Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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But it's okay, they send a mortar(unlucky for anyone living on the top floor) to signal that people have an entire minute to evacuate the building before they blow it to pieces. Of course, the elderly, injured, children, babies, all very capable of running down multiple floors within a minute to save their lives... wait, no they don't. Also, where are they supposed to go? There are videos of a half dozen buildings being hit within a few seconds of each other, so you run outside, and the entire street blows up or is showered with buildings falling down, bricks, shrapnel flying?

Where can all these people evacuate... oh wait, they live in an open air prison, being blocked in. Evacuate to... a official shelter... which Israel will bomb next? Go stand on the beach, unarmed, clearly not hiding anything, nope they'll blow you up there as well.

That anyone even remotely believes any of their excuses/reasoning why they are being "nice" when they give a warning to evacuate makes me sad. Such painfully transparent lies.

I said days/weeks ago, their intention is to make the area uninhabitable. Destroy every piece of infrastructure that makes the area livable. All public works, hitting three hospitals, schools, communication. When you want to destroy an area you hit infrastructure.

Anyone that actively targets hospitals is the lowest form of scum, when they do this continually after days of indiscriminate bombing creating the injured people to fill up said hospitals.... That the UK won't step up and speak out or do anything to stop them literally disgusts me.

Blockade people in then bomb them to death, just sickening.
So 'It Turns Out Hamas Didn’t Kidnap and Kill the 3 Israeli Teens After All' but wasnt this the justification for their recent massacre? I'm sure they were just protecting their own. After all Israel want peace.

But now, officials admit the kidnappings were not Hamas's handiwork after all.

Here is another interesting article by BBC editor Jeremy Bowen. Human shileds you say? More IDF propaganda.

Also when you start attacking your own people who speak out (Israeli's), who you say you are trying to protect, just makes it clear you are not after peace.

Israel may as well just come out and admit their true intentions.
There is also apparently evidence they knew these kids were already dead, but lied and said they were still alive for a couple of weeks to justify rampaging through Gaza arresting people..... really surprising.
Because most European country's and US have Israeli lobbys/close relations so they let them do what they want.

I hear this all the time but it always strikes me as wishful thinking. So what do you reckon, if this wasnt the case, could be done? Do you really think Israel would just give up and roll over?

Consider that across the border in Syria Assad uses weapons of mass destruction and massive bombardments to kill thousands of civilians a week. The West, 'strongly opposed', can do nothing. If the West alienates Israel, Russia and China will be only too happy to fill the gap. Without John Kerry reigning Israel in, if instead you had a Putin there and the Israelis were as evil as the thread constantly supposes, well the Palestinian issue would be finished in a tenth of the time Assad is taking with a military like Israels.
I hear this all the time but it always strikes me as wishful thinking. So what do you reckon, if this wasnt the case, could be done? Do you really think Israel would just give up and roll over?

Consider that across the border in Syria Assad uses weapons of mass destruction and massive bombardments to kill thousands of civilians a week. The West, 'strongly opposed', can do nothing. If the West alienates Israel, Russia and China will be only too happy to fill the gap. Without John Kerry reigning Israel in, if instead you had a Putin there and the Israelis were as evil as the thread constantly supposes, well the Palestinian issue would be finished in a tenth of the time Assad is taking with a military like Israels.

The west made this mess and continue to support Israel if Balfour declaration was not made by Britain this would have never happened. If US and Europe stop funding, arming and vetoing every U.N vote Israel would be under huge pressure but we made a deal with the devil.
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Seems like its all kicked off again, claims of Hamas firing rockets an hour into the extension :(

RT and CNN were reporting that hamas refused the extension because israel were preparing to attack only bbc and sky seemed to be saying hamas agreed to the 4 hour extension.

everywhere else I looked were saying hamas refused and started firing mortars
In truth a 4 hour extension is worthless anyway, whats the point in saying "we'll hold off murdering you for an extra four hour, how does that sound?"
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