Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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idiot and a bit nob?

Exceeding clever wordplay there, you took the slice out and replaced it with nob, so it sounds like knob. Stephen Fry, I think you face some stiff competition from this fine young wordsmith ;)

Thank goodness our heroic mods will now swoop in and edit out such abuse, hurrah for transparency and fairness, I hope they are not too tired from all this work you are creating for them.

Yet no, I can see from your profile that not a single mod has bothered to check you out, how can this be? Are they too busy looking at my account as per usual? Is not OcUK a bastion of family friendliness where the merest mention of 'icky poopysnickle' will have ones account flung out on a whim?

I am astonished, nay goobersmaked! :eek:

Actually I'm not because this kind of predictable **** is exactly the same whenever these posters are in a thread.
Mods might as well not exist.

So you actually believe I made some reference to muslims and Hitler not killing them all...?


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

I bet AK22 comes along in a minute to say "+1"
as that's all he appears to do?

You're a terrible person bitslice. You cant possibly cry victim after causing your own situation.

Name me one muslim the world needs

How can you believe anyone could take anything you say about Islam or Muslims seriously after posting something like that? Don't you realise how anything you said after this point is automatically considered biased and merely an attack on Islam?

You just attacked every single Muslim person I personally know who's done and does utterly selfless things. Well over 100. Any you're whining because someone called you a knob?
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Thank goodness our heroic mods will now swoop in and edit out such abuse, hurrah for transparency and fairness, I hope they are not too tired from all this work you are creating for them.

Yet no, I can see from your profile that not a single mod has bothered to check you out, how can this be? Are they too busy looking at my account as per usual? Is not OcUK a bastion of family friendliness where the merest mention of 'icky poopysnickle' will have ones account flung out on a whim?

I am astonished, nay goobersmaked! :eek:

Actually I'm not because this kind of predictable **** is exactly the same whenever these posters are in a thread.
Mods might as well not exist.

Dude, if I was actually bothered then I'd report it :rolleyes:

Just a reminder to everybody that it doesn't bother you. In case your regular bringing up of how oppressed you are by forum posters and the moderation team not swooping in to save you from having to lie in the bed that you made were to ever be mistaken for you being bothered about it.
Just a reminder to everybody that it doesn't bother you. In case your regular bringing up of how oppressed you are by forum posters and the moderation team not swooping in to save you from having to lie in the bed that you made were to ever be mistaken for you being bothered about it.

That's the point, when you start to notice that **** all is ever done when you get called all kinds of **** from one side, yet any tiny thing is stomped on when you do it, then the whole moderation thing becomes a joke.

Plus it's nice to point out that same posters act in the same abusive way in every thread :)
lol, oh noes, obvious ploy was too obvious :D

god you people have no sense of humour...

No thanks, the smugness makes it worthwhile :o

Lmao you try to ninja edit a post to score yourself some points in a game that only you are playing and then when you get called on it suddenly it's all an obvious joke and nobody understands your humour. Probably for the same reason nobody understands the deeply intellectual arguments you make - they don't exist.
That's the point, when you start to notice that **** all is ever done when you get called all kinds of **** from one side, yet any tiny thing is stomped on when you do it, then the whole moderation thing becomes a joke.

If a Mod sees something like this:

Name me one muslim the world needs

Then it's clear who's shoulder the chip is on.

Again you cant blame others for noticing the situation/persona you yourself create.
You're a terrible person bitslice. You cant possibly cry victim after causing your own situation.

humour, look it up, it's great.

How can you believe anyone could take anything you say about Islam or Muslims seriously after posting something like that? Don't you realise how anything you said after this point is automatically considered biased and merely an attack on Islam?
How is that an attack on Islam? Get a grip.

If anything it's an attack on some posters inability to comprehend that their view of the world is not shared by everyone else.

You just attacked every single Muslim person I personally know who's done and does utterly selfless things. Well over 100. Any you're whining because someone called you a knob?
Yep, because I get banned for far less :) A system pretends it is fair when it clearly isn't, I think that's amusing.
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That's the point, when you start to notice that **** all is ever done when you get called all kinds of **** from one side, yet any tiny thing is stomped on when you do it, then the whole moderation thing becomes a joke.

