Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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And impartial which is what has got her removed in this case. If I had told people what I thought of them a few years back I would have lost my job - you may think they are chav scum who should be hanged but you just don't say anything. It's called being professional.

are they actually banned?

technically no, however their use in dense areas of civies is questionable.

Sir John Stanley, a British Member of Parliament and an ex-cabinet member who served as the Minister of State for the Armed Forces for eight years, considers the use of DIME weapons a stealth method of killing and to breach Protocol 1 of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons to which Israel is a signatory.

Protocol I on Non-Detectable Fragments prohibits the use of any weapon the primary effect of which is to injure by fragments which are not detectable in human body by X-rays.

So I am not sure how DIME weapons would fall under that, I am sure if you have got Tungsten shrapnel in buried in you that it would show on an x-ray ? :confused:
As Xordium says the list is not linear, and in terms of overall military effectiveness and projection they really are some way below that of the UK. If you look at the actual Power Index, you will see that Israel lags behind the UK by some margin.

Israel's military projection is more than likely evalutated to be low, mailny because no one really knows what they have got in their arsenal, especially with regards to nuclear potential. They have refused inspections and conitune to deny possessing such weapons

The UN general assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on Israel to open its nuclear programme for inspection.

The resolution, approved by a vote of 174 to six with six abstentions, calls on Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) "without further delay" and open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Those voting against were Israel, the US, Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau.

Resolutions adopted by the 193-member general assembly are not legally binding but they do reflect world opinion and carry moral and political weight. And the resolution adds to pressure on Israel as it faces criticism over plans to increase settlement in the West Bank, a move seen as retaliation for the assembly recognising Palestinian statehood.

Israel refuses to confirm or deny possessing nuclear bombs though it is widely believed to have them. It has refused to join the non-proliferation treaty along with three nuclear weapon states: India, Pakistan and North Korea.

Israel insists there must first be a Middle East peace agreement before the establishment of a proposed regional zone free of weapons of mass destruction. Its rivals in the region argue that Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal presents the greatest threat to peace in the region.
@ Wildman: It would. X-rays just differentiate between density - that protocol would be more to do with plastics and such like.

As for your post above they could say the same about anything however if you actually look at what they do measure it would be very hard to actually hide that sort of equipment.
Israel's military projection is more than likely evalutated to be low, mailny because no one really knows what they have got in their arsenal, especially with regards to nuclear potential. They have refused inspections and conitune to deny possessing such weapons

The index we are using doesn't include Nuclear Arsenals in its evaluation.
I didn't realise this, but only 28 Israelis have been killed by rocket fire from Gaza since 2001. Israel has killed more innocent civilians than that in a single day during this conflict, and has killed about 500 civilians so far in the recent weeks.

Disproportionate is a understatement!
This is something i wonder, if gaza is so much under seige, how are hamas able to keep up the supply of weapons? Yes their is a blockade by israel that does badly affect the lives of ordinary palestinian citizens on a daily basis. It cant be via land supply and naval supply surely has to be blocked by the israeli navy?
This is something i wonder, if gaza is so much under seige, how are hamas able to keep up the supply of weapons? Yes their is a blockade by israel that does badly affect the lives of ordinary palestinian citizens on a daily basis. It cant be via land supply and naval supply surely has to be blocked by the israeli navy?

They are smuggled through the blockade and under the borders with Egypt.

To say the blockade 'badly' affects the lives of the Palestinians is a bit if an understatement. in 2020.pdf
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There was 20 thousand settlers in the west bank in the early 80s now there is over 350,000 in the west bank.

All declared illegal by international law.

Slowly but surely they are removing any chance of there being a Palestinian state.

What i dont get is if Israel want a two-state solution then why build settlements on Palestinian land, surely they would have to uproot their own settlers and give what they took back if that were the case. Do we really think that is going to happen? What's more believable is they DONT want a two-state solution which is why they stealing land and making it their own. ^^ Slowly but surely.
Shame that they don't use the tunnels to actually smuggle something productive rather than weapons :(.

Also, I always find the media's use of 'cut off' interesting. It's the same after a flood or a Tsunami or an Earthquake. The media are always saying "Here we are in the remote village that's cut off from all supplies"… and I'm thinking "Derp, you've managed to get there, and you're doing a live outside broadcast in HD via a satellite link. How cut off is it?!"
What i dont get is if Israel want a two-state solution then why build settlements on Palestinian land, surely they would have to uproot their own settlers and give what they took back if that were the case. Do we really think that is going to happen? What's more believable is they DONT want a two-state solution which is why they stealing land and making it their own. ^^ Slowly but surely.

Do the other side want a two state solution? IIRC Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran/etc say that 'we will not rest until Israel is wiped off the map and all Jews have been killed'.
What i dont get is if Israel want a two-state solution then why build settlements on Palestinian land, surely they would have to uproot their own settlers and give what they took back if that were the case. Do we really think that is going to happen? What's more believable is they DONT want a two-state solution which is why they stealing land and making it their own. ^^ Slowly but surely.


Israel are committing genocide via the backdoor, western governments are just choosing to casually ignore this because the affected people live in a ****hole that offers the west nothing of value they may need, thus human rights and the basic right for them to exist mean nothing..............

Why do you think the US voted no and the UK abstained on the vote that was held to uphold international law in palestine..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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