ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Nothing Hollywood about whats going on. These cowards need a lesson or two. The fact British passport holders are going out there and carrying out these acts is quite worrying. What happens if one or two decide to come home and slip through the net and join normal life? Very worrying times.

Lets just hope our top brass have a plan in place to catch and stop these people ever returning to the UK!

I'd be just as worried about the ones who haven't gone abroad and still in the UK. The guys out there were turned while they were living here.
There's no political will for boots on the ground. Besides, the Americans are having no problems removing them from the gene pool way up in the sky.

Whatever happens that 'person' who did the execution must never step foot on British soil again. I fully support the use of tax payer funds in firing a few hundred Brimstones if it helped achieve that goal.
There was a few tweets with pictures of it happening so I don't think it was sensationalist.

ISIS is already recognised as a terrorist organisation. Surely handing out any IS leaflets would be a terrorist offence. Where were the police?

Is the IS flag just the black flag with some Arabic across it, the same you see waved all over the ME and other Muslim countries? We won't be able to do anything about it as it's won't be illegal to display it.
Honestly no idea where the police were; trying not to offend anyone maybe :D :(.

Yeah its a black flag with a white circle and some Arabic writing on it. I'm not sure if its the same.
ISIS is already recognised as a terrorist organisation. Surely handing out any IS leaflets would be a terrorist offence. Where were the police?

Is the IS flag just the black flag with some Arabic across it, the same you see waved all over the ME and other Muslim countries? We won't be able to do anything about it as it's won't be illegal to display it.

Think they were handed out by Anjam Choudhry's lot, who is a lawyer I think and is very careful in what he says and how he says it whilst staying within the law.

For example in the leaflets they make no mention of ISIS rather just Caliphate.
Whatever happens that 'person' who did the execution must never step foot on British soil again. I fully support the use of tax payer funds in firing a few hundred Brimstones if it helped achieve that goal.


No doubt the intelligence services are all over these guys so even if they survive whatever it is they think they're doing, they'll need to be very lucky to get back into the country and remain free for any meaningful amount of time.

Does this group have a leader/s? I've not heard mention of someone in charge of the animals. Someone has to be calling the shots?

This fella. Probably funded largely by Saudi and Qatar oil money.
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After seeing a video of a beheading in Iraq years ago, some american called Armstrong I think, I have absolutely no desire to watch another, it's way too sickening and traumatic and stays with you forever. Police are actually declaring this current video as a criminal offence to watch now.

I hope they get this british POS, lock him away, and that he gets tortured slowly and painfully every day by inmates.

That's right make it a crime to view it, lets pretend it hasn't happened no one sees it and next weeks Xfactor will make them forget about it.

Pathetic. (I am not advocating watching it, just the option too if you choose too - you know freewill in a free country)
That's right make it a crime to view it, lets pretend it hasn't happened no one sees it and next weeks Xfactor will make them forget about it.

Pathetic. (I am not advocating watching it, just the option too if you choose too - you know freewill in a free country)

Surely its extremist material which is already illegal to download and view.
They really need to employee some decent marketing and PR people. Today they're IS, last week they were ISIS, the week before ISIL, next week they'll be the People's Front Of Islam, next month it'll be the Islamist People's Front.
News outlets and even our government are really annoying me with this issue now. IS kills thousands of men, women and children in brutal executions and we do nothing, yet one white guy gets his head cut off and the BBC and david cameron loose their ******* minds.

Yes its a horrible act and a brutal death, but how the hell is this guys death any more significant than the thousands of other executions before him? Two weeks ago I saw a video of theirs where they simply brought up men and boys to the side of a river, shot them in the back of the head and pushed them in. Blood all over the place and a very long line of hysterical people waiting to be murdered. We don't see that on the news because the general public don't want to be put off their evening meal when they watch the news. Utter disgrace of cherry picked media and politics.
They really need to employee some decent marketing and PR people. Today they're IS, last week they were ISIS, the week before ISIL, next week they'll be the People's Front Of Islam, next month it'll be the Islamist People's Front.

Isn't it keeping one step ahead. The US ban ISIL they rebrand as ISIS, then IS and it goes on :).

Eventually they will run out of acronyms and will have to call themselves Up Satan America.
That's right make it a crime to view it, lets pretend it hasn't happened no one sees it and next weeks Xfactor will make them forget about it.

Pathetic. (I am not advocating watching it, just the option too if you choose too - you know freewill in a free country)

Three points.

-The only influence ISIS have over us is what is released to public distribution and consciousness, remove that material and you remove that influence. If it was never mentioned or brought up in the press then it would make a terrorist group a smaller entity. How many less nutjobs would still run across and join them if they weren't so well publicised?

-It's terrorist propaganda, they wanted to release this, they wanted everyone to see it. When it comes to terrorist groups we should never capitulate in any form or fashion. Bowing to what they want gives them power, they should never be granted any of the power they seek. Doing so only makes more groups think 'hang on, what if we did the same?'.

-You are watching a man be murdered in a brutally cold and sadistic way, it isn't suitable for many and carries many consequences. From compassion to the family to concern for those who could see it and aren't ready for its brutality there are many reasons why it's circulation should be discouraged.
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