Plus it's nice to point out that same posters act in the same abusive way in every thread :)

You'd have a point if you were reprimanded for calling people who wear the hijab ninjas wearing big bags, or your repeated references to the Palestinian people as a bunch of goat herders. But you aren't, so you don't.

Your argument boils down to "I don't like it when other people show as little respect to me as I do to them", something which a lot of other people realised a while ago.
Lmao you try to ninja edit a post to score yourself some points in a game that only you are playing and then when you get called on it suddenly it's all an obvious joke and nobody understands your humour. Probably for the same reason nobody understands the deeply intellectual arguments you make - they don't exist.
Oh noes, double bluff is out bluffed in a triple bluff,

wait, really?
don't you get bored of this **** before you've even finished typing it? :rolleyes:
humour, look it up, it's great.

How is that an attack on Islam? Get a grip.

Yep, because I get banned for far less :)

And yet I've got no other posts in this thread. I only came in here because I dislike your motives.

So I could say exactly the same thing to you...

How about you get a grip and stop posting knobbish things?
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Lmao you try to ninja edit a post to score yourself some points in a game that only you are playing and then when you get called on it suddenly it's all an obvious joke and nobody understands your humour. Probably for the same reason nobody understands the deeply intellectual arguments you make - they don't exist.

"I realise, by everyone's reaction that I am joking"
You'd have a point if you were reprimanded for calling people who wear the hijab ninjas wearing big bags, or your repeated references to the Palestinian people as a bunch of goat herders. But you aren't, so you don't.
What do they look like to you? Lacroix ballgowns?

And despite what Castiel said I can't find any evidence that the Palestinians have done anything of note for a thousand years.

Your argument boils down to "I don't like it when other people show as little respect to me as I do to them"

They can say what they like, I only object when I get banned for far less.
I'd prefer it if they made a point instead of mouthing off, but that's expecting too much tbh

although if there are any Palestinians in here who are not goat herders, I'd be interested in what they do and why isn't their profession more widely known.
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And despite what Castiel said I can't find any evidence that the Palestinians have done anything of note for a thousand years.

I'm more interested in you. Have you done anything of note in your lifetime? What?

Considering you're the guy who hates an entire race because you think there's not a single one of them "worth having"... You must be out there doing great "noteable" things all the time, right?
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What do they look like to you? Lacroix

And despite what Castiel said I can't find any evidence that the Palestinians have done anything of note for a thousand years.

Black people have dark skin but I'm pretty sure we as a society are over calling them darkies because people actually care about the implications of words.

You can fight for your right to call things whatever you want to call them if you want, I'll be hanging out with the more civilised people. Let me know how you get on telling a bunch of disabled people to "get a grip" when they get offended that you're calling them spastics.
Black people have dark skin but I'm pretty sure we as a society are over calling them darkies because people actually care about the implications of words.
So "that looks like a binbag" is the same as calling a black man a darkie? :confused:

You can fight for your right to call things whatever you want to call them if you want, I'll be hanging out with the more civilised people. Let me know how you get on telling a bunch of disabled people to "get a grip" when they get offended that you're calling them spastics.
and tomorrow I'll be calling everyone spastics?

and nothing there is out of proportion at all?

Actually rewind 40 years and spastics was an accepted word, derived from spasticity, which was something to do with jerky muscles I think.
Every few years another PC person would pop up and declare the old word was out and a new word was in. We went though about 6 different words and I've no idea what the current term is.
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However, when I look at Palestine and what they do to Israel, I feel they are worse.

What? This has baffled me completely. Either you have been completely brainwashed by mainstream media or you are simply delusional.

I just can't get my head around that statement, what is your reasoning behind it? Palestine simply lack the military might to do 'worse' than Israel. As that other fool has put it, they are simply 'technologically inferior' and are simple goat herders. Unbelievable.
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