ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Viewing it an offence? They need to rethink that.

Scare tactics. I can see them going after people who host the video or other similar videos but in reality it's just not feasible to go after the millions of people who view them. Just look at pirate movies and music, we're constantly told it's an offence but how many people end up in court ?
Religion is an extreme form of mental handicap in my opinion.

So by that definition you are an extremist if you believe in and or would fight/kill for a Grand Imperial Space Wizard(Insert Specific Name Of God) In the sky you have never met because he gives you fuzzy feelings in your sausage incubator.
Religion is an extreme form of mental handicap in my opinion.

So by that definition you are an extremist if you believe in and or would fight/kill for a Grand Imperial Space Wizard(Insert Specific Name Of God) In the sky you have never met because he gives you fuzzy feelings in your sausage incubator.

You can watch the beheading video on ********. It looks completely holywood.
Like it was done in front of a green screen. It also looks completely voiced over as the lip synching goes crazy.

Also when the killer pulls the victrims head back and starts cutting, the whole body moves back rigidly like it must be some kind of manequin. There was no anatomical movement. The final shot showing the decapitated head on top of the body is severely short on blood. There would be around 6 liters of blood all over the place.

This video is staged.

Verified OcUk Armchair Detective here.
Religion is an extreme form of mental handicap in my opinion.

So by that definition you are an extremist if you believe in and or would fight/kill for a Grand Imperial Space Wizard(Insert Specific Name Of God) In the sky you have never met because he gives you fuzzy feelings in your sausage incubator.

Lmao! :D
you do come across a bit extreme, bit like that bhaav guy, he was obsessed with everything muslim aswell.

He WAS muslim but left because they did his head in.

Religion is an extreme form of mental handicap in my opinion.

So by that definition you are an extremist if you believe in and or would fight/kill for a Grand Imperial Space Wizard(Insert Specific Name Of God) In the sky you have never met because he gives you fuzzy feelings in your sausage incubator.

Good name for a band :D
Waiting for some more apologists to come and say they have a valid point if indeed they do have the flags in their windows for people to see.

I still hope its not true. But wouldnt be surprised.
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