride despite the achievement being squarely theirs without my contribution.
I am proud of my British heritage, I am proud of what our little country did and has achieved in its time, again without any personal contribution by me. My pride is a sense of attachment and belonging to something that is bigger than me. I maybe an insignificant cog in the process, but I do feel a part of it. I don't 'feel' a part of being white....if there is such a thing.