ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

Wait the video he linked was of some random woman walking round a "headquaters" of the white helmets and basicaly saying they where terrorists and saying thier claims the Syrian government used chemical weapons on civilians were lies.

It's Russian propaganda not Israeli.

Remember amnesia thinks any non pro assad/Russia person is an ISIS supporter.

So probbaly you too

Nail. Head.

It is cutsomary to shout the poster down with "FAKE NEWS" now.

CTs though :D
no insults this time ? but as always great points made by the guy who claims to work for the government and has inside knowledge which he cant share but we should all just trust him.
Point to where these claims were made (also to where your feelings were hurt whilst you're at it).

Meanwhile in Yemen where British backed headchoppers of authoritarian sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic barbarians (our best mates who are so honourable) are doing well killing all these people. Crickets from the usual suspects.

You're going to have a field day when we inevitably end up conducting operations in Yemen then ;)
nah he just asked you to point to where the claims were made, you decided to criticise him based on things you claim he's said - you're not the only person to do that on here but often claims being made about a poster (without the quote function) tend to distort what the poster has actually said

I ought to make a mockumentary making said claims. I'll get a moderately good looking lady to present it and then have her smear it over Facebook with the title "THE TRUTH, WAKE UP SHEEPLE". Then whatever I claim about myself must be true. Seems to be how it works.
like you're some secret agent who spends most his time sleeping with military personal from other countries and every now and then you go do your top secret mission which you can never talk about

like those claims lol ^^

look its Mr Bond

I haven't a clue what you're rambling on about. I'm glad you're having fun though. Haha.
I didn't need a memo to conclude that the chemical attack was fabricated (even if there was one) as I knew it was bogus the moment I saw the video. And if there was a chemical attack, I'm certainly not stupid and naïve (unlike some people on here, obviously) enough to believe it was Assad because the 'BBC' says so, or Macron - LOL.
Woke AF innit.
Well we didnt manage to topple his government so a good hard slap in the face for those who wanted it.

007 will be in tears, probably sat there beating himself like some emo

Embarrassing. And you wonder why your drivel never garners a decent response.
Ha, you wish. I don't see it as 'control' either. It's so painstainkingly obvious it's garbage they're not even trying to be convincing. I guess the masses are so weak-minded these days that they just don't have to be.

In 03 I didn't believe there was WMDs in Iraq, just an obvious pretext for war. My point is I wasn't smoking pot then so I'm not sure what kind of connection you're trying to make, other than a harebrained one, naturally.

Interested to know, what do you think to be a reliable and irrefutable information source? It seems you have the answers after all.
Nah, you can put something forward that justifies your continued 'CT whack job lul' rhetoric. Feel free to round up your other cronies in here if you need support. But do have a bit of brainstorm between yourselves first and please try your best and come back with something coherent.

At least then I can remain hopeful that you'll all provide me with some form of amusement, however small that might be.

So no credible sources of note then?

My cronies? All I see are a sizeable number of forum dwellers (this includes yourself) bleating the same tune. And you have the audacity to label everyone else sheep :) it's cute.

But yes, you are also yet another CT nut whack job. I'll be sure to add you to the list of people who don't warrant reasonable debate, just simple petty tit for tat. Shame that list is so long in here isn't it?
are you claiming you didnt cry when Assad beat back isis?

just be honest, i'm not going to laugh at you
I haven't a clue what you're rambling on about now. Make your point then move on, I suspect you're the only person here keen to hear it.
All I've said in the thread is that the US like to overthrow countries that don't play ball and I don't believe Assad used chemical weapons in Dourma. That's it.

Nope, you started off with.....

I didn't need a memo to conclude that the chemical attack was fabricated (even if there was one) as I knew it was bogus the moment I saw the video. And if there was a chemical attack, I'm certainly not stupid and naïve (unlike some people on here, obviously) enough to believe it was Assad because the 'BBC' says so, or Macron - LOL.

(I) have more of a clue of what's going on than you ever probably will.?


Yet still no sauce! :D
Last ISIS pocket within Damascus (I think) now being cleared with most of them agreeing to leave the area for the desert.

Just leaves the ISIS pocket near the Golan left in that part of the country AFAIK.
Still Al Shadadi and places along the MERV but as alluded, most of their higher leadership suspected as being relocated to Libya, Yemen, etc.
Biggest thing that is surprising me the most is how fast normal life is returning to everywhere, streets are being cleaned up, shops are reopening, markets are coming back to life, security infrastructure being removed, highways reopened, buildings being rebuilt and patched up.
Because sadly, the events of war have long become a daily normal occurrence for most here. I've watched guerrilla skirmishes continue, whilst 2000lb bombs level tower blocks, the whole while a few mile away families in an unaffected villages just down the road continue their day to day life like it's nothing. Very disturbing.
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