Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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And then the whole thing goes round in circles. Both sides are in the wrong full stop.

Not really.

The israeli's could have lived in peace and shared the land?

They decided not to.

They then went to oppress the palestinians by taking their land, demolishing their homes, killing their children, and then the palestinians retaliated.
This is true...Russia Today isn't necessarily a bad source, you jsut need to realise that it is State run and anything in Russia's interest will be reported accordingly. Ultimately if the truth is in Russian Interests or Russia has no interests then it is as good a source as any other. Just take what they report about Ukraine with a pinch of salt for example.

so anything to do with the middle east and israel should be taken with a gargantuan truck load of salt given its got way more importance to Russia than Ukraine?
well the isrel,ies had 47 bombs thorwn at them.....

The Israeli's returned those with many more bombs and leaflets from the sky. The ceasefire was a load of monkeys.

Again, palestinians will retaliate. What have they got to lose now apart from their lives? They've already lost a majority of everything else. This is the mentality they are in. So they will fight to the last breath. It's a sad state of affairs.

Israel doesn't care. They will never care. They just want the land. They are doing what was done to them in hitlers era.
so anything to do with the middle east and israel should be taken with a gargantuan truck load of salt given its got way more importance to Russia than Ukraine?

Not if the truth is in Russia's interest. Only you can decide and no one should really listen to just one source anyway, but a range of sources with a range of bias.
Israel will do another six hour ceasefire tomorrow. From 10:00 to 15:00 (07:00-12:00 GMT).
Bets on whether Hamas decide to observe it this time round?

It's an excuse. They know HAMAS won't observe it. Even if they did I would be very surprised. They will then use that as an excuse to go into the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian officials say Israeli raids have killed at least 213 Gazans since the start of the violence last week.

Hamas militants have fired more than 1,200 rockets, killing one Israeli.

Definitely proportional response there... Especially when they started blowing up elected leaders homes...

But then they are shelling areas right in front of Journalists.

There is a deafening explosion, then a second. Four children are dead. Four survivors reach the safety of our hotel

n the space of 40 seconds, four boys who had been playing hide and seek among the fishermen's shacks built on the wall were dead. They were aged between seven and 11; two were named Mohammad, one Zakaria and the youngest Ahed. All were members of the extended Bakr family.

Three others who were injured made it to the hotel: Hamad Bakr, aged 13, with shrapnel in his chest; his cousin Motasem, 11, injured in his head and legs, and Mohammad Abu Watfah, 21, who was hit by shrapnel in his stomach.

A man who had been near them reached the hotel terrace first, scrambling up a steep sandy bank. A skinny man in his 30s, he groaned and held up a T-shirt already staining red with blood where he was hit in the stomach. He fainted and was carried to a taxi waved down in the street as he grew pale and limp.
Israel will do another six hour ceasefire tomorrow. From 10:00 to 15:00 (07:00-12:00 GMT).
Bets on whether Hamas decide to observe it this time round?

It's an excuse. They know HAMAS won't observe it. Even if they did I would be very surprised. They will then use that as an excuse to go into the Gaza Strip.

And then the Palestinians will look confused as they wonder why they don't have much support in the western world.
What kind of a ceasefire is it when Israel won't lift the blockage? won't give back the land they continue to steal? and continue to improvise Palestine's? Continue to shoot fishermen on the Gaza coast?

Before all this rocket fire and bombs went off do you remember the video of Israeli solider shooting a boy in cold blood? Do you remember the past 66 years?
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Israel will do another six hour ceasefire tomorrow. From 10:00 to 15:00 (07:00-12:00 GMT).
Bets on whether Hamas decide to observe it this time round?

For what reason...Israel are not going to negotiate on any of the terms that matter to Hamas..they are simply attempting a rather superficial PR stunt. The only reason to agree to a ceasefire is if each party are willing to negotiate and Israel will not even talk to Hamas, let alone negotiate with them, and Egypt's relationship with Hamas has broken down since the new Government took power in Egypt as they have effectively banned Hamas...what you have is Israel agreeing terms with Egypt...that is like Japan and South Korea agreeing a reunification of North Korea. It's just a PR exercise without any substance.
For what reason...Israel are not going to negotiate on any of the terms that matter to Hamas..they are simply attempting a rather superficial PR stunt. The only reason to agree to a ceasefire is if each party are willing to negotiate and Israel will not even talk to Hamas, let alone negotiate with them, and Egypt's relationship with Hamas has broken down since the new Government took power in Egypt as they have effectively banned Hamas...what you have is Israel agreeing terms with Egypt...that is like Japan and South Korea agreeing a reunification of North Korea. It's just a PR exercise without any substance.

Finally someone who speaks sense.
What kind of a ceasefire is it when Israel won't lift the blockage? won't give back the land they continue to steal? and continue to improvise Palestine's? Continue to shoot fishermen on the Gaza coast?

Before all this rocket fire and bombs went off do you remember the video of Israeli solider shooting a boy in cold blood? Do you remember the past 66 years?

That reminds me of this article on the BBC a few weeks ago.

The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm

A Palestinian Christian family that preaches non-violence from a farm in the West Bank is battling to hold on to land it has owned for 98 years. Now surrounded by Israeli settlements, the family is a living example of the idea of peaceful resistance.
Exactly what I said but no, some here refuse to accept that any of the Palestinian actions are wrong. It's all Israel. Those Israeli civilians that have been killed...that was Israel.

Yes some Palestinians actions are wrong but Israel is root cause the conflict. If you are referring to the 3 children that where murdered that was disgusting, but has Israel given any proof that it was hamas? No and does it give them the right to bomb gaza and kill over 200 civilians?
Yes some Palestinians actions are wrong but Israel is root cause the conflict. If you are referring to the 3 children that where murdered that was disgusting, but has Israel given any proof that it was hamas? No and does it give them the right to bomb gaza and kill over 200 civilians?

I'm referring to Palestinian and Israeli actions throughout the past few decades which ever inflate the violence and push backwards any possibility of peaceful resolution. To try to narrow this down to the past couple of months of actions is disingenuous and either naive or frankly stupid.
I'm referring to Palestinian and Israeli actions throughout the past few decades which ever inflate the violence and push backwards any possibility of peaceful resolution. To try to narrow this down to the past couple of months of actions is disingenuous and either naive or frankly stupid.

I was quoting Dis96, I agree with you can't narrow the conflict to past few months and if you look back Israel has much worse track record.

And remember Palestinians have the right under international law to resist occupation, ethnic cleansing, colonization, aggression, and annexation

These people are amazing they have the patience of angels. Reading that article enraged me, totally displays the disgusting settler attitude and American hypocrisy in refusal to do anything about them.

No wonder people say the "Jews" control the world.. :rolleyes:

I was surprised that the olive fields have not been uprooted yet or burnt like many other Palestinian olive trees.
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