ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

the trend these days is more educated, middle class types...

most important quality is that they can be trusted to carry out the attack - for example the attack on the CIA in Afghanistan in 2009 was carried out by a medical doctor from Jordan... not a mental person, not someone with low intelligence nor an outcast etc...

i'm not saying mental or low intelligence, i'm talking about teenagers bullied at school, thats the big demographic that make up the bulk of the attacks.
Yeah I know. It's bloody madness. They (the US) should have seen that coming.

They made little if any attempt to disable or destroy a lot of equipment left after the first Iraq war either, loads of soon to be obsolete/being phased out hardware was just left lying about the desert. Annoyingly can't find the information at the moment but for instance they left a load of M60 tanks just lying about as they were being phased out and couldn't be bothered to haul them back home with little more than some adhoc attempts to disable the main gun.
Yeah I know. It's bloody madness. They (the US) should have seen that coming.

They didn't have much choice... they had to set up a new Iraqi army and that requires providing equipment and training, they did both.

If Iraq didn't have its own armed forces once the UK/US withdrew then you'd have seen much larger problems much sooner.
Funding and sitting back crying for the same people they curse in Secret aka America/UK. It is always the same tactics.

Fund conflict in state A,B,C.
Beg America to come help.
Blame America for being infidels and killers.
Fund people to bomb America with thier newly found hatred.
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