It's snowing


lol.. Epic!

No snow her eyet, although forecast for a little tonight.
As has probably been said, an absolute load in Newcastle with more to come tomorrow. Fantastic. So nice walking around in the early hours when its dead!

Also, did my good deed when I saw some guy get stuck in his Audi and pushed him out :D
It is all quiet outside, the breeze has almost gone. So it will probably start snowing soon.

But, it doesn't feel like it is cold enough to me. The cloud cover we've had all day has caused the frost to go, so I doubt it will stick :(
Got some pillock revving the **** out of his engine trying to get out of the car-park where i live, really sounds like he's going to blow the engine or some ****.

Been doing it for the past 5 minutes or so and has moved about an inch.
It's started snowing here in Gravesend, and the forecast is for heavy snow tonight and tomorrow. Usually, I'd love this, but I have to be in work or I wont get paid, so looks like I'll have to go and brave the journey whatever happens :(
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