Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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These Palestinian lot are weird, why is it you hear them wailing but they shed no tears? Why do they say "Alla Akbha" "God is Great" when they've just pulled out loads of bodies from a building? Can't be that great if your entire family just got wiped out and all your neighbours heh
All Israel has to do is lift the evil blockade and the rockets will stop. Or carry on and become even more hated, to the point where it may not be possible to forgive them.

And then bus loads of children or markets will be blown up by Hamas instead, are people really that blind to think Hamas will just say hey lets all be friends even if it went all their way?

ps It's happened before, they are both as bad as each other it's just Israel has better firepower
And then bus loads of children or markets will be blown up by Hamas instead, are people really that blind to think Hamas will just say hey lets all be friends even if it went all their way?

ps It's happened before, they are both as bad as each other it's just Israel has better firepower

Hamas has not used a suicide bomb for years (2007).

The last ceasefire (2008-2009 Gaza war) Israel broke the ceasefire it also never lived up to its end of the bargain (lifting the blockade) which were under the ceasefire conditions. It has kept Gaza under land, sea and air blockade for over 7 years now. It controls the food supply & electricity which it sells to gaza at full price.

They are under occupation.

The Israeli government even did study on the amount calories need for the 1.5 million gaza's to avoid malnutrition, then sent them less food than they needed. Robert Turner, director of operations for the UN agency for Palestine refugees said "The facts on the ground in Gaza demonstrate that food imports consistently fell below the red lines.”

Gaza is basically the worlds biggest prison.
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Please don't come into this thread spouting ignorant drivel because it just weakens the points you make by illustrating you have no idea of what you are talking about or the current state of things.
Also goes to show that he hasn't bothered reading any of the previous posts.

Israel say a ceasefire? - What a load of rubbish:

Israel said that it would continue operations against tunnels used by Hamas during the truce period.

In other words it will still bomb like crazy and then claim that the palestinians broke the ceasefire like all previous ones. Pathetic attempt by Israel to look like they give a poo about peace.
Just move to Palestine zoomoid and become a Hamas fighter. You obviously hate Israel and love Palestine. So put your money where your mouth is. Join the struggle against the evil Jew. Hopefully you can be a martyr and take one for the team. ;)
Just move to Palestine zoomoid and become a Hamas fighter. You obviously hate Israel and love Palestine. So put your money where your mouth is. Join the struggle against the evil Jew. Hopefully you can be a martyr and take one for the team. ;)

What a dickish post, nice to see your true colours showing through.

At least you have done away with the facade of being semi objective :)
What a dickish post, nice to see your true colours showing through.

At least you have done away with the facade of being semi objective :)

Haha, dear god.
I love this facade of being semi objective. This thread is full of people like you putting hamasbup on a pedestal and claiming anyone that doesn't agree is a racist/ Zionist/ idiot because they don't have the same opinions as you. Where's your objectiveness?
These Palestinian lot are weird, why is it you hear them wailing but they shed no tears? Why do they say "Alla Akbha" "God is Great" when they've just pulled out loads of bodies from a building? Can't be that great if your entire family just got wiped out and all your neighbours heh

How insensitive. There are families without children, children without parents, and people's entire lives being wiped out. I'd almost wish their fate upon you, but I wouldn't like to wish it upon anybody.
I know it's the 'Fail, but it's good to see the Middle-East Peace Envoy trying his best to sort this mess out:

The DM make up his role because they love him as do you:

Mr Blair, whose role is to hammer out a ceasefire in times of conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, spent most of last week in the UK before hosting the couple’s friends at the party, estimated to have cost about £50,000.

Actual role:

The Quartet Representative, Tony Blair, is charged with implementing a development agenda in line with the Quartet’s mandate: promoting economic growth and job creation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and supporting the institution-building agenda of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The goal is to promote transformative economic change on the ground, underpinning the top-down political process aiming to promote a final settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the State of Israel.

So mediating Middle East peace negotiations is not his job and we have more DM fail.
The DM make up his role because they love him as do you:
Actual role:
So mediating Middle East peace negotiations is not his job and we have more DM fail.

I really think that the Daily Mail should be held to account for printing outright lies.

From what I can gather, the IDF did not stop looking for and continued to dismantle the tunnels throughout the ceasefire anyway. The ceasefire seemed very one way from the outset.

It always is, but people like my father, who only listen to how wonderful Israel is, will gloss over this altogether. That is absolutely not a ceasefire, and presenting it as one does complete injustice to the Palestinian people.
Just move to Palestine zoomoid and become a Hamas fighter. You obviously hate Israel and love Palestine. So put your money where your mouth is. Join the struggle against the evil Jew. Hopefully you can be a martyr and take one for the team. ;)
This is what defenders of Israel's actions always have to resort to eventually. 'You just hate Jews :mad::mad::mad:'
Just move to Palestine Israel zoomoid Sliver and become a Hamas fighter an IDF child murderer. You obviously hate Israel Palestine and love Palestine Israel. So put your money where your mouth is. Join the struggle against the evil Jew Muslim. Hopefully you can be a martyr and take one for the team. ;)
From what I can gather, the IDF did not stop looking for and continued to dismantle the tunnels throughout the ceasefire anyway. The ceasefire seemed very one way from the outset.

I actually don't think the Hamas demands were unreasonable, let people go back to their homes, but Israel carried on.
Why the hell are they fighting over this piece of scrub-land anyways, is the ground and the concrete buildings on it actually worth more than the lives (on both sides) and the lifelong stress and threat of conflict to those living in the region??

Bloody religion...the sooner it disappears the better; I can think of no other differentiating factor (nationality, skin color, age, sex) that divides the worlds population and precipitates conflict so much as f'ing religion!

It's a prehistoric practice that belongs to an age when humanity couldn't understand and explain the natural world around them...."it must be the magic man in the sky that does it all"

The sooner huge swathes of the worlds population stop having 2000 year old propaganda drummed into them via their "religious oppressors" (gotta keep the collection plates full :D ) then we may actually have a chance as a civilization.

Morning rant over.... :D
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The DM make up his role because they love him as do you:

Actual role:

So mediating Middle East peace negotiations is not his job and we have more DM fail.

How well do you think the development agenda being implemented in Palestine right now? What exactly has Tony achieved in his seven years as Middle-East peace envoy?
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