Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I don't understand why that dick, Netanyahu, seems to think he's protecting Israeli children etc...NONE OF THEM HAVE DIED YOU MORON! IT'S ALL THE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN THAT ARE DYING. He's full of ****.

Well then, that dick, as you so incorrectly called him, has done an excellent job then...unlike the Hamas leadership.

His job is not to protect is to protect Israelis.
Let's be honest, this will not stop anytime soon until Israel has gotten rid of the Palestinians. For it to get away with it for so's not humane. Animals wouldn't treat animals like this.

The ceasefires are a lie.
Well then, that dick, as you so incorrectly called him, has done an excellent job then...unlike the Hamas leadership.

His job is not to protect is to protect Israelis.

Nothing protects your people quite like making everyone in the world hate them. I have no sympathy for Israel and frankly at this point if the Arab world got it's collective **** together and acted against them my reaction would struggle to be more empathetic then 'meh, you reap what you sow'.
Nothing protects your people quite like making everyone in the world hate them. I have no sympathy for Israel and frankly at this point if the Arab world got it's collective **** together and acted against them my reaction would struggle to be more empathetic then 'meh, you reap what you sow'.

'Everyone in the world'? I hope your not including me in that sweeping statement. :rolleyes:
Protect the Israelis from what?


Yep, in their eyes (israel) they are destroying the next generation of Hamas before they even reach puberty. Its a fracking ethnic cleansing mission that IDF are on. Kill the current kids so they can't be like Hamas, and kill the women so no more children can be born. Rinse and repeat for about 20 years and palestine will no longer exist as the population will have been exterminated.
Nothing protects your people quite like making everyone in the world hate them.
Fanatical 'patriots' usually end up leading their country over a cliff.

Israel is a lot like Imperial Germany before WWI in its elevation of the military (and military action) to the centre of public life. The government needs to slaughter Palestinians to impress the increasingly vicious voters.

Protect the Israelis from what?

The average age in Gaza is 17. Even the people who Israel would describe as 'of fighting age' when brushing aside their deaths are actually kids.
Sky news played a video showing a guy who'd just lost everything, his wife, children, family etc - saying he was going to suicide-bomb the Israelis, because he has nothing left to lose..

I'm not sure it's possible to come to any sort of correct conclusion on who's to blame for starting this thing, but it does seem pretty obvious that Israel has behaved in a way which will guarantee more and more hatred heading it's way, I'm not sure what it's going to achieve with it's current strategy..
Hatred from the people who care?

Not from the big 'peacemaker' countries.

It's appalling that it's going on, and even protests are going on deaf ears to those in charge.
Sky news played a video showing a guy who'd just lost everything, his wife, children, family etc - saying he was going to suicide-bomb the Israelis, because he has nothing left to lose..

I'm not sure it's possible to come to any sort of correct conclusion on who's to blame for starting this thing, but it does seem pretty obvious that Israel has behaved in a way which will guarantee more and more hatred heading it's way, I'm not sure what it's going to achieve with it's current strategy..

And so the cycle continues 'you hit me I hit you and you hit me back'. Both sides should look at the Northern Ireland peace process where all parties had to make some tough compromises and unpopular decisions in order to secure peace.
What a horrible, tragic situation. What's the best charity to donate to? I've heard Save The Children mentioned before.

They are going to be able to do bugger all when the children in question are split into half a dozen pieces over half an acre of rubble...
Indeed *sigh* I'm at a loss as to how Israel is still shown to be the victims here.

It's just bad media reporting

As an example yesterday BBC tweeted that those Palestinian kids where killed by a Hamas missile... Source... IDF

NBC reported it was an Israeli drone. Source, their reporters own eyes. The sort of reporter who's now finding it very difficult to even get in to Gaza.
just seen an enormous explosion in Gaza on BBC news. it's simply shocking, the disproportionate level of violence perpetrated by the Isrealis -- we are witnessing a total violation of what it means to have any humanity
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