Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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china or russia should man up and tell israel straight out the iron dome won't stop the fallout from a nuke and they need to stop being such bullying *****

there will be no civilian infrastructure left soon and no way for these people to survive which is what israel wants...
It's just bad media reporting

As an example yesterday BBC tweeted that those Palestinian kids where killed by a Hamas missile... Source... IDF

NBC reported it was an Israeli drone. Source, their reporters own eyes. The sort of reporter who's now finding it very difficult to even get in to Gaza.

just seen an enormous explosion in Gaza on BBC news. it's simply shocking, the disproportionate level of violence perpetrated by the Isrealis -- we are witnessing a total violation of what it means to have any humanity

It's just a clear example of what people here and in america refuse to believe. Rich people donate to politicians to get elected, or offer them jobs/money for after they are out of office. Rich people influence policy, law changes, tax rates, military spending, foreign policy.

Israel/lobbyists for them spend hundreds of millions a year influencing governments to received favourable treatment.

Wars are run, and allowed to continued, or just started, by the US/UK as our economies are influenced by the rich who profit off such conflicts.

Where does Israel buy weapons and ammunition from, sure they make a lot themselves, now, buying equipment to do so likely off US/UK defence companies. They are actively profiting off the Israel conflict, and off Iraq/Afghan conflict.

I wouldn't call it bad media reporting, well depends on the side. From the side of the truth it's bad reporting. But the media has been used as a tool for years, it's why the majority of the media is owned by a few ultra rich people who own dozens of papers/tv stations/networks. In terms of Israel, their handling of the media is masterful, they project the story they want the general public to believe around the world and everyone laps it up. Most of america believe Israel is merely protecting itself.
I have no love for either side... they can keep killing each other for all I care. I am getting quite fed up of it all.

I was like that until this latest eruption of violence. if they were killing "each other" most people wouldn't mind, this is a one sided massacre, and a lot of neutral people are developing anti-Israeli sentiments
To be fair it says 85% of those on civilian targets, which could be a very tiny minority of rockets they fire because they are so crude and they don't have sophisticated targeting.
Is it disproportionate only because Israel intercepts 90% of their enemy's missiles?

No, Hamas is tiny with almost no weapons AND when they aren't in active conflicts like this, Israel is taking their land, killing people, arresting people, demolishing homes, blockading Gaza which has strangled them financially/economically for the past decade.

Israel is constantly aggressive, it's either outright war or one house at a time while supposedly at peace.

Hamas is defending themselves, Isreal is attempting the systematic slaughter and take over of an entire state.... while no one around the world is willing to stop them.

If Hamas/Isarel picked a battlefield and fight, it would be a complete white wash.

Israel DOESN'T intercept that many missiles, it's closer to 5% than 50%. They are pretty small, non accurate missiles and it's all they have. Israel can utterly crush Palestine at any time but as with my previous post. They are going about it in a way the UN won't intervene. Convince the biggest supporters(uk/us) to continue support. if they simply wiped them out 40 years ago we'd likely wipe them out in return. They've spent 60 years provoking a small attack then retaliating in massive force while hyping up the media inbetween about how bad they are being hurt so people will accept the overzealous attacks against Palestine.

Systematic, one small conflict at a time, occasional big conflicts like this. Where Israel is now proving and admitted that they lied about the three kids deaths, which happened no where near Gaza, they lied about knowing they were dead, pumped up anti Hamas/Palestine sentiment for weeks, started feeding out worldwide media garbage with these lies. They were rounding up hundreds of Hamas members, killed a few, tortured more, in Gaza... no where near where these kids were taken or found dead when they KNEW for a fact it wasn't Hamas nor anyone from Gaza.

Israel lied about the kids, used it as a pretext to gain support and to wind up Hamas with mass arrests(again, over a lie), then were ready and had prepped their people and the world with lies in the media to accept a massive campaign against Gaza when Hamas reacted to their people being rounded up and several killed.

It was orchestrated, Israel happy to lie about kids as a pretext to murder what is approaching thousands, injure multiple thousands more, drop bombs indiscriminately over and entire city, that they've blockaded in so innocent people can't escape or evacuate because there is no where to evacuate to. Gaza is an open air prison created by Israel, and now they are dropping bombs on it..... all started by something hundreds of miles away that the Israeli leaders purposefully lied about to drum up support.

The sides aren't remotely equal, and the deaths of pretty much 3 Israeli's isn't justification to kill 1000+ and injure 6000+ people(that count is several days old, but I've not seen an official count now.

It is disgustingly and massively disproportionate. We are talking about around 10 civilians and 43 soldiers(as of a few days ago) on the Israeli side, vs well over 1000 people on the Palestinian side. One side is almost no threat, thousands of rockets from Palestine would probably result in a death toll of less than 10 people, while Israel has weapons that have the power and accuracy to kill 50 times that in one hit.

They are targeting, actively and ON PURPOSE, hospitals, schools, shelters.
To be fair it says 85% of those on civilian targets, which could be a very tiny minority of rockets they fire because they are so crude and they don't have sophisticated targeting.

Honestly, it is pretty staggering just how much Hamas seem to struggle to hit their targets. Especially when you see websites like this:

Such a pointless conflict - such a waste of life.

Well it was 85% two years ago

source? rockets / missiles, they all explode at the end of the day

They are homemade rockets with a small warhead.
not that different to a large firework, nowhere near the kind of rockets you expect to be military grade.

they are basic as hell and the nozzle isn't even shaped so they spin in the air to stay straight
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If any of these idiots like Isis truly cared about there fellow brothers and sisters now is the time to prove it.

Where are they? Blowing up mosques and killing Shia..

They are homemade rockets with a small warhead.
not that different to a large firework, nowhere near the kind of rockets you expect to be military grade.

they are basic as hell and the nozzle isn't even shaped so they spin in the air to stay straight

They are very different to a large firework, just look at the effect of that misfired one. The problem for Hamas with its Qassam's is hitting the target. Any target.
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but fireworks :rolleyes:

they won't have any syrian or iranian rockets after all this time and I doubt they had many smuggled in to begin with.

apparently they were smuggled inside concrete

from 2012
The total Palestinian death toll now stands at more than 1,150.

Israel has lost 53 soldiers, along with two civilians and a Thai national.

I bet more people die in israel from falling down the stairs than from hamas rockets and probably more injuries from fireworks
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