ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Couldn't agree more. Got to love the West. Hundreds of thousands civilians killed in a 10 year occupation which bred sectarian violence, then jumped ship, watched ISIS massacre and slaughter all the way upto the Kurds and Christian Yazidis then all of a sudden we act when one journalist is killed.

You seem to be complaining about The west interventions in the middle east and then the west not intervening in the same sentence.
its their responsibility to report it, they wont mind you as they will still reckon that deep down they are still "good muslims"

that bint who writes for the i used that same phrase when trying argue about the muslims sex grooming gangs.

I am personally sick off the excuses and cowardice from the so called moderate Muslim community (if that even exists)

If you believe that moderate muslims have all the info on these extremists, you could always grow a beard and go under cover.
Tell them you want to convert, lets see what you find out.
Couldn't agree more. Got to love the West. Hundreds of thousands civilians killed in a 10 year occupation which bred sectarian violence, then jumped ship, watched ISIS massacre and slaughter all the way upto the Kurds and Christian Yazidis then all of a sudden we act when one journalist is killed.

Returning IS fighters are a worry but i think its being massively blown out of proportion here. As usual the Israel and US backed media want to create a storm and whip up some war mongering in case we need to act further. When these few guys come back, detail and question them. Charge them under the umbrella of terrorism and lock them up. They're hardly going to be a major threat. With all the spying and intelligence services in Europe being of high alert they're very unlikely to achieve anything in my opinion.

Also what the hell has this got to do with their families or the wider Muslim community. There are a few extremist not jobs. Let's not tarnish everyone with the same brush.

This isn't exactly true is it..... I think you will find that the jounalist beheading was retaliation for the US providing air support. So the west didnt sit around doing nothing then react to a journalist being killed, this is nonsense.

I really don't understand the point of posts like these. I completely understand that the Iraq war has allowed this uprising to happen, but you can't keep ranting on about how bad the US and UK/ west are for causing this then criticise them when they step up and provide help for a problem they caused....

Question - Do you think the west shouldnt get involved both militarily and humanitarianly in this disaster?? If you answer no to this then i'm shocked. This is a mess caused by the mismanagement of the country rebuilding after the iraq war......allow the west to clear up the mess.

This being said....Surely Turkey should be playing a major role in this....they share a boarder for cryn out loud....
Along with rampant malnutrition and disease, and the associated human rights court cases we'd be facing, not to mention that we'd then be as bad as Islamic State?

Yeah, good idea. *slow handclaps*
What?! :confused: I'm sure you can't be serious. Nobody really thinks that would work, surely. Because obviously all Hamas members/militants/etc would just stay behind... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I thought this was a thread about ISIS. Not Gaza.

As for ISIS, I think we should be providing military aid to the Kurds and Iraq even if that is only by means of air support and aid. I think most people would view this as a more proportionate approach as well. As for other military equipment such as tanks and artillery, I'm not so sure. Especially considering what was provided previously has seemingly been falling into the hands of ISIS.

What I want to know though is how is the remainder of the Islamic world viewing the development of ISIS? Is this something they fear? Do Iran, Suadi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt not fear the rise of ISIS?
saudi arabia probably help fund them and Qatar
Couldn't agree more. Got to love the West. Hundreds of thousands civilians killed in a 10 year occupation which bred sectarian violence, then jumped ship, watched ISIS massacre and slaughter all the way upto the Kurds and Christian Yazidis then all of a sudden we act when one journalist is killed.

Also what the hell has this got to do with their families or the wider Muslim community. There are a few extremist not jobs. Let's not tarnish everyone with the same brush.

A few? Define a few? Theres rather a lot in these countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Iraq....

This video is for people like you. Il keep posting it everytime someone goes "its da wests fault init"

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