While I'm hoping we don't get the same panic buying as last time, because it was a royal pita round here, I am/was expecting it at some point along with the obligatory price increases which will go up far faster than they'll come down again....
I needed petrol (just under quarter tank, which is my 'normal' refill point) so it wasn't an unnecessary panic buy but I did make a specific trip to get it today rather than grab it over the weekend like I'd originally planned. Around 10-11am petrol station was busy but I literally drove in, lined up behind the car at the pump which then pulled away and I filled my tank up fully which should last a good couple of weeks with my usage.
I did see a load of people (and I'm going to call it this) 'panic buying' heating oil from one of the local garages on the way in, although I suspect this is more price related than supply related. Luckily we'd just got our oil delivered a few days ago, price was bad enough then, I hate to think where it might end up now.