Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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See this is where I don't agree. They want to starve 2 million Palestinians now?

HAMAS are responsible for these barbaric acts of terrorism and the attacks, and would have expected a heavy response, but why block food to people that mostly aren't involved?
This is the problem. Turn Gaza into a concentration camp and you'll only fuel support for Hamas.
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More rockets fired . Were are they getting thousands of these arms from? I though the Israeli defence forces and security services were amongst the best in the world ? What a massive security failing this is.
Israel amassed 300k troops according to news.

Best now if they move in on foot. Ok, very risky but, better than bombing where lots of innocent people get killed.

Just move in and systematically remove hamas cowards...

Israeli forces were drawn in during invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Much more vulnerable when they are fighting on foot than when they are dropping bombs from the sky. In the densely congested, urban Gaza strip, that is going to get very messy.
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I'm assuming unverified in that yes she's likely dead but raped? Limbs broken? Hamas isn't the same as ISIS.
Apparently there's a video of Hamas scum cutting the head off an Israeli soldier, so yes, they are the same.
Long long ago, the inhabitants of present day Israel/Palestine were Palestinian Arabs. When Hitler was killing Jews, they fled and they decided to go to the promised land in the Jewish bible. So, all the Jewish refugees flocked to present day Israel/Palestine. They initially lived in refugee camps and then later armed themselves and started attacking the natives and ultimately kicked them out into modern day Palestine. Ever since, the refugees have remained as the oppressors who have controlled their movements and stopped them from becoming a country.
You should invest some time and effort in something called education. It may help you in the long run. If you have no clue on what you are talking about, ask questions to learn.. not spout rubbish like this and lead people to the only inevitable conclusion about your intellect. Whether we agree with different views on here or not, most people at least have a basic grasp on facts. Your diatribe is laughable.
See this is where I don't agree. They want to starve 2 million Palestinians now?

HAMAS are responsible for these barbaric acts of terrorism and the attacks, and would have expected a heavy response, but why block food to people that mostly aren't involved?
People that voted hamas in.
People that joined parades that cheered the bodies of women and children
People that supplied money to hamas to fund activities.

Deny it all you want, but this is total war. One country that attacked civilians and has as a aim that the extermination of another.

Same as europe vs nazi germany, bombing of civilians is a part of war we haven't seen in a while but it is a legitimate tactic unfortunately.

Hamas as screwed up massively they are now seen by the west as a different version of isis.
More rockets fired . Were are they getting thousands of these arms from? I though the Israeli defence forces and security services were amongst the best in the world ? What a massive security failing this is.
Pretty much 100% supported and resourced by Iran.
It's been a depressing couple of years on that front, hasn't it? Russia brutality in Ukraine, the war in Ethiopia, Azerbaijan basically carrying out ethnic cleansing of Armenians (should make the Turks happy I guess), and now this from Hamas and the inevitable response.

I think it was the Albanians with the Turks.
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