It's snowing

Models generally are suggesting 5-10cms tonight from the streamer, with N.Kent getting the highest values generally coming out at something around 12-14cms...

However in these set-ups the models often under-estimate the strength of the precip, esp with such a small developmental zone like the Thames is, they just haven't got the resolution to pick out the small flows, even the higher resolution will likely be on the low side of actual figures...

The good thing is with the flow projected we should have the showers digging inland quite some way, the models have also been a little on the low side in terms of how far they've been digging inland recently so lets see how that works out.

My friends left Glasgow at 1pm yesterday, they got back to Aberdeen this morning. Roads were closed past Dundee. :o
My mum was meant to be flying into Edinburgh today from Prague but she's stuck in Prague until Friday!
Glasgow itself doesn't seem to bad really... My friend is flying to Belfast from Glasgow later today but that's still scheduled as normal.
This is all I saw this morning.

Has anyone got any satellite images of the UK since these snow storms? I remember seeing one last year from the big freeze in 2009 when the satellite image showed the whole of the UK covered in white.
Added an extension to the igloo. Lets call it a kitchen? Also hollowed out the main space a bit more for a little more room. Bout a sledge this morning, too.






We had a bit more snow overnight but not as much as expected. A few showers during the day so far. I've a feeling thats it for us :(. Oh well, got a day off work for it.
No snow for my part of London yet :/
These pictures are bringing out my jelous side :P

I love snow, but tbh highly doubt my college would close so all it would do is make getting there less enjoyable :S
Mixed emotions from me :L
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