ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

That's scary, there are barely any Muslims in Portsmouth. I think there are only two Mosques. If they are able to recruit 10 people from here how many do they have in the larger cities.

Probably had friends in London etc.

Their country of choice, At a guess the ISLAMIC STATE would be an idea or if they must stay within the British land how about South Georgia or Pitcairn islands?

I'd say that they should be locked up but they'd probably turn the prison into a recruitment centre so I guess they should just be put on a boat and left to float around the north sea for a bit.
I can't understand how we are so tolerant of this tripe. Are we so polite that we wouldn't dare challenge these people in the street?

It's what I said earlier. People in central London are too afraid to stand up to people with paper in their hands. And we're happy to label an entire village / region as terrorists when they give men with big guns shelter.

They can't win. Under Saddam they had to support the Sunnis, after Saddam pretend to support the Shiites, now it's Sunnis again and tomorrow it'll be the Kurds. They probably hate religion more than we do but admitting to that would be instant death.
Yes But you could also argue that in a free society it should be personal choice if you view, I don't believe censorship is a good method of stopping the wrong people from viewing such content. If I watched it its not going to make me run and join the ISLAMIC STATE and I have already made my mind up on the how I feel about the ISLAMIC STATE so by viewing it what affect would it have on me?
That said some people who could be swayed or disturbed by it shouldn't watch such content but then you are getting into censorship and were do you draw the line, such atrocities should be seen and not just by a select few who could decide that perhaps its better if we(the public) should just not know about it.

Can you understand my point?

Oh I get your point you are against censorship but that really isn't the discussion since your views don't exactly effect the law.

My comment was in regards to "yes possibly depends on who views it I presume" which came across as it's illegal depending on who views it.
We may as well go back to the tried and tested method of lob them into some water if they drown they're innocent if they float they're an extremist or witch I forget which one.

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