ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

The law is for everyone not just some surely? (outside of law enforcement etc)

Yes But you could also argue that in a free society it should be personal choice if you view, I don't believe censorship is a good method of stopping the wrong people from viewing such content. If I watched it its not going to make me run and join the ISLAMIC STATE and I have already made my mind up on the how I feel about the ISLAMIC STATE so by viewing it what affect would it have on me?
That said some people who could be swayed or disturbed by it shouldn't watch such content but then you are getting into censorship and were do you draw the line, such atrocities should be seen and not just by a select few who could decide that perhaps its better if we(the public) should just not know about it.

Can you understand my point?
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Three points.

-The only influence ISIS have over us is what is released to public distribution and consciousness, remove that material and you remove that influence. If it was never mentioned or brought up in the press then it would make a terrorist group a smaller entity. How many less nutjobs would still run across and join them if they weren't so well publicised?

What about all the poor souls in the country we helped "liberate" though, that are left to be brutally murdered by psychopaths? Doesn't affect us personally, so who cares? Poor attitude there.

-It's terrorist propaganda, they wanted to release this, they wanted everyone to see it. When it comes to terrorist groups we should never capitulate in any form or fashion. Bowing to what they want gives them power, they should never be granted any of the power they seek. Doing so only makes more groups think 'hang on, what if we did the same?'.

IS is hopelessly out gunned, so showing the west more provocation just means they'll get wiped off the face of the earth sooner.

-You are watching a man be murdered in a brutally cold and sadistic way, it isn't suitable for many and carries many consequences. From compassion to the family to concern for those who could see it and aren't ready for its brutality there are many reasons why it's circulation should be discouraged.

Again you want to hide your head in the sand instead of confront the issue at hand. These people cannot be reasoned with over a negotiating table like the taliban could to protect innocents. The only language they understand is violence, so lets show them the meaning of it using our airforce
It is unfair to tarnish ALL Muslims with this brush. However, ISIS does represent a sizeable amount of Muslim beliefs, wishes and wants. Otherwise they would not be in this amount of control. To say they are a tiny tiny minority is a little naive

They only have control because of the weapons we gave them.

If some armed men came down your street and started killing everyone who lived at an odd number would you try and stop them and risk your family being killed with the others. If asked , with guns pointed at you and your family, whose side you're on I can guess what most of us would answer.

Some of the views of posters in this thread are just as extreme and given the chance with a gun in their hand would probably do the same as ISIS.

A few thousand is a minority when a billion Muslims are trying to a peaceful life.

I am probably late to this but he doesn't even look like he could survive a night out in Portsmouth let alone fight a 'holy war'. Utter muppet, let them go and kill themselves if they want to. Maybe when enough of these losers are brought back in wooden boxes some people might think twice.

That's scary, there are barely any Muslims in Portsmouth. I think there are only two Mosques. If they are able to recruit 10 people from here how many do they have in the larger cities.
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