The Palestinians need to rise up against their true oppressors, Hamas.
I don't think this is will end now until Hamas are defeated
Hamas are the oppressors, they don't care about the people in Palestine, they're just human shields to them.
War is brutal, but in order the protect their people and prevent this happening again, Israel is justified in it's actions.
Unfortunately tend to agree. Lets be clear, neither side is clear of blame or bad action at some point in history, Israel has made some very bad decisions and has definately pushed a victim complex on multiple occasions (both sides have), but the recent brutal attacks by Hamas against civilians; women and children, are beyond militancy or justified, they are just raw barbarism, hatred and terrorism. All Hamas have done is set the cause of the Palestinian people back decades. Most of the Israeli's I know just want to get on with thier lives, they don't want to have to fight, and I very much suspect that is all most civilians amongst the Palestinians want also. What is going on now is sheer result of generational hatred and ego/power, it is not religion, it is not cause, it is just brainwashed hatred and terrorism. What harm did babies or a music festival pose to Hamas. None. I don't even 100% blame the brainwashed monsters who actually attacked, as ultimately they were brainwashed, riled up, and turned into what they are by others. The leader of Hamas is not even IN Gaza, he is in Qatar. They are cowards using the generational hatred and the influencable/weak minded to achieve thier own goals, and maintain thier own power.
Unfortunately Hamas is quite willing and happy to hide amongst the Palestinian people, to use them as human shields, because ultimately they do not care about the Palestinian people EITHER, all of it is ego, hatreds and power; they will not negotiate or try to co-exist with Israel, they make that very clear, and by attacking Israel like this they have just given the powers that be in Israel all excuse/justificiation depending on your point of view, to go in and try and root this out once and for all. If they cared about the Palestinian people, they'd be operating out of military compounds, but no, they fire out of civilian facilities and residential zones, simply to try and use any ensuing retaliation as more propaganda and to feed the hatred that keeps them in power. The Israeli's I know are quite supportive of the concept of 2 state, they fundamentally just want to get on with thier lives and be left alone. Hamas does not want or believe that, and make it quite clear they won't he happy until Israel no longer exists. There can be no lasting peace with people like that in charge, regardless of what justification they try to give (creed/colour/ethnicity/religion), they are a stain on the modern era, and the vast reason that most Palestinian people put up with them is a combination of no alternative, and if they are not seen to toe the line/support them, they become the target (see Iran/Afghanistan). Extremist governments have no place in the modern world.
I have also heard from the ground that quite some level of Islamic State paraphanalia has been found on the killed/caputred terrorists, not something confirmed or admitted in western media as far as I've seen, which also explains another reason why the US has sent a fair amount of military capacity closer to the region. There is more going on here than the international public are fully aware of.
I just hope it is over sooner rather than later, so the civilians can go back to thier lives, on both sides, without fear of terrorism.