Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I don't recall being called racist on this forum, but it wouldn't bother me if I were. It's water off a duck's back. But as someone who seems so eager to push social 'progress' it seems hilarious to me that you're an anti-Semite. It's not a huge surprise to me though, since the two often go hand-in-hand.

Like I said if it makes you feel better :p
Don't need to bump this thread - theres plenty of news about these shenanigans:

More than 300 Holocaust survivors and their descendants have issued a statement condemning what they call Israel's "genocide" in Gaza.

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network placed the statement as an advertisement in the New York Times.

Looks like the US are finally waking up to the reality of supporting Israel. This was posted 14 minutes ago, lets see how many times this article is 'amended' during the course of the day..... so far once already (israel lobby groups wont like it at all!)
Israel launching new air raids after a Palestinian mortar attack killed an Israeli child. The Israeli PM then states that "Hamas will pay heavy price". Looks like more Palestinians will be killed as revenge regardless of whether or not they had any involvement.
Yep they always play the victim whenever an Israeli is killed. If you bomb a city for months killing 2000 people dont be too surprised when a mortar is being fired back.
In any event it still saddens me greatly when a child dies during a conflict no matter the side they are 'on' :(

But this is what should make us humans - having compassion for our children who are innocent on both sides. The difference here is though that whilst Israeli's celebrate when palestinian children are killed, the palestinians do not.
Don't need to bump this thread - theres plenty of news about these shenanigans:

Looks like the US are finally waking up to the reality of supporting Israel. This was posted 14 minutes ago, lets see how many times this article is 'amended' during the course of the day..... so far once already (israel lobby groups wont like it at all!)

Amendments were as follows:


All reference to a propaganda advert in America was removed and additional sections added to portray these 300 holocaust survivors as part of a 'left-wing' group. lol.
It just goes to show how much influence the pro-israeli lobby have here over the BBC.
Impartial my a**
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Again more biased one sided propaganda from zoomoid.

The Palestinians love to celebrate the deaths of Jews.

That a pretty pathetic poor example to link to.
A kid showing up three fingers equates to celebrating another child's death?

It's hardly like being sat on a hill with deck chairs and popcorn celebrating each missile launch now is it? :rolleyes:

Typical dismissive response from zoomoid when anyone dares to present evidence that conflicts with his one sided world view. It's all one sided with you zoomoid, every evil action is Israeli and every victim is Palestinian. Your mind is clouded by hate and we all know who you hate.
In any event it still saddens me greatly when a child dies during a conflict no matter the side they are 'on' :(

But this is what should make us humans - having compassion for our children who are innocent on both sides. The difference here is though that whilst Israeli's celebrate when palestinian children are killed, the palestinians do not.

More often then not it's the other way round as someone else has demonstrated
Typical dismissive response from zoomoid when anyone dares to present evidence that conflicts with his one sided world view. It's all one sided with you zoomoid, every evil action is Israeli and every victim is Palestinian. Your mind is clouded by hate and we all know who you hate.

If killing civillians is evil then ^^ is true most of the time.
Claiming bias whilst quoting algermeiner is laughable.

You're the joke here not me. It's a fact that both sides have individuals who celebrate at the reported deaths of the other side. Trying to bend the truth and portray the Jews as the only people who do this is disgusting and false. But hey, anything goes when it comes to criticising Israel right? Why let facts get in the way of the truth.
If killing civillians is evil then ^^ is true most of the time.

Hamas unsuccessfully attempting to kill Israeli citizens is of course every bit as wrong as Israel successfully (?) killing citizens in Gaza.

As has often been said, if the roles were reversed, Israel would have been wiped off the map many years ago. Israel may not be perfect, but they have demonstrated a level of restraint that Hamas/ISIS, etc, would certainly not have.
As has often been said, if the roles were reversed, Israel would have been wiped off the map many years ago. Israel may not be perfect, but they have demonstrated a level of restraint that Hamas/ISIS, etc, would certainly not have.

That will be ignored, just like the fact Muslims attacked the Byzantians to take over Jerusalem around 630-40AD and forcing anyone that wasn't Islamic to live under the Pact of Umar i.e. Occupation and oppression by a foreign force - the very things that Israel is accused of today.
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