Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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There's many more sickening videos like this about.

What I particularly love is all the backlash against Coldplay, Rihanna, Madonna and various other celebrities who've come out in support of Gaza and have received countless condemnations from "anti-terrorism" campaigners.

I guess the old saying, Might is Right, still holds true. Pathetic.

That video is refuted here with comments.

There's many more sickening videos like this about.

What I particularly love is all the backlash against Coldplay, Rihanna, Madonna and various other celebrities who've come out in support of Gaza and have received countless condemnations from "anti-terrorism" campaigners.

I guess the old saying, Might is Right, still holds true.

Systematic slaughtering of a civilian population for decades casually dismissed by the international community time and again. Personally I don't have a view on either side but I wouldn't put it past the so called IDF to do anything.

What do I find interesting is the complete lack of media coverage of the Naturi Karta (Jewish group against Israel) that have been protesting recently.
Interesting point I came across tuther day, Is this the real reason why the UK don't want to intervene in Gaza?

Fourteen years ago, British Gas drilled the Gaza Marine-1 and Gaza Marine-2 wells, 30 kilometres off the coast of Gaza. The drilling led to the discovery of a massive natural gas field.
British prospectors have found a substantial field of natural gas, holding an estimated 1.5 trillion cubic feet, about 30 kilometres off the coast of Gaza
The gas fields were discovered in the era of the late leader Yasser Arafat, when British Gas was conducting geographical scanning of the Egyptian shores.
According to the agreement which was reached and signed between the contracting parties, there are three share holders in this project and British Gas has the exclusive right to gas extraction. The Palestinian Authorities share is only 12 per cent, in addition to 28 per cent tax revenues.
In 2011 Tel Aviv authorised the US-based Noble Energy, a crude oil and gas exploration giant, to begin developing the field. But the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) says the offshore field belongs to the Palestinians.
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Oh yay, lets pretend its all about oil again. It seems that what actually happened is that BG have tried to sell the rights to the field because they've found it impossible to do anything with it.

The primary reason for the failure of negotiations before the Hamas takeover in 2007 was Israel’s insistence on landing the gas and buying it well below market price, at $2 per cubic foot as opposed to the market price of $5 to $7.[7] Thereafter, Israel has effectively blocked, for political and security reasons, any development of the field controlled by Hamas, the de facto authority in Gaza after 2007. Thus, it seems that the Gaza gas field will remain an untapped resource until a sovereign Palestinian state emerges in the West Bank and Gaza.

But don't let that get in the way of the conspiracy theories.
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I don't know about conspiracy theories but reading Tefal's link I do find the following comment interesting:
Intervention from Tony Blair on behalf of Israel convinced British Gas to return to negotiations with Israel.
You can always rely on the Middle East peace envoy to safeguard the interests of the Palestinians.

Israel did indeed want to "buy" the gas at about a third of its open market value.
[TW]Fox;26670249 said:
Oh yay, lets pretend its all about oil again.

As I was saying:

Israel's defence minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves

U were saying? Lets just dismiss it as a crazy 'conspiracy theory'. :rolleyes:

The Israel-Palestine conflict is clearly not all about resources. But in an age of expensive energy, competition to dominate regional fossil fuels are increasingly influencing the critical decisions that can inflame war.

Looks pretty clear to me why Britain are not willing to intervene despite public outcry. British Gas are bang in the middle of all of this.
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Looks pretty clear to me why Britain are not willing to intervene despite public outcry. British Gas are bang in the middle of all of this.

I think the answer is simpler than that.

The Israel lobby is very strong in Westminster and hands a lot of money out.
As I was saying:

U were saying? Lets just dismiss it as a crazy 'conspiracy theory'. :rolleyes:

Looks pretty clear to me why Britain are not willing to intervene despite public outcry. British Gas are bang in the middle of all of this.

Is that quote by the Israeli defence Minister something he said eight years ago? There have been three major conflicts since then, I really doubt Israel would wait for conflict number three before putting in action 'Plan Steal the Palestinians' Gas'. Well, the article author is writing a sci-fi book, lets hope he puts that imagination to good use.
Is that quote by the Israeli defence Minister something he said eight years ago? There have been three major conflicts since then, I really doubt Israel would wait for conflict number three before putting in action 'Plan Steal the Palestinians' Gas'. Well, the article author is writing a sci-fi book, lets hope he puts that imagination to good use.

Well "'Plan Steal the Palestinians' Land' has been on going for 60 years ;)
Is that quote by the Israeli defence Minister something he said eight years ago? There have been three major conflicts since then, I really doubt Israel would wait for conflict number three before putting in action 'Plan Steal the Palestinians' Gas'. Well, the article author is writing a sci-fi book, lets hope he puts that imagination to good use.
You are absolutely right, Israel is not concerned simply with stealing Palestine's energy, they want to steal the land and everything that goes with it - gas, oil, water, coastline, etc. etc., etc.

Incidentally, here are a few more links related to this story for you - a ten second Google will doubtless find lots more:

You are absolutely right, Israel is not concerned simply with stealing Palestine's energy, they want to steal the land and everything that goes with it - gas, oil, water, coastline, etc. etc., etc.

Incidentally, here are a few more links related to this story for you - a ten second Google will doubtless find lots more:

Anything from a credible news source that is not quoting the original article by Nafeez Ahmed?

If they wanted to steal the land, why not just plow straight in? There is not a regional army that could or would want to stop them. Really, as recent events show, what is stopping them? Just the US really.
Anything from a credible news source that is not quoting the original article by Nafeez Ahmed?

If they wanted to steal the land, why not just plow straight in? There is not a regional army that could or would want to stop them. Really, as recent events show, what is stopping them? Just the US really.

If they simply invaded without making up a justification, and literally attempted to exterminate them in one go(which they could do with ease) the US would stop them.

It's political cover, exploit every minor skirmish turn it into a reason to push the effective border another half a mile. Kill 100 Palestinians over a few months or even a year, brutal police tactics, beatings, but not "military" action, 1-2 Israeli's killed in retaliation, use that as an excuse for military intervention, either deeming an area unsafe so forcing out the Palestinians, settling their own people there, building a new monitoring station.

Their entire media strategy, the words they choose when talking about conflicts, it's all to pacify their biggest supporters. Make america feel like Israel are oppressed and the US will support them, make America feel like they are the oppressors and the US will withdraw support. Control media, hype up every small scale retaliation, bury most of the truth about what led to the retaliation, spin everything, buy media/politicians and change the narrative.

Israeli citizens are victims of this too, the leadership knowing when those 3 boys died, and where, but lying about it for weeks to allow a media hyping up of anti Palestinian feeling, insisting it's Hamas and making the entire population ready for revenge.

Everything they do is about political cover and trying to appear to everyone involved like they are the victims and as such their over aggressive military choices being understandable.

Half the world genuinely believes Israel is the side being oppressed.
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