It's funny how (fuel shortages)

I was definitely surprised at how busy my local station was at 6am this morning. There was a queue - usually I’d drive straight in. Mine was a normal fill up, but it did look a bit suspect!
I was definitely surprised at how busy my local station was at 6am this morning. There was a queue - usually I’d drive straight in. Mine was a normal fill up, but it did look a bit suspect!

Once the tribal word kicks in that's it, everyone will head there and stockpile again, and assume this will be absolutely needless?
I'd suggest the stations should start rationing now if it becomes obvious this is happening to keep ahead of it and hopefully put off the lemmings who only use their cars very infrequently but feel the need to have a car sat with a full tank for weeks on end, when they would in all reality be ok putting their 20 quid a fortnight in.

I use mine a lot for work, and if it means I've got to go once a week to keep it at half a tank so be it, rather than assuming I can fill it up.

Obviously, emergency vehicles and those with a necessary commercial reason be exempt from this.

Also - just watch there be even more pressure on the prices, an increase due to oil prices and garages cashing in on the demand.
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Yup - dickheads round here (Kinda ~5/10 miles West Norwich area) are starting the queues at the forecourts again. Morons.
I normally fill up when I get to about a quarter full but was passing an empty forecourt earlier and brimmed the car, despite having about half a tank left.

My fuel usage has plummeted since I started working from home, nearly five years ago but generally I do what I've always done which is fill up when I get down to about a quarter of a tank. I'd never dream of just part filling a tank, wouldn't even consider it.
While I'm hoping we don't get the same panic buying as last time, because it was a royal pita round here, I am/was expecting it at some point along with the obligatory price increases which will go up far faster than they'll come down again....

I needed petrol (just under quarter tank, which is my 'normal' refill point) so it wasn't an unnecessary panic buy but I did make a specific trip to get it today rather than grab it over the weekend like I'd originally planned. Around 10-11am petrol station was busy but I literally drove in, lined up behind the car at the pump which then pulled away and I filled my tank up fully which should last a good couple of weeks with my usage.

I did see a load of people (and I'm going to call it this) 'panic buying' heating oil from one of the local garages on the way in, although I suspect this is more price related than supply related. Luckily we'd just got our oil delivered a few days ago, price was bad enough then, I hate to think where it might end up now.
Why does it need to be like this... people really are all about the me me me, now now now.

Human nature. Can't blame people for protecting themselves. I get what you're saying. But humans are naturally selfish.
If they cut the pumps at £30 again that's going to drive me mental. That's a third of a tank for me at the moment and only adds to the problem.
Of course. That's why it's started here. Someone said it on the local group. Filled up last week because of this and the price rises.

Told gf to keep it full to avoid getting caught short

And you have just panic bought yourself! Easy to be critical but harder not to follow the crowd.

Why does it need to be like this... people really are all about the me me me, now now now.

To be fair I know people who couldnt get to work because all the local petrol stations within 20 miles had no fuel so I dont blame people for looking out for themselves.

Our bulk fuel people rang up today to see if we wanted fuel as its going to be another 6p per litre next week.

Wonder when we will high £2 per litre? May?

If they cut the pumps at £30 again that's going to drive me mental. That's a third of a tank for me at the moment and only adds to the problem.

Will be only 15 litres once it hits £2 ;)
yep - I too, need to get the car out and drive around to see if there is a massive queue ... at the bakers - French have their priorities right.
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