Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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no Hamas deliberately try to instigate emotive collateral damage. hence why they fire from hospitals, and schools and play centers and anywhere else they hope that if israel counterattacks or retaliates they can get some good war porn for the west to **** over on the 6 o clock news.

If that's what you want to believe go ahead.

At least israel fed the Palestinians in the 5 hour truce before the executions now.
Said it before, will say it again. Israel won't stop for anything until they have all the land. It doesn't make a difference where HAMAS fire their rockets from. Bottom line is, Israel's true intentions have been shown, and no country will take action against them.
no Hamas deliberately try to instigate emotive collateral damage. hence why they fire from hospitals, and schools and play centers and anywhere else they hope that if israel counterattacks or retaliates they can get some good war porn for the west to **** over on the 6 o clock news.

Which is wrong, but to be fair it doesn't really make a difference where they fire rockets from - however Israel responds Palestinian civilians end up dying.
If that's what you want to believe go ahead.

At least israel fed the Palestinians in the 5 hour truce before the executions now.

so just how excited and happy are you that you might get to see some real war levels violence now? as so far you seem quite like a kid at Christmas.

and why do you think Hamas fire from schools and hospitals? out of curiosity what makes them good launch sites and munitions bunkers?
Which is wrong, but to be fair it doesn't really make a difference where they fire rockets from - however Israel responds Palestinian civilians end up dying.

well it does, if they fired them from out in the desert the counter attack would kill none but the hamas fighters. but that doesn't make for good news reports for hamas.
Said it before, will say it again. Israel won't stop for anything until they have all the land. It doesn't make a difference where HAMAS fire their rockets from. Bottom line is, Israel's true intentions have been shown, and no country will take action against them.

So why have they stopped continuously israel could completely remove the state of Palestine and all its people in a few months and no one could stop them.
You corner an injured animal it bites - Palestinians are being exterminated and are exiled in their own land - it's no wonder they're fighting for survival. Problem is the West is predominantly pro-Israel which means that it'll never be fair - and the Israelis are blood thirsty arrogant ****s.
You corner an injured animal it bites

it doesn't usually hide behind its pups though.

ands your analogy works for both sides israel is surrounded by countries that actually teach in their primary schools that all Jews must be killed.

can hardly blame them for being paranoid nutters akin to American survivalists.
it doesn't usually hide behind its pups though.

Right... Don't worry though, it's okay don't worry, the Israelis will just bulldoze through people's homes, kill women and children because they're a great brave army fighting for a "noble" cause.

I'm afraid I cannot and will not ever be pro-Israel - not with all the history and the needless aggression and spin that has been given to make Palestine look like the aggressor.
no Hamas deliberately try to instigate emotive collateral damage. hence why they fire from hospitals, and schools and play centers and anywhere else they hope that if israel counterattacks or retaliates they can get some good war porn for the west to **** over on the 6 o clock news.

As a rule they fire rockets from the strip of land between Gaza and Israel, using tunnels and foxholes dug from Gaza proper. Israel target houses and buildings where they think Hamas and other Palestinian fighters have infrastructure or are housed.

well it does, if they fired them from out in the desert the counter attack would kill none but the hamas fighters. but that doesn't make for good news reports for hamas.

This is actually where most rocket fire comes from, The areas outside Gaza proper...hence the land assault.
well it does, if they fired them from out in the desert the counter attack would kill none but the hamas fighters. but that doesn't make for good news reports for hamas.

I get that, a lot of 'freedom fighters' tend to take advantage of civilians, but are you telling me that every bombing of Palestinian territories has targeted missile sites?

Israel can also now afford to be a bit more restrained in their counter attacks.
I do wonder though how Israel would fare if groups like ISIS and AQ stopped killing other Muslims and decided to help the Palestinians, given that it's been going on for such a long time.
You corner an injured animal it bites - Palestinians are being exterminated and are exiled in their own land - it's no wonder they're fighting for survival. Problem is the West is predominantly pro-Israel which means that it'll never be fair - and the Israelis are blood thirsty arrogant ****s.

Once they exterminate Palestine. The Jews will draw their attention to other surrounding nations. And it will happen.

Jews control the Americans. Get away with everything.
I do wonder though how Israel would fare if groups like ISIS and AQ stopped killing other Muslims and decided to help the Palestinians, given that it's been going on for such a long time.

Divide and conquer my friend. The root to destroying large groups without laying a finger.
So why have they stopped continuously israel could completely remove the state of Palestine and all its people in a few months and no one could stop them.

There are plenty of people who could and would stop them from massacring an entire people...Israel march a fine line between what they can do and what they could do, and they have the military power to remove Palestine, but they do not have the political power to justify it.
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