Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Supporting designated terrorist organisations is, in itself, illegal in the UK. But, I tend to agree with you, actual hate speech should be outlawed but I'm uncomfortable with free speech restrictions on something as broadly drawn as "supporting" an organisation no matter how repellent their actions.

Kristallnacht happened because the authorities sat back and let it happen. There is thankfully no risk of that happening in the UK and while the anti-Semitic behaviour reported above is disgusting and no doubt scary to the Jewish population, they still represent a minority in the UK rather than anything that has tainted the mainstream.

It was teh authorities which made it happen - the SA and SS!
Sky news:
''Away from the news conference for a second, we've just had this from the Met Police.
The force has seen a "massive increase" in antisemitic incidents in London in the last week.
"Offences ranging from intimidating people in front of synagogues, people playing German military music in front of Jews, or people laughing and celebrating the deaths in Israel," the Met said in a statement.
A spokesperson said there is a "significant level of concern" in the Jewish community and people are "genuinely scared".
In 2022, there were 14 antisemitic incidents and 12 offences recorded by the Met.
This year, there have been 105 antisemitic incidents and 75 offences.
A rise in Islamophobic incidents has also been reported, but on a much smaller scale, the Met said.
Thousands of people are expected to attend a pro-Palestinian march in London tomorrow.
The Met has warned any expression of support for Hamas - either a flag or behaviour - will be a criminal offence.
Having a Palestinian flag will not be considered an offence, but people will be arrested if their behaviour incites or supports violence...''
Multiculturalism is multiloyaltyism, and multiloyaltyism is the stage before multiconflictism.

Many many around the world dont - they condem both sides actions and call to protect children (again both sides) and obey the Laws of War.

I don’t think it’s reasonable for @garnett to expect me to monitor foreign media as well lol..
Supporting designated terrorist organisations is, in itself, illegal in the UK. But, I tend to agree with you, actual hate speech should be outlawed but I'm uncomfortable with free speech restrictions on something as broadly drawn as "supporting" an organisation no matter how repellent their actions.
Freedom of Speech is not freedom from consequence - as this student has discovered
Supporting designated terrorist organisations is, in itself, illegal in the UK. But, I tend to agree with you, actual hate speech should be outlawed but I'm uncomfortable with free speech restrictions on something as broadly drawn as "supporting" an organisation no matter how repellent their actions.

Kristallnacht happened because the authorities sat back and let it happen. There is thankfully no risk of that happening in the UK and while the anti-Semitic behaviour reported above is disgusting and no doubt scary to the Jewish population, they still represent a minority in the UK rather than anything that has tainted the mainstream.
I'm inclined to think the least popular, most detested speech, is when free speech is needed most.

Speech that calls for violence and other illegal acts is untenable, but short of that, I want to know what people actually believe and I prefer laws to be crafted as if the worst human beings will someday get into power and wield thos laws against me and what I think and say.
It was teh authorities which made it happen - the SA and SS!

At the time of Kristallnacht, the SA and SS were paramilitaries associated with the ruling party but not actually part of the official authorities of Germany. I don't think an in-depth discussion of the pedantic details of Nazi history will add much to this thread so I don't intend to follow this tangent down the rabbit hole :)
Speech that calls for violence and other illegal acts is untenable, but short of that, I want to know what people actually believe and I prefer laws to be crafted as if the worst human beings will someday get into power and wield thos laws against me and what I think and say.
Speech that supports a group who, as part of their 'mission statement', are fully aimed at ethnic cleansing, is not valid speech in any modern society.
This is not about defending rights or protecting people - this is about supporting a group who are squarely aimed at complete genocide.

Why should that ever be allowed ?
so student was just the one whose video was posted up days ago - whether the speech was before the details of the atrocities were known,
also talks anonymously, about Palestine freedom fighters, not Hamas. ... think she'll be released.
Hamas is very keen to blame their worst atrocities on Palestinian civilians.


I don't know what it's going to take for the Palestinians to wake up and realise Hamas does not have their best interests at heart.
How do you know they're lying? It could easily be civilians they hate the Jews just as much, crowds were seen celebrating around bodies.
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How do you know they're lying? It could easily be civilians they hate the Jews just as much, crowds were seen celebrating around bodies.
'civilians' don't 'tag along' with terrorist groups. They are, by definition, part of the group at that point.

EDIT: I may be wrong here, as I don't personally know if you have to be carrying a card to prove you are part of a terrorist group.
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I'm not entirely sure Israel is thinking that far ahead at the moment, just deal with the scum who attacked them last Saturday. I'm sure they realise the attacks will never stop, but at least it won't be from this particular lot. I hope they send their death squads after the Hamas leaders hiding away in other countries too.
they probably aren't thinking that far ahead but maybe they should be.
Perhaps but how would idf know? I'd they had tabs on them, they should have taken them out.
how do mi5 know someone is a terrorist when the people around them don't. just because you know someone is a terrorist doesn't mean you can actually get to them to take them out.
Let me take some protein powder for next time.

And what do you think of the Hamas main attack that basically did the same thing as is being seen now in Gaza?
what do i think of it?! i'll guess by your silly question your suggesting that i support it? just so it's clear for you, it was a horrible disgusting act carried out by savages and scum who should be flayed alive, that's what i think of it. take that protein powder now if you could because that's an ever weaker post you've just come in with. actually it's not even weak it's a disgusting question and typical of someone trying to score internet points. i doubt you're ashamed of yourself, but you should be.
Let's be clear here.. unless Israel act, the attacks are going to continue. They either chose to have people die on the other side of the border, or have their own civilians die. They are choosing the damage to be on the other side. I'm sorry, I cannot blame them here.

And again, I absolutely do not think Israel is blameless. No country is perfect, and it's worse when you are surrounded by enemies.

I really doubt this will stop the attacks. Maybe delay them for a while, but just like the previous operations, it's ultimately going to do nothing. I've really no idea what a realistic path to peace might actually involve, but right now everything's following the usual cycle.
Multiculturalism is multiloyaltyism, and multiloyaltyism is the stage before multiconflictism.
The trouble with multiculturalism appears to be that there is no requirement for assimilation or integration. Or even an expectation of those things.

Sadly, it seems we're increasingly creating isolated and insular communities who too often don't mix well at all.

I don't know how you fix that.

I was going to write something about identifying as British and adopting our values, but under the current government I can fully understand why you wouldn't. I find myself out of step with our current "values" and I was born here. Not to mention the funding cuts for any and all services that might help with that.
At the time of Kristallnacht, the SA and SS were paramilitaries associated with the ruling party but not actually part of the official authorities of Germany. I don't think an in-depth discussion of the pedantic details of Nazi history will add much to this thread so I don't intend to follow this tangent down the rabbit hole :)

I would disagree as i could argue that WW2 began in October 1938 with the invasion of Sudentenland. But yes, tangent and not to do with the current Gaza/Israel war
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