ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Name and shame the families who have kids over there?
They must know what they up going for or some of them will do.

Do your parents know where you are 24/7?

Do you parents check your passport and verify your flights and hotel bookings when you go abroad and keep and run a background check on everyone in your group?

How do you think the police have had success stopping terrorists in the UK and know about the ones who are with ISIS. From their families and people in the 'muslim' community.
kinda hard to enforce but any family that knows of a member that has left to join IS should tell the authorites, and if they dont and are found out should be either deported*/arrested for terrorism

Since when have family members been prosecuted because of the actions of their son/brother.

Should we lock your parents away because they didn't monitor the amount of porn you were downloading and distributing?

And if the parents have other dependents who takes care of them, do we split up the families and house them in care homes?

Who would want to foster a muslim child? I mean they are only going to grow up and become another terrorist, at which you, the foster parent, will be locked up.
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Well why don't all these innocent civilians speak up? I don't understand at all why there's such a fuss being made about Israel when they're only responding to rockets being fired.

If someone threw a stone into my garden I'd throw a brick back.

Using this analogy, I'm your neighbour and I've slowly taken over your full garden, moving in my gnomes and building fences until eventually you're standing in a square foot and you throw a stone at me, at which point I throw 200 bricks at you and some heavily armed gnomes.
Using this analogy, I'm your neighbour and I've slowly taken over your full garden, moving in my gnomes and building fences until eventually you're standing in a square foot and you throw a stone at me, at which point I throw 200 bricks at you and some heavily armed gnomes.

But he won't mind if you have bigger guns.

He will happily let you destroy his family home, abuse his mother, imprison his father and let you control his activities.

People should know when they're conquered.
Israel should open the border and let the civilians out and setup refugee camps inside Israel.

That's if they really are after only Hamas.

That would be a great idea but the problem would be that is highly likely that more than just civilians would come across a open border.
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Israel should open the border and let the civilians out and setup refugee camps inside Israel.

That's if they really are after only Hamas.

What?! :confused: I'm sure you can't be serious. Nobody really thinks that would work, surely. Because obviously all Hamas members/militants/etc would just stay behind... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I thought this was a thread about ISIS. Not Gaza.

As for ISIS, I think we should be providing military aid to the Kurds and Iraq even if that is only by means of air support and aid. I think most people would view this as a more proportionate approach as well. As for other military equipment such as tanks and artillery, I'm not so sure. Especially considering what was provided previously has seemingly been falling into the hands of ISIS.

What I want to know though is how is the remainder of the Islamic world viewing the development of ISIS? Is this something they fear? Do Iran, Suadi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt not fear the rise of ISIS?
That would be a great idea but the problem would be that is highly likely that more than just civilians would come across a open border.

Everyone would be searched and tagged, maybe a GPS tag, and they could be housed in a secure area. No one could bring any weapons through. It'll probably be cheaper for IL to house and feed the people for a few months than the cost of the bombs they drop in a single day.

Save lives, save money and save the planet.

Why am I not on the peace process panel !!
What I want to know though is how is the remainder of the Islamic world viewing the development of ISIS? Is this something they fear? Do Iran, Suadi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt not fear the rise of ISIS?

I think the Saudi's have the most to fear. The impression I get is most muslims believe the country is run by the corrupt royal family who just make themselves richer.

If the Kurds get too powerful then the Turks may start to worry.

For the Iraqis, they aren't innocent in all this. After Saddam was out the Shiites didn't waste any time taking revenge against the Sunnis. Now the Sunnis are fighting back they need want the US to save them again. They should have made peace with their neighbours when they had the chance, not look for revenge.
We need some sensible and realistic solutions regardless as having ex-isis fighters coming back to the UK is to be honest a scary prospect. Only this morning on radio 5 there was a British isis supporter saying "I can't wait untill the IS spreads across the world to the UK"

ISIS just font want a Islamic state for them selfs they want it for everybody :-/
We need some sensible and realistic solutions regardless as having ex-isis fighters coming back to the UK is to be honest a scary prospect. Only this morning on radio 5 there was a British isis supporter saying "I can't wait untill the IS spreads across the world to the UK"

ISIS just font want a Islamic state for them selfs they want it for everybody :-/

I heard that interview on 5 live this morning and it was honestly quite a scary thought, he seamed adamant that the UK is missing out by not having sharia law and it that the Muslim religion should basically rule the world.
Do your parents know where you are 24/7?

Do you parents check your passport and verify your flights and hotel bookings when you go abroad and keep and run a background check on everyone in your group?

No but they'd probably know if I disappeared for a few months....
Always makes me laugh how everyone instantly jumps to "destroy ISIS" or "wipe them all out", without really considering how and why these groups formed in the first place.

I'm not in any way shape or form justifying such barbaric actions or people, however a large part of the blame lies with the West (specifically America and Britain) for getting involved in these areas of the World to begin with. And by getting involved I mean causing death and destruction.

Do you really think a 10 year war with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths has no consequence? People never learn. It's like a tragic broken record, history just repeating itself over and over

Couldn't agree more. Got to love the West. Hundreds of thousands civilians killed in a 10 year occupation which bred sectarian violence, then jumped ship, watched ISIS massacre and slaughter all the way upto the Kurds and Christian Yazidis then all of a sudden we act when one journalist is killed.

Returning IS fighters are a worry but i think its being massively blown out of proportion here. As usual the Israel and US backed media want to create a storm and whip up some war mongering in case we need to act further. When these few guys come back, detail and question them. Charge them under the umbrella of terrorism and lock them up. They're hardly going to be a major threat. With all the spying and intelligence services in Europe being of high alert they're very unlikely to achieve anything in my opinion.

Also what the hell has this got to do with their families or the wider Muslim community. There are a few extremist not jobs. Let's not tarnish everyone with the same brush.
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Also what the hell has this got to do with their families or the wider Muslim community. There are a few extremist not jobs. Let's not tarnish everyone with the same brush.

its their responsibility to report it, they wont mind you as they will still reckon that deep down they are still "good muslims"

that bint who writes for the i used that same phrase when trying argue about the muslims sex grooming gangs.

I am personally sick off the excuses and cowardice from the so called moderate Muslim community (if that even exists)
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