Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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The IDF's shills frequently describe it as the most humanitarian army in the world. Meanwhile:

"We will wield disproportionate power against [them] and cause immense damage and destruction."

Collective punishment is the IDF's bread and butter.

Thats what every army strives for. Unless you have overwhelming force, there will be a close battle meaning you will lose more of your own men and might not cruise to victory.

When the US army goes into vietnam or iraq or Afghanistan do you see them using million dollar aircraft, apache helicopters etc or downing technological advantages going man o e mano hand ro hand to equalise things,?
Hamas and the israeli government are both to blame. Isreal is a democracy and the people of the Gaza strip would be better off if they were governed by them. Isreal didn't have the military power to invade and create a democracy so the best thing to do was to take land. But they should have taken the people with it and make things better for everyone. They didn't do this as with too many Palestinians in Isreal they would lose power. So now there are lots of people in a small area called Gaza. Hamas doesn't want democracy and they will not surrender to the Isrealies as they will lose power. They are the ones who break the ceasfires. The solution now is for Isreal to invade and hold Gaza and make it all Isreal. The Isreally government can now do this while retqining power as the population of Jews in Isreal has increased. This will result in one state with a democracy which is better for all.

The Isreali government is to blame for taking land without the people to maintain power. Hamas is to blame for not wanting to lose power and be a democracy.

It doesn't matter what the name of the country is. Just that includes all the land, all the people and that it is a democracy.
The people to blame are those who thought drawing arbitrary lines on the map would lead to a legitimate geographical claim to territory. Whether we're talking about Northern Ireland, the Middle East, Africa, or Ukraine, politicians and map makers have never been able to impose their will on the local population without the aid of dictators and/or large amounts of money.

In the case of Israel, nothing will change until the USA tires of subsidising a 52nd State. Only then will everyone be forces to sit around a table and properly debate a solution to the damage done when Israel was created out of thin air.

So this miserable farce will continue indefinitely... or at least until the Iraq mess sets fire to the whole region. More dabbling, more mistakes, more pointless typing into the black hole of internet debate.
When the US army goes into vietnam or iraq or Afghanistan do you see them using million dollar aircraft, apache helicopters etc or downing technological advantages going man o e mano hand ro hand to equalise things,?

Your very right, In Iraq/Afghanistan I remember the use of "shock and awe" tactics to basically tell Iraq "you have no chance, surrender now". Of course I don't know what they used in Vietnam, hand to hand sounds about right considering they lost :D
Hamas and the israeli government are both to blame. Isreal is a democracy and the people of the Gaza strip would be better off if they were governed by them. Isreal didn't have the military power to invade and create a democracy so the best thing to do was to take land. But they should have taken the people with it and make things better for everyone. They didn't do this as with too many Palestinians in Isreal they would lose power. So now there are lots of people in a small area called Gaza. Hamas doesn't want democracy and they will not surrender to the Isrealies as they will lose power. They are the ones who break the ceasfires. The solution now is for Isreal to invade and hold Gaza and make it all Isreal. The Isreally government can now do this while retqining power as the population of Jews in Isreal has increased. This will result in one state with a democracy which is better for all.

The Isreali government is to blame for taking land without the people to maintain power. Hamas is to blame for not wanting to lose power and be a democracy.

It doesn't matter what the name of the country is. Just that includes all the land, all the people and that it is a democracy.

There have been no proper Ceasefires. The Israelis just stopped bombing the crap out of innocent people, they were still going round trying to destroy the Hamas infrastructure. That's the problem. Israel won't agree to an unconditional ceasefire (which means they would have to stop destroying tunnels and weapons caches) and Hamas won't agree either as that means the last two weeks of fighting were a waste, they want border crossings opened and to be allowed more governance. It's not even about a two state solution or removing Israeli settlers from Palestinian land, although the strength of the Palestinian coalition after Hamas and Fatah agreed to work together may be in part responsible for Israels initial attack.
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IDF claiming the hospital was attacked by Hamas, IDF claim the school hit last week was empty and hit by one errant mortar. Probable and predictable lies.

The Israeli government are victims of the multiverse.
There was some bloke on that god awful ITV morning show today spouting on about antisemitism, amazing how they always wheel out that card when Israel are criticized for their obvious ethnic cleansing!

200 or so Palestinians die and it is mentioned, 1 Israeli person dies and the media goes ***** mental at Hamas.
IDF blow up only power station in Gaza and leave 1.8 million people basically ****ed.

now tell me this isn't collective punishment or a backdoor attempt at ethnic cleansing. There is only one reason for smashing that power station and its to further oppress the Palestinian populace. These Israeli war criminals need to be brought before the courts.
IDF blow up only power station in Gaza and leave 1.8 million people basically ****ed.

now tell me this isn't collective punishment or a backdoor attempt at ethnic cleansing. There is only one reason for smashing that power station and its to further oppress the Palestinian populace. These Israeli war criminals need to be brought before the courts.

"They were launching rockets from the power station. No? Okay, there were Hamas militants hiding in the power station, so that they could accuse us of being awful people when we blew it up. No? Okay, the power station provides light to the tunnels that the terrorists use against us. No? Well just give us a few seconds to think of something else. Even if you're not convinced by our lies, they always dilute the focus of your anger by making you doubt a little, and as George W Bush said (we taught him well didn't we?): 'You can fool some people all the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on'."
I don't understand why that dick, Netanyahu, seems to think he's protecting Israeli children etc...NONE OF THEM HAVE DIED YOU MORON! IT'S ALL THE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN THAT ARE DYING. He's full of ****.

Are there any charities collecting for money to arm Hamas with guided missiles and one tonne bombs?

Maybe we could even the odds a little and allow Hamas to actually target Israeli military installations in Israel, rather than using unguided missiles and hoping they hit something...
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