Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I don't think they do turn a blind eye, and I think that Israel only has the moral high ground today. Tomorrow is a different story. Not that Israel actually cares.
Even Syria's closest ally Russia, ignores Israels attacks on Syria, it's a reason why despite having S300's stationed in Syria, Russia never gave the keys to Syria to use them
There has to be a worry now that this is all going to massively flare up. Russia in Ukraine would love to take some of the heat off, and a war in the middle east would do nicely to divert attention.
Definitely looks like something is brewing. We're all making assumptions based on only part of the information. I'm quite sure the US government have a better idea of what is happening behind the scenes hence two carrier strike groups. When was the last time you saw them do that?

Exactly, that is part of why I believe what I have been told from those there about the Islamic State connection, as it makes the American response make a lot more sense in context. Especially after what was percieved as abject weakness in Afghanistan, they will not be eager to repeat that mistake, especially when it comes to IS.

Just to put it into context, the population of London is close to 9 million. The total population of Israel is just over 9 million, spread much more thinly, so every death there is felt much more keenly than here. Imagine the response if Glastonbury Festival had suddenly been attacked, along with English villages and a load of housing estates of London by someone. England has as much blood on its hands historically as anywhere else. Would people still be criticising a response? Several friends and colleagues of mine in the region have lost someone they knew/considered a friend.

The people treating this Hamas attack as a victory for Palestine are incredibly misguided or naive at best. This is a loss for the Palestinian people and everyone who cares about them, they are essentially being used as a tool/shield by Hamas and others.
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It's exactly the same. Adults getting kids interested in guns in order to encourage them to be interested in protecting their respective countries.

It's not the same thing at all, and you know it.

One is a child being photographed at an event in a British city or town centre, as most young children of that age would want to have a "go".

The other is an organised event where several children learn how to handle and control a weapon that they could actually get their hands on.
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I just hope this spells the end for Netanyahu.

If Israel had wanted to 'wipe out Palestine', she would have done it decades ago. The Israelis voted for a two state solution in 1947, remember? The Arabs rejected it. Israel has never shown any indication that she wishes to 'wipe out Palestine.'

Hamas' own founding document approvingly quotes Muslim Brotherhood founder Imam Hassan al-Banna saying, 'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.'

The same document states that Hamas is utterly opposed to peace plans and similar proposals, and claims that the 'plan' of 'world ZIonism' is clearly detailed in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a well known anti-semitic fraud from the early 20th century.

How exactly do we stop Israel retaliating?

Countries break international law all the time. The trick is to break laws that are difficult to enforce and punish. Countries that have repeatedly broken international law without repercussions in recent decades include:

* US
* UK
* Australia
* Israel
* Russia
* Syria (& pretty much every other Arab nation)
* most African nations

The list is endless. You don't need to be powerful to break international law and get away with it. You just need to have the circumstances on your side.
Israel knows overt forceful rapid annexation wouldn't be palatable to the international community, hence stealing land in the West bank with settlers slowly over the decades.

Pretty badass move
Definitely looks like something is brewing. We're all making assumptions based on only part of the information. I'm quite sure the US government have a better idea of what is happening behind the scenes hence two carrier strike groups. When was the last time you saw them do that?

That's for sure.

I mean, I do know that they have considered the area a risk for the start of WWIII for a long time, and perhaps they just (correctly) assessed that Israel was going to be furious about these attacks, or perhaps, as you say, there is something we don't know about.
It's exactly the same. Adults getting kids interested in guns in order to encourage them to be interested in protecting their respective countries.
I loved playing soldiers as a kid and didn't know a single person in the military. Wanting to protect your own is a pretty basic instinct. I did join the Marine Cadets later but as well as being half blind I think it was a bit too hard a life for me :cry:
It isn't exactly the same at all and you know it.
I come from a place not even remotely as bad as Israel regarding hostile neighbours and I had military ads targeted towards me since the age of 10. Recruiters came to my school when I was 13.

Britain is an island surrounded by allies which is why the vast majority of the opinions in this thread are laughable at best.
If there is no religion and no God then you have no moral authority over me, as I don't over you.

There is no god, and like hundreds of millions of others around the world I have no religion. Since millions manage just fine to be moral without religion, don't you think your argument is already refuted by reality? Morality has no basis in religion, and - in fact - it never really did. Religious explanations and justifications for moral values follow those values rather than preceding them. This is obvious when you look at how religious moral positions have changed over time. The mainstream view of British Christianity, for example, was that the Bible justified slavery yet almost no-one would endorse that view today.

So for example why should you follow principles of others when you don't agree with it? Unlike today you would have no bond with the people making up the rules, so rebellion would be more likely in my view.

I'd have exactly the same bond I have now.
I come from a place not even remotely as bad as Israel regarding hostile neighbours and I had military ads targeted towards me since the age of 10. Recruiters came to my school when I was 13.

Britain is an island surrounded by allies which is why the vast majority of the opinions in this thread are laughable at best.

That's cool and all but you weren't made to attend an event where you learn to handle an Uzi.
Uri Gellar on GMTV with some Israel propaganda...that's right Uri ******* bendy spoon Gellar. Proper scraping the bottom of the barrel
Quiet apt they chose an Illusionist to "report" on what's going on.
I've met a few men who grew up there and that wasn't the case at all, including one who still works for the organisation I'm in.

Sounds a lot like the guff you hear about all the young male immigrants coming to our country being Albanian drug dealers.

Best not to tar their entire male population with the same brush. The conflict is incredibly nuanced, one of the most complex in recent history.

Guff? First hand info from a Palestinian I know who grew up there in the 90s.
That's cool and all but you weren't made to attend an event where you learn to handle an Uzi.
If you lived in a place subject to terrorist attack, and a terrorist broke down your door with a view to murdering you and your whole family, would you rather be holding an Uzi or a latte?
That's cool and all but you weren't made to attend an event where you learn to handle an Uzi.

I remember picking up an SA80 at an air show, aiming at the back of a some old-guys head and furiously clicking the trigger. The nice sergeant told me that wasn't a good thing to do, and he took the gun off me, and I was banned. So the first and last time I handled a gun was when I was forty-two.
If you lived in a place subject to terrorist attack, and a terrorist broke down your door with a view to murdering you and your whole family, would you rather be holding an Uzi or a latte?

I've not made that argument. I realise why they teach kids how to use firearms over there.

It's not exactly the same as some young kid in the UK getting a photograph with a heavy MG at some para event though.
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