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Is there a compatibilty problem with the ATI 4850 and Furmark?

Thanks mate.

The card was bought from OCUK along with all the other components to build a pc (minus drives/case).

Ill phone OCUK on monday. ive made a post in the customer service forum but not heard anything off that yet.

Sucks having to return items :(
Sucks having to return items :(

It really does - i had to return a gfx card and then the memory on this build.

On the plus side, OC's turn around was really fast. On receipt of the item they always took less than 24hrs to test and refund - which, in my experience, is fast. So it usually only took 3 days for my replacement to get to me (excluding weekends).

Good luck with your return - at least you can be fairly confident it is faulty with all these other similar posts - that will hopefully be at least be some comfort.

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Hi, I have the XFX 4850 XXX And get infrequent lockups (frequent enough to severely aggravate!) when playing some games such as Left4Dead. Can I run the crysis demo to test if its the same error you chaps have? And if so, RMA?

WinXP, if thats an issue.
I ran into similar problems with my 4870 (XFX XXX). It ran fine with the stock cooler, but was too noisy,so I switched to a Scythe Musashi. The first app I tried was furmark, which ran for about 30 seconds then crashed. Needless to say, I went into full panic mode. The core temp was fine, but the VRMs were hitting about 140c before crashing (the card resets once they pass 126c). I posted on the Scythe forums and they told me that it's a known issue with Furmark - it disables dynamic voltage regulation, so VRM temps go through the roof.

I'm guessing you've run into the same issue.

I've switched over to copper mosfet coolers on the VRMs, but even so they hit 90c under the Clear Sky benchmark (normally they're around 75c under heavy load). I haven't tried Furmark since I installed them. I'm not sure how they're cooled on the reference 4850 cooler, but he 4870 cooler has a huge steel base, so presumably they benefit from a bigger surface area.

To be honest I'm less than impressed with ATI - the VRM issue is bad enough, but driver support in Vista x64 is pretty feeble too. Far Cry 2 stutters terribly in certain areas, for no apparant reason, Drakensang has similar problems, and they've not even managed to get hardware acceleartion for AVIVO sorted. Nvidia's definitely streets ahead in terms of x64 support... (Sadly my pcie 1.0a mobo isn't G92 friendly, or I'd have stuck with Nvidia).
I know it's not much help but I'm happily running the XFX 4850 XXX and have had no problems. Everything I've run on it has been superb.
Hi, I have the XFX 4850 XXX And get infrequent lockups (frequent enough to severely aggravate!) when playing some games such as Left4Dead. Can I run the crysis demo to test if its the same error you chaps have? And if so, RMA?

WinXP, if thats an issue.

The problems we we're having we're specific to crysis and furmark - but only because most of us didn't get to test other games or apps because these were the first games/apps we tried on set up - so you may well have the same problem.

I would install furmark as this is the easiest fault to replicate - if, indeed, it is the same problem. I would then do a crysis loop test, regardless of the furmark result.

It seems a specific problem to some xxx edition cards - probably just a duff batch. It can't have been many though otherwise my thread would have been inundated.

Edit: And obviously check your temps...

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Glad I found this!

So I purchased a XFX ATI Radeon HD 4850 "XXX Edition" 512M a few weeks ago from OC, for a new build. Running it at the factory set speeds..

Having the exact same problem as described - Crysis crashes (hard locks) after a few seconds. Also ran FurMark as suggested and get the same result, The Bioshock demo from Steam also locks up. Occasionally when the lock ups occur I get the vertical lines on the screen. So it looks to be the same issue..

All other games i've tried seem to be OK (COD: WAW, Team Fortress 2)

Will RMA and let you know how I get on.. ;)
Same Issue

Glad I found this too.

It's a weird issue though as it only seems to happen to me in certain games.

Left 4 Dead is fine.

Tombraider Underworld fine so far...

Far Cry 2 was fine up until one scene in 'Mike's bar' where it would crash every time I spoke to one guy, after pushing through this scene with several crashes it eventually ran fine, Same happened after starting a new character, crashed in exactly the same place but after that fine. I can't see how an indoor scene with a couple of characters would have stressed the card too much?

Warhammer online freezes after 10 mins of so, every time.

Strange really.
You might want to consider upgrading to the HIS ATI Radeon HD 4870 512MB at only £98 as it's great value and only £13 more - link
I've answered in the other thread.

But yes if your experiencing the same graphical anomaly, as mentioned above, in games and it replicates the same problem in furmark - then it's very likely you have a duff card - sorry. :/ (and if you've had it less than 28 days consider the 4870 at £98)
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took less than 24hrs to test and refund

Does anyone know if OcUK should cover the shipping cost of me sending back the card? Cost me near a tenner to send it, and they replaced it with another broken card!! Which I guess I now have to send back, AGAIN, leaving me out £20 and with NOTHING to show for it.

Really ******* disgruntled about this.
Does anyone know if OcUK should cover the shipping cost of me sending back the card? Cost me near a tenner to send it, and they replaced it with another broken card!! Which I guess I now have to send back, AGAIN, leaving me out £20 and with NOTHING to show for it.

Really ******* disgruntled about this.

They should repay both (they're pretty good about it normally):

You will have to ‘request' it to be repaid and enclose a proof of postage costs - but a credit will only be authorised if the card is diagnosed as faulty by OC's.

I've always got my p&p costs back when returning a faulty product within the 28 day period – it’s never been a problem – but you do have to request it, they won’t refund it automatically.
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Hi, I am new to the forum and had to wait long time before my account was activated really annoying as I was eger to post LOL.

I have a XFX 4850 512MB not XXX version and I am experiencing same problem. Yesterday I was playing crysis and about 10-15 minutes of playing I get vertical lines on my screen of two different shades of same colour like you describes it. I tested furmark and it did the same thing. However when I play counterstrike I can play for hours without a hitch. Can anyone help me, the card is brand new less than a week old. It also has coil whine and buzzing. However crashing in games is worst. I like the card because I got it for cheap price and I dont want to spend too much on graphics cards.

If I return it and get a replacement. Am affraid that I will get a card with exact same issue. The card was sold in the companies own name cheaper than the exact same card, they even told me they got it for cheap from XFX and I supposed they have been sold a bad batch. I dont know am just saying stuff.
ok guys i have had to rma 2 of the xfx hd4850 both faulty on furmark locking up at 65 c

will never buy xfx again
I have the same issue with my 4850 XXX and i would like to thank Plec and others for the work they did highlighting and documenting the fault.

I have only been able to find mention of this fault within the OCuk forums, nothing is mentioned anywhere else on the web ,why would that be?

I have sent mine back for RMA a few days ago but as it is older than 28 days (got it in april) i am forced to accept a replacement card. If i get another temperamental 4850 XXX and it has the same issues then what are my options? Am i locked into a cycle of sending cards back till i find the golden goose or will OC send me a different model or offer me a paid upgrade?

Thanks again for all your work here with the 4850 XXX faults as i was convinced it was a fault somewhere else till i found these threads.
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