Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I've seen a lot of whiney Jews on Facebook claiming to be the victims. Do they honestly believe that? I mean, yes they get attacked by Hamas regularly, but realistically, they're absolutely fine! Proven by that damn deck chair picture!

Edit: I really can't comprehend why they are worried. Palestine doesn't really have the power to do anything to them!
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Say what?

The Israelis are quite clear in that they want all "Palestinians" to clear out of the land that they believe was given to them by their "God". There is no line and the West will never do anything to stop the Israelis in their ethnic cleansing.

We are talking about incredibly influential apartheid, racist Israel here, not South Africa decades ago.

There is a line, not for them but for other Governments. Israel clearly has the means to take over any remaining territory that the Palestinians have and the means to eliminate them as well. Other Governments simply wouldn't let them happen; not necessarily because they care but because a) they would be held increasingly accountable to International Law/UN without sufficient grounds to turn a blind eye and b) the fact that people generally support Palestinians and so there would be internal pressure to do something.
I've seen a lot of whiney Jews on Facebook claiming to be the victims. Do they honestly believe that? I mean, yes they get attacked by Hamas regularly, but realistically, they're absolutely fine! Proven by that damn deck chair picture!

Edit: I really can't comprehend why they are worried. Palestine doesn't really have the power to do anything to them!

To be fair I think many Israeli civilians are oblivious the plight of the Palestinians, considering they are separated by the largest wall in mankind.

That and internal propaganda, just imagine Fox news on steroids in Israel, constantly telling them how bad the Palestinians are and how everything they do is for their safety blah blah. Would turn the sanest person any which way the government see's fit for the goals.
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To be fair I think many Israeli civilians are oblivious the plight of the Palestinians, considering they are separated by the largest wall in mankind.

That and internal propaganda, just imagine Fox news on steroids in Israel, constantly telling them how bad the Palestinians are and how everything they do is for their safety blah blah.

To be fair, none of the Jews that I know actually live in Israel, but they do spend time there.
It's neither absurd or despicable. It's merely an observation based on what was stated by can create whatever nonsense strawman your like out of it, but I suggest you understand the context of the post before jumping to conclusions if I were you.

What context :confused:, it's quite clear. It's your opinion Israel will go as far as they can without jeopardising the support of their allies, your suggestion is that Israel would 'annihilate' Palestine if they could do it with impunity (ridiculous)

EDIT:: nvm i see you have subsequently addressed what you wrote.
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What context :confused:, it's quite clear. It's your opinion Israel will go as far as they can without jeopardising the support of their allies, your suggestion is that Israel would 'annihilate' Palestine if they could do it with impunity (ridiculous)

Yes he does suggest that, as far as I could tell, and personally I don't think it's ridiculous at all. They're goading Palestinians into attacking so that they have an excuse to do what they've been wanting to do for years; destroy Palestine and take their land (even more of it).
What context :confused:, it's quite clear. It's your opinion Israel will go as far as they can without jeopardising the support of their allies, your suggestion is that Israel would 'annihilate' Palestine if they could do it with impunity (ridiculous)

Yes you are being ridiculous...please read the post above, which should act as a clarification for those few who cannot seem to differentiate between making a statement of fact based on an actual situation and a conjecture based on a specific scenario.
All phones, data,3g, Internet cut. Power has been cut, guess they don't want the world to see.

Or fairly standard in a modern military offensive as it severely limits the oppositions abilities to communicate.

Even back in WW2 things like telephone exchanges and power stations were early targets because taking them down affected the ability of the targets to react (both by hindering communications, and simply by causing them to have to run on reduced power from back up facilities).
Yes you are being ridiculous...please read the post above, which should act as a clarification for those few who cannot seem to differentiate between making a statement of fact based on an actual situation and a conjecture based on a specific scenario.

I took nothing as fact, you expressed your opinion and i took issue with it (before you played it down). That's all there is to it.
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I took nothing as fact, you expressed your opinion and i took issue it (before you played it down). That's all there is to it.

Oh, but you did take it as fact, as fact of my actual opinion on the political situation in Israel, rather than the illustrative example it actually was.

You made assumptions which were patently incorrect, and you still do not seem to understand that it wasn't an opinion, but a scenario based on the context of what Tefal stated. You took issue with something that had no actual relative substance other than to illustrate a point. It wasn't played down, it stands as it was first expressed, it has simply been explained for the hard of hearing so to speak...and that's an anaology, I'm not actually saying people are actually deaf.;)
They face no repercussions because they walk the line, if they crossed it then there are plenty of people with significantly more power than Israel. The UK alone could do it. The point is however, that Israel could annihilate Palestine as others have said, they don't, not because of any humanitarian concerns, but because if they did then the support (or blind eye) they currently enjoy would disappear and they would be seen as another repressive regime intent on genocide of another people.

I have to agree with the above.

The line that Israel walks though is continually being pushed back a notch as their strong influence over the western media works overtime, they seem to get away with more and more. Israel is being forced to do things a lot slower than they would actually like, but I expect the situation to change in the not so distant future. When Israel has the opportunity to go 'all out', I guarantee you they will take it. If that means they have to set up a scenario which makes it appear their very existence is on the line, then so be it.
That doesn't really address what I said. They face no repercussions because they walk the line, if they crossed it then there are plenty of people with significantly more power than Israel. The UK alone could do it. The point is however, that Israel could annihilate Palestine as others have said, they don't, not because of any humanitarian concerns, but because if they did then the support (or blind eye) they currently enjoy would disappear and they would be seen as another repressive regime intent on genocide of another people.

That, right there, is an opinion. An opinion on what Israel would do in a certain scenario. And that is your name on the post. Are we still discussing this???

Edit:: Reading a few more comments on here it is clear there are many others who share your opinion, so I guess you needn't back away from it.
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That, right there, is an opinion. An opinion on what Israel would do in a certain scenario. And that is your name on the post. Are we still discussing this???

No, it's an illustration of what an Israeli Administration could do in a certain scenario. Not my opinion on what it would do.
Hiding weapons in schools but so many people claiming only Israel are the bad guys here. :o

yeah because it was the bloody palestinians who came and forced themselves onto Israeli's land, took away electricity, water, banned basic things such as cements, had blockades every where, they get around £3 billion dollars from another non-terrorist country USA, and then they have a nerve to attack us and we are forced to defend them.

guess Israeli Politicians are right to call for solutions such as "using nuclear" and mass genocide!

those pesky Palestinians! :rolleyes:
Some people learnt from history that violence on either side just makes it less likely to resolve the issue. But carry on spouting your "truth" and righteous capital letters.

violence is not an answer but when you have watched most of the land you OWNED to someone else, what are you to do? what has USA done? it has only patted israel over the back..

Why the hypocrisy? I do not understand.. Russia tries to that Crimea, US opposes it, yet ISRAEL does the same, and USA is supporting it... AM i stupid to think of the parallels?
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