ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Funding it? :confused:.

Not really, most khawariji groups like ISIS would be more than happy to remove from power Muslim governments (i.e. remove their heads). But one of the reasons they don't tend to do much is because they can use them to their own advantage in one way or another.
Funding and sitting back crying for the same people they curse in Secret aka America/UK. It is always the same tactics.

Fund conflict in state A,B,C.
Beg America to come help.
Blame America for being infidels and killers.
Fund people to bomb America with thier newly found hatred.

Isnt that just saudi arabia being there usual selves :p
Breaking news, female fighter wants to be the first female executor, she writes,

“Any links 4 da execution of da journalist plz. Allahu Akbar. UK must b shaking up ha ha. I wna b da 1st UK woman 2 kill a UK or US terorrist!(sic)”.

then goes on to say,

“On da way 2 da market in Manbij [near Aleppo], me and sum sisters was wonderin wat da commotion was all about ... On da way back frm da market, we see da body of a young man, with blood coin his nose ... tied onto a tree.”
He didn't necessarily do it though, just a front guy in the video.

Whether he did it or not, if he's the person in the video he should be accountable for fighting with IS in the first place.

It sure did look like he (if he is indeed the person) was sawing away at his neck in the video before it faded black.
The media need to keep up!
Information on the net was confident it was this guy nearly a week ago!! lol

so you're saying the daily fail is ahead of the curve then and other media need to keep up with them... they too had a story about this guy 'nearly a week ago' :p
FWIW the daily fail is an awesome read... especially the comments section - in fact just reading the headline for an article then skipping to the comments section is often amusing....
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