It's difficult to express this take without being long winded, but there's a lot of "but this" and " but that" and I think this post does well to address it:
"Why I Always Supported Israel - An Unusual Take
I'll start this rant with a opinion that goes against the grain of most people here. I never understood the big deal about which tribe was there first, or who considers that land as part of their identity, because it was around long before any humans. The reality is every piece of land had conflict over territory, people were displaced, and people adapted and created new cultures. This land in particular was at some point owned by Canaanites, Egyptians, Judeans, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Ottomans and British, etc. I understand the idea of a 'homeland' is important, but at some point people need to accept that your DNA doesn't tie you a specific location.
I feel that Islamic nations put a lot of pressure on there being a Palestine and forcing the people to live in those conditions. They refuse to give them shelter or integrate them, because they refuse to accept that a non-Islamic nation was constructed on a tiny (the size of New Jersey) piece of land that was without leadership, without a legally recognized border, and which hosted a hodgepodge of different peoples and cultures. They are okay with watching people suffer for a cause that they invented. They refuse to drop their greed so that Jews can have a place to call home, after centuries of actual oppression and displacement.
Now for a more controversial opinion. Israel is better for the world than what would've been Palestine. They have their share of fundamentalism, but for the most part they are a free and thriving society. They contribute to areas of agriculture, medicine, energy and many other technological advancements. They are a democratic beacon of light in an otherwise backwards and oppressive part of the world. What they have done with a sliver of land is beyond anything that the wider Islamic nations have accomplished.
So who are the bad guys in the entire thing? The conflict goes back many decades and has a lot of events. The most general summary is that Israel is the only party that has tried to find a peaceful resolution at all times. Atrocities such as the Nakba would've never happened if the Arab leaders were willing to negotiate the 1947 partition and accept the many peaceful options. They refused to accept that the land, which had no leadership since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, could possibly host displaced Jews. They have done everything in their power to make the situation hostile and violent. The Israelis have a documented history of trying to make peace with their neighbors (Camp David Accord, Madrid Conference, Oslo Accord etc.,) they have accepted and given full rights to ethnically Palestinian people within their borders, given them medical care, and provided them with water and utilities. Things that the the ethnically and culturally identical people of Jordan and Egypt have refused, because they want to continue the hostility and increase Palestinian suffering.
In recent times, Israel has been involved in a lot of controversy over incidents that no person can approve of (including myself). I'm referring to unsanctioned settlements and violence towards people. However, I look at the bigger picture. If you are surrounded by people who will take any opportunity to kill you and your family, you too would become desensitized and bitter towards them. Palestinians are constantly provoking, terrorizing and maintaining hostility, and when Israel has had enough, the whole thing is documented for the world to see from a specific narrative. There is also a large microscope on a tiny minority of radical Jews who do things like land takeover, something that the vast majority of Israel doesn't support, and something that should be condemned.
The events that are that are now transpiring have cemented that there can be no peaceful resolution with Islamic groups. Decades of failed attempts to find a solution and any meaningful progress with a belligerent party. These violent acts, you might see that as as result of frustration, but that's a tiny drop of what is happening. The whole thing is funded by people who have no care or interest for the well-being of Palestinian groups. It's the same cruel and violent groups that cause so much misery in places such as Iran and Iraq, and everywhere that their beliefs are tolerated. I will forever support this beacon of democratic light that is Israel."