And you have just panic bought yourself! Easy to be critical but harder not to follow the crowd.
To be fair I know people who couldnt get to work because all the local petrol stations within 20 miles had no fuel so I dont blame people for looking out for themselves.
Our bulk fuel people rang up today to see if we wanted fuel as its going to be another 6p per litre next week.
Wonder when we will high £2 per litre? May?
Will be only 15 litres once it hits £2
Of course. I'm not really criticising.
I did it with food before the food issues hit. I'll do it when I think I need to.
You can pretend it's not going to happen. But it always will. I'd rather be in at the start than at the end.
We are all selfish and look after ourselves and family at the end of the day and things we care about