Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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If you arent a member of twitterx (like me) then none of that stuff bothers (its invisible).
I occasionally copy/paste one of the links, but it's never been worth the effort. It's basically just the same commentary and speculation we all engage in here.
War everywhere it really just makes you want to stop the earth spinning for just long enough to get off, but it's not a possibility unfortunately.

It's been a depressing couple of years on that front, hasn't it? Russia brutality in Ukraine, the war in Ethiopia, Azerbaijan basically carrying out ethnic cleansing of Armenians (should make the Turks happy I guess), and now this from Hamas and the inevitable response.
Lol didnt mean that thread for gods sake am just at the end of my tether with people posting twitter links. If people wanted this they would see them for themselves easy enough.
I do have some sympathies for the Palestinian people however I cannot condone what Hamas have done.... I just wish people (and the press etc) could make the distinction between Terrorists committing horrific acts and the rest of the Palestinian population... We didn't tar all Irish people with the IRA for example...

Absolutely this, I have no love for Israel or Jews, they've done some very questionable things in the last few decades. But I category defend the right for them to defend themselves from an invading force in the same way Ukraine has. Anyone right now who's waving the "Free Palestinian" flags are idiots defending a terrorist attack. The plebs need to hush for a few months.
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There destroying Hamas but it must be done properly there a lot of poor Palestinians getting caught up in this mess from the bombings now, I know its sensitive and a lot of Israelis are hurting but more slaughter dosnt do anything but breed the next men to attack you, you wipe out there family they will come back with hatred it does nothing.

There at about 500 civilians killed in Gaza now Im all for revenge as its dispicable for what they done but Israel always had the most incredible firepower over Gaza there also bombing places where the hostages could well be.
I wonder what all of this means for the longer term. Israel becoming even more right-wing, politically? The building of settlements proceeding at full speed ahead?

Will they feel justified and emboldened to give no quarter, or will anybody still have any appetite for dialogue and compromise. Will other nations turn a blind eye now if Israel decides to displace and exile millions of Palestinians?

Could be interesting times ahead.
Absolutely this, I have no love for Israel or Jews, they've done some very questionable things in the last few decades. But I category defend the right for them to defend themselves from an invading force in the same way Ukraine has. Anyone right now who's waving the "Free Palestinian" flags are idiots defending a terrorist attack. The plebs need to hush for a few months.
How are people waving a flag defending anything?

It's equally as ambiguous as it could be malicious and I think rather depends on the context.
Wait what???

Go on.
Yeap they were backed by Israel in late 70s and 80s to be opposition to PLO and Farah party which was led by Yasser Arafat. They though that if they get Hamas to be in power there would be less chance they would get support from rest of the world as they were mainly Islamic extremists.
Yeap they were backed by Israel in late 70s and 80s to be opposition to PLO and Farah party which was led by Yasser Arafat. They though that if they get Hamas to be in power there would be less chance they would get support from rest of the world as they were mainly Islamic extremists.

Do you have a source for this?
Israel amassed 300k troops according to news.

Best now if they move in on foot. Ok, very risky but, better than bombing where lots of innocent people get killed.

Just move in and systematically remove hamas cowards...
Israel Defense Minister has ordered a complete blockade on the Gaza Strip: "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.

See this is where I don't agree. They want to starve 2 million Palestinians now?

HAMAS are responsible for these barbaric acts of terrorism and the attacks, and would have expected a heavy response, but why block food to people that mostly aren't involved?
I fear we are about to see a quasi west sanctioned genocide in response to this foolishness that hamas have instigated.

It doesn’t take much to anger people when you kill civilians.. in huge number too..

Hamas have essentially eroded people’s support towards ordinary civilian Palestinians with these actions.

It’s really sad all around.
Israel amassed 300k troops according to news.

Best now if they move in on foot. Ok, very risky but, better than bombing where lots of innocent people get killed.

Just move in and systematically remove hamas cowards...
In doing so achieve very little because it's leadership is sitting pretty in Doha and they'll have plenty of fresh meat when the kids see their fathers/brothers get shot.

Israel needs to go to Doha or Tehran if they want to end this.
See this is where I don't agree. They want to starve 2 million Palestinians now?

HAMAS are responsible for these barbaric acts of terrorism and the attacks, and would have expected a heavy response, but why block food to people that mostly aren't involved?
It's also great recruitment material for Hamas, surely.
It's been a depressing couple of years on that front, hasn't it? Russia brutality in Ukraine, the war in Ethiopia, Azerbaijan basically carrying out ethnic cleansing of Armenians (should make the Turks happy I guess), and now this from Hamas and the inevitable response.

I am afraid, I think it is going to get worse. The people of the world are restless, agitated and divided. The politicians more extreme.

I do have some sympathies for the Palestinian people however I cannot condone what Hamas have done.... I just wish people (and the press etc) could make the distinction between Terrorists committing horrific acts and the rest of the Palestinian population... We didn't tar all Irish people with the IRA for example...

But isn't this always the way in war?

Of course, it will be especially bad in a city where there isn't enough room to swing a cat.

There are Western reporters in Gaza right now, talking to the ordinary citizens. They don't want this, but with luck, most of them will run. Heaven help the ones who can't.
See this is where I don't agree. They want to starve 2 million Palestinians now?

HAMAS are responsible for these barbaric acts of terrorism and the attacks, and would have expected a heavy response, but why block food to people that mostly aren't involved?

Israel isn't the only country to have a land border with the Gaza strip....
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