It's funny how (fuel shortages)

Screw it. I'm going to hibernate and until this whole thing is over. Wake in up in spring please.
I have to drive 150 miles today…so filled to the brim last night, lucky! Now I just need to be gentle on the pedal so I have enough to make it back lol
Wait surely a car gets more than 150 to a tank?

I get more than that on both my bikes
Tesco near to me is rammed with mindless morons heeding the media propaganda stories of shortages.

I’m convinced that some of these morons, if they saw in “The Sun” that printing ink was running low would buy two copies of the issue that had printed the paucity of ink story to ensure that they’d have something to read the next day.
There’s no fuel shortage, or at least there wasn’t until the likes of the DM jumped on board. They should be closed down for inciting chaos. Have enough for about 10 more days. It’ll have blown over by then.
Question is, do you join the mindless panic buying morons, potentially contributing to the problem that doesn't currently exist, because morons will force it to exist & inconvenience you at a later date?
Question is, do you join the mindless panic buying morons, potentially contributing to the problem that doesn't currently exist, because morons will force it to exist & inconvenience you at a later date?

Indeed. If I had a near empty tank I suspect I’d have no choice for that reason.

Fortunately if needed I can switch to my wife’s mini that would last for another few weeks. Glad I filled up on Monday.
There’s no fuel shortage, or at least there wasn’t until the likes of the DM jumped on board. They should be closed down for inciting chaos. Have enough for about 10 more days. It’ll have blown over by then.

Granted that the DM prints complete tosh, but you have to blame the cretins who buy/read it for believing it.
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