ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

I hope not badcompany.

My wife reads the gossip section but occasionally get's sucked into the Jerry Springer type "news" section.

I can always tell when she starts talking about a topic that she's read it on the daily fail as it's about as far removed from the actual story as possible while remaining just outside being libellous.

It's scary reading the comments.....
Is this the same guy that was in a photo the other week holding a severed head?

yup, same one...

he also seems to be getting a fair amount of abuse on his facebook page.... I guess its only a matter of time, not sure whether they will be able to capture him quickly or not - though at some point in the future he will be captured, shot or bombed remotely by a drone..
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Is it against the law to hold an severed head? :o

Honest question.

What do we make of old Boris Johnston.

Will be be our next PM?

I'd prefer if our finest could just eliminate them on the field so to speak.

Boris is certainly angling for the top job even if he denies it some of his recent comments aren't the sort you come out with unless your aiming pretty high.

Is it now time to deport people like this? I think so.

This guy is openly inciting muslims to go on jihad, denounces democracy, supports ISIS, and claims it is islams destiny to overthrow all secular governments. He calls on UK muslims to overthrow the UK government and implement Sharia law.

David Cameron says "he might be walking a fine line". Grow some balls, Cameron.

This man and his like are cancer, and we pussyfoot around letting them preach their hatred whilst living in the UK and enjoying our quality of life.

Throw him back to the desert hell holes he is helping create. Scum!

[edit: This is Choudary before he converted to islam

He now believes that drinking alcohol should be punished with 40 lashes. Seriously, this guy condoned the killing of Lee Rigby. Why is he allowed to remain here?]

[edit2: This Choudary guy (linked to Jihadist John hence he's relevent) has repeatedly set up groups classified and banned as terrorist groups. His latest affiliation is with the "Islamic Emergency Defence" group. This group promises to respond with a vigilante force to any anti-islamic incident. They claim this is allowed under Sharia law.

They call Choudary an "upstanding muslim". The IED are aiming to attract young muslims to join their Sharia gangs.

Civil war is coming, people. It may seem distant now, but it's coming sure as night follows day. Some links:
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Choudrey is an MI5 agent. Thought everyone knew that. Though personally I don't hAve any objection if he "disappeared"

Lol, tbh that wouldn't surprise me. Some of the most notorious republican and loyalist terrorists here in northern Ireland were later exposed as agents of the security service, military or police intelligence agencies. One of note being Fred scappatici, one of the top men in ira internal security, otherwise known as the nutting squad.
O come on "IED" almost sounds like a deliberate choice of acronym.

If a website existed for reporting muslim protests/abuse from them they'd be arrested.

Well is available perfect for a spoof clone of the IED homepage :D.
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@Mynight: yes I'm sure it's deliberate. They are a muslim group determined to stir up trouble, like all the groups Choudary has been involved with (or started). Muslims against Crusades, etc. There are a number of them now. They should all be banned and members deported. They are not welcome here.

Now, I've been reading quite a bit lately about the threat that islam poses to the West. One thing I have learned is that quite a few muslims think that spreading islam is a duty they must perform, or that they will be subject to "hellfire" with non-muslims.

I read many, many blog posts of muslims saying that unless they make all countries into islamic states, allah will burn them too. With beliefs like that, it's hardly surprising that people are turning to extremism.

Now some Christian groups believe in destruction/damnation of sinners. What they don't believe in is that you must convert people or be a sinner yourself. So Christians have a much more relaxed outlook on life - worrying about their own faith and not attempting to convert people at knife-point.
What is this really all about, what is the root cause here, we had football hooligans in the 80's/90's is this just similar to that, disgruntled youths looking to create some havoc, or is this Muslims Vs Christians, or the goings on in Israel/Palestine or the police hassling/stereotyping Muslims, or the lack of ability to practice Sharia law, or is this what the Bible prophets described as the beginning of the end times. What's the root cause...
What is this really all about, what is the root cause here, we had football hooligans in the 80's/90's is this just similar to that, disgruntled youths looking to create some havoc, or is this Muslims Vs Christians, or the goings on in Israel/Palestine or the police hassling/stereotyping Muslims, or the lack of ability to practice Sharia law, or is this what the Bible prophets described as the beginning of the end times. What's the root cause...

Islam is in incompatible with the western world, heck these idiots are even killing themselves!
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