For the record, i dont believe in God. Yes I saw many things, so bad i cant mention some in here. Can i also mentioned i was once a muslim.
Now to some extent i agree, not every muslim brew trouble but a bigger % amongst the One Billion worldwide are in the other extreme end (sorry, it is a fact)
I dont see colour either, as a matter of fact i dont discriminate whether you are brown Black or colour of the rainbow i will still roll with you ...(especially if you are a cute female)
I dont have problem with your religion but i have a problem with the way those who practise it are failing to see their consequences. I NEVER stated for Quran to be banned, the article if you read it never stated for it to be banned either. The tille was merely asking a question. (but i guess you aint even allowed to say things like that right)
Like i said before, not every muslim is a bad but im sorry majority of those who practise it are so intolerant and blind to the facts period. Take it or leave it.
In a debate i like to state facts and ask questions but if im not getting any response as per the question i am asking i can only suggest you go back and come back strong.