ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

11 Apr 2004
What is this really all about, what is the root cause here, we had football hooligans in the 80's/90's is this just similar to that, disgruntled youths looking to create some havoc, or is this Muslims Vs Christians, or the goings on in Israel/Palestine or the police hassling/stereotyping Muslims, or the lack of ability to practice Sharia law, or is this what the Bible prophets described as the beginning of the end times. What's the root cause...

A text that allegedly came from God (Allah) that says it's ok to behead people, take slaves, and goto war with sinners and non beleivers.

I've read the Koran and the simple fact is if you want to kill someone its very easy to find a passage somewhere that will legitimise murdering someone.

This is not the case with the other classic religious or spiritual texts of the world :-

Tao Te Ching - Taoism
Dhammapada - Buddhism
Bhagavard Gita - Hinduism

Read the above texts and youll see why you don't see buddhists, hindus or taoists behaving like medieval savages.

And I will acknowledge the Bible isn't far behind when it comes to conflift justification, the difference is Jews and Christians have calmed down a bit on the savagery in recent times. Many followeres of Islam havent.
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17 Feb 2006
Religion isn't compatible with the modern world.

Islam isn't just a religion tho. It's a system of laws and governance and religion all rolled into one.

And many muslims believe that shariah is allah's law handed down, so an islamic state must live by shariah. And all people must be converted to islam as that is commanded.

For some muslims it's only a matter of time before the whole world is muslim and living under shariah.

How can that be compatible with modern, civilised society?

What we have to be afraid of is that they are recently now starting to assert themselves in areas where they have congregated together. Taking over schools, have islamic "enforcers" patrol the streets, forcing businesses to make changes to avoid "insulting" muslims.

As they keep testing the boundaries of what we will tolerate, it's only a matter of time before they push too far, and somebody with real cojones says "enough is enough".
17 Feb 2006
You don't half spout a load of rubbish foxeye. It's a laughable at best interpretation of Islam you have there.

You should get a room with badcompany - here's a site your kind will be at home in:

History shows us that islam is cancer. It infects a country, grows and grows, then overthrows the host and replaces it. What I want to know is, why so few of our politicians are even acknowledging the problem?

We need more people like this:
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
You don't half spout a load of rubbish foxeye. It's a laughable at best interpretation of Islam you have there.

You should get a room with badcompany - here's a site your kind will be at home in:
interpretation of Islam you have there

Erm how do you interpret a proponent of child marriage and caravan ambush and murdering wrong? Are you going to deny that as well. Jesus and Mohammed could not be more different so there is no mis-interpretation going on by anyone here. What is happening is you guys simply cannot face up to the fact Islam is **** because it is not fit for modern living. All the Christians are taking that road with the old testament and seiges and it is widely despised these days. Infact i would never allow a child of mine to be taught the bible simply down to these chapters.

The reason you lot refuse to do the same is the same reason you see everyone chanting Muhammad like a football team. Religious gangsterism almost like Muhammed is the only cultural thing a bunch of people from the Arab world can come togeather and chant. Which pretty much summs up what 1400 years of Islam left them with. Which would be Islam and nothing else.
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12 May 2004
As they keep testing the boundaries of what we will tolerate, it's only a matter of time before they push too far, and somebody with real cojones says "enough is enough".

Thats the BIG problem nobody has the balls to say and do whats needed to nip it in the bud. The time WILL come when something is done and it won't be pretty as they would have left it too late.

I will leave this here its over 100 years old and ever more relevant now.

Sir Winston Churchill has been recognized as one of the greatest men of the late nineteenth and of the twentieth century. He was an extraordinary war leader to whom the Western World must be forever in debt. He was a prophet in his own time as this quotation, written well over 100 years ago, demonstrates.]

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the
Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world.
Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant
and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled,
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
25 Apr 2010
You don't half spout a load of rubbish foxeye. It's a laughable at best interpretation of Islam you have there.

You should get a room with badcompany - here's a site your kind will be at home in:

To be honest some of what he says in that last post is true to a degree.

I grew up in East london and a lot of my friends are muslim and you would be suprised at the ignorance they prescribe too.

a lot of these kids dont openly support IS but they have some kind of interest in it due to there beliefs etc.

Obviously once any normal adult does the research they will find out IS is not the caliphate that Islam should prescribe too as they are just a regime murdering innocents however younger people are easy to brainwash with storys of glory.
12 May 2004
That's half the trouble kids aren't told the truth about radical Islam and it's dangers. Most sane adults when given the facts about it will reject it. This goes for religion in general too hence the shrinking church membership in the west.
14 Jun 2010
Or just go and read the Quran and find out for yourself what Islam is about, the amount of arrogance/stupidity on this thread is unbelievable.
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23 Apr 2014
It must vary greatly how much radical Islam there is in different towns as I've never seen it where I live or in any towns close by.

As for those who think they're going to take over the UK, that is quite frankly laughable. You should go see the doctor about paranoia.
17 Feb 2006
Or just go and read the Quran and find out for yourself what Islam is about, the amount of arrogance/stupidity on this thread is unbelievable.

But what about all the people who have read it, and still condemn it? Educated, intelligent people. Including our very own Winston Churchill.

In fact there are quotes from prominent scientists and scholars everywhere who agree that islam is a grave threat to all humanity.

Do you honestly think that all those who read your holy book will start to revere your religion? Not only started - as many thing were in historical times - with bloodshed and conquest, but still behaving in this manner in 2014!

When other religions have been peaceable for decades. But not islam. Because a significant number of followers believe that it is the birthright of islam to dominate the world. A significant number. Enough to fight endless wars, to recruit jihadis from all corners of the world, to support and cheer on their actions even in this country.

Yes, a significant number of muslims are the enemy of the free world. Of which other religion can this also be said?
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