ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

We already have sharia patrols in parts of londonistan - isn't that a form of vigilantism? If the authorities don't want vigilante patrols then they need to get a grip of this problem and quickly, at the moment I'd say the Islamists were way ahead of the police in terms of competence.

I think there were a couple of idiots who were going around Whitechapel at night threatening gays/people drinking/basically anybody, but I think the police cracked down on them pretty hard, (I think they were all arrested, possibly imprisoned)

For what it's worth, I walk through Whitechapel twice a day to get into the city for work, it's JAMMED with Muslims, but I've never felt threatened or upset in the slightest.. When I get to London bridge however, I get shouted at by a load of crazy christians handing out creationist leaflets, so I prefer Whitechapel at the moment..
Always makes me laugh how everyone instantly jumps to "destroy ISIS" or "wipe them all out", without really considering how and why these groups formed in the first place.

I'm not in any way shape or form justifying such barbaric actions or people, however a large part of the blame lies with the West (specifically America and Britain) for getting involved in these areas of the World to begin with. And by getting involved I mean causing death and destruction.

Do you really think a 10 year war with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths has no consequence? People never learn. It's like a tragic broken record, history just repeating itself over and over
Even look now to the conflict in Israel... Of course it's a completely different setup, but the general idea is the same.

Israel has literally killed over 400 children since they started bombing Gaza. And there are people who fully support these actions. I even read a comment yesterday along the lines of "Great job Israel! Go get them!".

What do you think will happen to the brothers and fathers of those children killed when they grow up? That they'll love and accept Israel?

Violence breeds hate and more violence. Nothing more. It's the same in Syria, the same in Iraq, Afganistan and Gaza.

Really messed up double standard World we are living in
Israel has literally killed over 400 children since they started bombing Gaza. And there are people who fully support these actions. I even read online a comment by someone yesterday along the lines of "Great job Israel! Go get them!".

There is some context here.

If I remember correctly, the people in Gaza have been firing rockets mounted on the back of pickup trucks from school playgrounds. Inevitably, Israel will fire back.

I don't believe the people in Gaza are innocent for one minute - they are putting women and children in the line of fire and then saying how terrible it is that they're being killed.
If I remember correctly, the people in Gaza have been firing rockets mounted on the back of pickup trucks from school playgrounds. Inevitably, Israel will fire back.

People in Gaza? You realize Gaza has a population of nearly 2 million right? Most of which are innocent civilians.

Hamas is not Gaza.
Always makes me laugh how everyone instantly jumps to "destroy ISIS" or "wipe them all out", without really considering how and why these groups formed in the first place.

Always makes me laugh, how back in 2003 just about everybody was against going to war in Iraq, the whole Saddam thing, WMDs etc - but they did it anyway,

Now they're gutted because it's still a hell hole, and journalists are getting their heads chopped off, etc etc, as though this is some sort of unexpected thing that nobody predicted..
This is exactly what I mean. People actually justify Israel killing children. As if ever a justification should be made for such an act.

If such a high % of the deaths in Israel's offensive have been children, they are doing something very very wrong
Not really been following the crisis pre-beheading of Foley.

Just listening to a guy from the Kurdish army on Sky News saying that ISIS have far more ammunition, advanced tanks and arms than their army. Where have they got all this gear from?

They captured a lot American supplies give to the Iraq Army troops when turned turned and ran
People in Gaza? You realize Gaza has a population of nearly 2 million right? Most of which are innocent civilians.

Hamas is not Gaza.

Well why don't all these innocent civilians speak up? I don't understand at all why there's such a fuss being made about Israel when they're only responding to rockets being fired.

If someone threw a stone into my garden I'd throw a brick back.
Always makes me laugh how everyone instantly jumps to "destroy ISIS" or "wipe them all out", without really considering how and why these groups formed in the first place.

I'm not in any way shape or form justifying such barbaric actions or people, however a large part of the blame lies with the West (specifically America and Britain) for getting involved in these areas of the World to begin with. And by getting involved I mean causing death and destruction.

Do you really think a 10 year war with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths has no consequence? People never learn. It's like a tragic broken record, history just repeating itself over and over

I agree with this man, who ever has the biggest bombs and biggest army will never solve the root of the problem. you can't bomb enough of them to solve the problem. The problem usually get solved when so many people have died and continue to die families on both sides left if despair and suffering that people eventually start to realize its not worth it.
Well why don't all these innocent civilians speak up? I don't understand at all why there's such a fuss being made about Israel when they're only responding to rockets being fired.

If someone threw a stone into my garden I'd throw a brick back.

Yes but after that brick you'd probably get a good shelling.
Yes but after that brick you'd probably get a good shelling.

If I were Israel and my neighbour was Hamas, I don't think they'd have anything better than a stone.

Hamas are constantly firing rockets and mortars from built up areas where there's a large population of civilians, hoping that Israel will not respond for that reason.

It's not fair to say Israel is the only side in the wrong here. The tactics being employed by Hamas bring death upon civilians.
I'm sick of hearing of children being killed to be honest. Move them out of the way. 'Hamas' are bringing it on themselves.

Did you really just say you're sick of hearing about children being killed? As if 400 children dieing is in some way an inconvenience to your ears?

People like you make me sick.

And once again (since you don't seem to be able to process simple facts), Hamas is not Gaza! There are 2 million Palestinian people, a significant % of which are innocent men, women and children. They are completely trapped in that hell hole and literally walled in by Israel and dependent on them for the most basic necessities of life
Its quite easy to blame the west but do people honestly think there wasn't these sort of groups before the 90's ?

Its also annoying when people blame "the west" for past actions and interventions for the current troubles (The Arab spring destabilise a lot of countries) and then go "why are we not doing anything" when is comes to Syria or ISIS.
Its quite easy to blame the west but do people honestly think there wasn't these sort of groups before the 90's ?

Oh our involvement in these areas goes futher back than the 90s...

And yes the current instability in Iraq is a direct result of our actions there in the last few years
They are completely trapped in that hell hole and literally walled in by Israel and dependent on them for the most basic necessities of life

Israel should open the border and let the civilians out and setup refugee camps inside Israel.

That's if they really are after only Hamas.
Do we need to have public groups look for and name these people if the government is to scared to do this?

Are you volunteering? Or are you just happy to sit at your keyboard and tell everyone how angry you are and let someone else do the dirty work.

You can make a start by getting down to Oxford street and stop the idiots handing out flyers.
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