Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I don't think even Picard's double facepalm cuts it.

Just as I was starting to feel sorry for the 4 Palestinian kids killed. Well, I do still feel sorry for the kids suffering, but if the adults can't even manage to stick to a short ceasefire for the sake of the children, then they're even more savage animals than I took them for in the first place.
I know, it's maddening.

*CT hat on* could be that Israeli agents have purposely fired the mortars from inside Gaza to make it look like Israel broke the ceasefire *CT hat off* in the same way that they probably agreed to the previous ceasefire knowing that Hamas wouldn't accept it, justify return attacks on them easily.
I know, it's maddening.

*CT hat on* could be that Israeli agents have purposely fired the mortars from inside Gaza to make it look like Israel broke the ceasefire *CT hat off* in the same way that they probably agreed to the previous ceasefire knowing that Hamas wouldn't accept it, justify return attacks on them easily.

Or just the fact that a load of the Palestinians are violent scumbags as well, despite some people in here acting like they are all saints.
Didn't the Israeli Prime Minister say, just last week that Israel was a lawful country and it would find and prosecute the people who murdered the Palesetinian child? Well They know what ship it was that shelled the beach and killed those 4 children, they know who it's Captain was, they'll know who the Operations Officer was and they'll know who the gun director was. Get those scumbags up on murder charges.:mad:
israel will be the start of ww3 rather than some muslim country like everyone fears

israel brainwashed the western world seemingly too, go read any comments on english newspaper articles you'll see people saying this war has been going on for 3000 years etc :rolleyes:

I reckon anyone who knows the full facts would see israel as the terrorists and hamas as innocent victims desperately trying to fight for survival against an occupying force they had welcomed with open arms at a time when they were being persecuted just like the palestine people are now.

It's sick that the jews can do this to another people after what the nazis did to them
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Israel will do another six hour ceasefire tomorrow. From 10:00 to 15:00 (07:00-12:00 GMT).
Bets on whether Hamas decide to observe it this time round?
Two hours into the ceasefire there were three mortar shells were fired from Gaza. Landed in the southern Israeli region of Eshkol.

What are they thinking!? :rolleyes:

Sympathy for the Palestinians is quickly evaporating :(.
go read any comments on english newspaper articles you'll see people saying this war has been going on for 3000 years etc :rolleyes:

All the maps that the Palestinian supporters keep bandying around start at 1948. Why? That's still quite modern history and within living memory for some.

Why don't they ever go further back in history? Say 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2014 years ago etc?
All the maps that the Palestinian supporters keep bandying around start at 1948. Why? That's still quite modern history and within living memory for some.

Why don't they ever go further back in history? Say 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2014 years ago etc?
1920 is almost 100 years :D

According to Alexander Scholch, the population of Palestine in 1850 was about 350,000 inhabitants, 30% of whom lived in 13 towns; roughly 85% were Muslims, 11% were Christians and 4% Jews
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I presume the article I. the link has been seriously updated... It now says a comprehensive ceasefire has been reached as of tomorrow morning and down the page a sentence or two about the three mortars earlier.

Three mortars isn't much relative to the number of rounds fired usually, probably just a small group of people that disagreed with the ceasefire. They don't even need to belong to Hamas. Hamas agreed and upheld their side, which is the important part. A rouge group firing a couple of mortars can be tolerated.
Two hours into the ceasefire there were three mortar shells were fired from Gaza. Landed in the southern Israeli region of Eshkol.

What are they thinking!? :rolleyes:

Sympathy for the Palestinians is quickly evaporating :(.

Thats because only Israel agreed to a ceasefire for the grand total of a pathetic 5 hours.

Realistically - wtf can be done in 5 hours to aid the destruction that's been left? - yup literally nothing.

Israel is still the aggressor here and its funny how people here were going on about them being the most advanced technological army in the world. Like the ITV news reporter on news at 10 said yesterday to the IDF spokesman - "You claim to be so technologically advanced yet you can't differentiate between terrorists and some kids playing footie on a beach".

Again BBC takes the pro-israeli crap drip fed to them by the IDF and shows that instead of what even the worlds reporters are showing. Thousands of protestors outside the BBC and they still don't budge on their obvious bias.
Two hours into the ceasefire there were three mortar shells were fired from Gaza. Landed in the southern Israeli region of Eshkol.

What are they thinking!? :rolleyes:

Sympathy for the Palestinians is quickly evaporating :(.

So you're losing sympathy for innocent children been shelled while playing on a beach, because someone they didn't even know wanted to keep fighting?
No sure what you mean by hamas navy? it has no navy... This is the IDF sick *******s shelling children..

Some of those kids had sand stuck to their bodies this could have been a danger to an israeli marine's eyes, the US has ruled the targets were legit!
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